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Enhanced Diplomacy Mod - Beta Version

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:03 am
by vicberg
Welcome to the Enhanced Diplomacy Beta Version Mod.

You may download the mod here

Download ED.ZIP and place in Wars of Napoleon Directory (where the NGC.EXE exists)
Unzip ED.ZIP from Wars of Napoleon Directory and a new ED folder will be created
Open MODPATH.INI from Wars of Napoleon Directory and type ED into it (it will be empty at start) and save file
The game engine will use the ED directory for the game and save files
If you wish to play base game, open MODPATH.INI and remove ED (MODPATH will be empty now) and save file
Game Engine will use the NGC directory for the game and save files
Only Scenario 7 and 8 are useable with the mod. Don't try to play it with scenarios 1-6.

What this mod does
- All Major Powers may declare war on a minor, move 30 elements onto the capital of the minor and at the cost of 1000 money and 100 ep, automatically annex the minor. Annexation gives loyalty and military control to the conquering major power. All unit builds of the minor are given to the conquering major as well as economic assets.
- All Kingdom Creation events, Annexation Events operate on the same principle. Control, loyalty, economy and force pools are given to the event player. Kingdom creation events are more expensive in terms of money and ep due to the increased gain from them
- Land and Naval Combat was revamped to cause less casualties
- Unit costs were revamped as well as replacement costs
- Economic production is every turn rather than once every 4 turns
- Peace Treaty events were revamped a bit. Peace is enforced during the duration of the treaty
- Spanish Ulcer events were revamped to force France to go into Spain by 1808 or loss 2000 VP and 100 NM
- Portuguese events were revamped so that anyone invaded Portugal causes Portugal to become annexed by Britain. A Portuguese corp will spawn after 16 turns with British "advisors". Wellington is released (in India and must be moved). Oporto will revolt if not garrisoned by 20 elements.
- RCH was revamped to include Baden, Berg, Bavaria, Nassau, Hessen, Brunswick, HRE (which becomes the RHC). These minors will be annexed by France at the cost of 4000 gold and 400 ep
- Westphalia was revamped to be along historical lines of region ownership. Hannover gets a few northern Prussian regions. Brunswick is annexed by Westphalia as are parts of Hessen
- Saxony will switch sides when France owns Dresden and Lepzig.
- Supply rules temporarily changed to allow supply through neutral countries and to allow supply depot builds in neutral countries. The supply rights/foreign access doesn't seem to be working (at least in my experience). If this gets fixed, I'll adjust supply back to base rules.

- This mod is primarily for you. The thing I haven't done yet is create peace treaties for non-scripted war. So if Russia/Prussia go to war, I'd like peace treaties for both Prussian victory or Russian Victory. Same with Britain/Turkey, Britain/Spain, etc...If you choose to use this in PBEM and you see the opportunity for a peace treaty that doesn't exist, let me know and I'll create one and include in mod

For Single Players
- France becomes a superpower. In multi-player, France can still be beaten by combined efforts of the other major powers. Especially since France will be disbursed from Spain to Russia. In Single Player, not so much as the AI seems to be running small divisions, even single artillery units, into battle. My goal here within the next couple of months is to beef up the AI by creating events to build pre-built corps for the AI countries. I may even remove AI building all together and manage it completely by events. This will be version 2 of the mod.

Have fun. Post questions if you have any. Post feedback if you have any.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:56 am
by Pocus
Without judging the mod content, it's anyway always very nice seeing people mods our games, so congrats for the efforts :)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:22 pm
by zooter
the game only has six scenarios where are 7 and 8 located?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:53 pm
by vicberg
You need to scroll down the list of scenarios. They are at the bottom

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:49 pm
by zooter

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:55 pm
by veji1
I'll give it a try, it gives me motivation to start playing again although playing Single Player the game will probably be quickly unbalanced.

and fully agreed about making AI unit builds event driven and not production system driven : the AI should just accumulate conscripts/money/WS as currency to buy automatic replacements used to fill up the units given to it by event. This would be the best way to ensure that the AI can rebuild effective armies after big defeats AND enact reforms.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:37 am
by zooter
when I type ED into Modpath I get a denied access message.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:28 pm
by threecandles
Same happened to me.

The instructions given means that the ED file you need ends up in the wrong level of the hierachy.

You need to find the unzipped file, which in my case was in C:/Matrix Games/Wars of Napoleon/ED/ED

Cut or copy the file and paste it directly in the Wars of Napoleon folder.

So that on my computer it is now in C:/Matrix Games/Wars of Napoleon/ED.

Understandably it takes the game back to a February Beta version but it works fine.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:30 pm
by vicberg
go to wars of napoleon directory, right click, click properties, security tab, your user account, full control, apply changes. its a permissions issue from the base game

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:52 pm
by zooter
Trying not to be a bother, but I did as you instructed above and IT worked, but when I pressed The Play button to start the game,I received a message saying I was using an adaptive game engine and needed a serial code. I typed in the games key code but that wasn't it.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:02 pm
by vicberg
Then check the post just prior to mine. Make sure it's not installed as Wars of Napoloen/ED/ED. We don't want that. Make sure it's Wars of Napoleon/ED

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:04 pm
by vicberg
The system.opt file that I'm using has the February 17th Patch built into it. You can run this mod with any patch. I'm running it using March 11th. I just never updated that Feb 17th Date in the system.opt.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:04 pm
by threecandles
Zooter I guess this just illustrates the diversity of computers out there and the problems that poses to AGEod with this game.

I tried as vicberg suggested as well and got the same result as you.

Just move the folder up one level on the hierachy as I suggested a few posts up and it works fine (at least that was my experience)

The size of the folder does mean it takes some time to achieve.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:10 pm
by zooter
I followed Vicbergs instructions and the game worked fine, I noticed that now as France I can build Italian units because Italy is now part of France. Also the cost of decrees has gone up, not so easy to annex Hanover.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:28 pm
by vicberg
Yep. France can build Italians and you'll see Italy and Switzerland under French control/loyalty. The same will happen when you run any annexation events or kingdom creation events. France will get full control of those countries. If playing Prussia, Prussia can DOW Brunswick, Hessen, etc., put 30 elements on the capital and if Prussia has 1000 money and 100 ep, a script will kick off and the minor will be annexed by Prussia.

This is the main reason for this mod. In a perfect world, the AI will enable satellites to be created, effectively manage the satellite builds and give those builds to France (or another major power). The reality is that the AI isn't very good at building, isn't very good at giving troops and you can't have an effective satellite country. So this mod gives full control to whomever has conquered it, whether by military conquest or via event.

This open up options for all major powers in the game beyond the scripted events.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:28 pm
by threecandles
Is there a way to remove the text in red font on the left hand side of my screen that refers to frames per second and pointer placement etc?

Or is that just a consequence of the mod being a beta at this stage?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:37 pm
by vicberg
No idea. It shows on mine. It's also in EAW Ultimate Mod. There may be something in one of the option files to shut that off, but I'm not sure what or where

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:53 pm
by Ebbingford
Go to options then system and turn off "error logging" :cool:

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:41 pm
by MarshalJean
vicberg wrote:Yep. France can build Italians and you'll see Italy and Switzerland under French control/loyalty. The same will happen when you run any annexation events or kingdom creation events. France will get full control of those countries. If playing Prussia, Prussia can DOW Brunswick, Hessen, etc., put 30 elements on the capital and if Prussia has 1000 money and 100 ep, a script will kick off and the minor will be annexed by Prussia.

This is the main reason for this mod. In a perfect world, the AI will enable satellites to be created, effectively manage the satellite builds and give those builds to France (or another major power). The reality is that the AI isn't very good at building, isn't very good at giving troops and you can't have an effective satellite country. So this mod gives full control to whomever has conquered it, whether by military conquest or via event.

This open up options for all major powers in the game beyond the scripted events.

Hi, vicberg! Thanks for all of your tireless work on this mod! Quick question to make sure I understand, on the issue of annexing, do minors that are annexed now become apart of your empire/kingdom in the fullest sense? (as in EU4) Meaning, if you are France, for example, the RHC minors will just become apart of official French territory with no ability to communicate with them via diplomacy? No historical leader photograph on the diplomacy screen since now Napoleon is their official leader? Or do these diplomatic options/eye candy stay the same, it's just that you can now build their units yourself as a major power? Do their cities/territories now contribute to your nation's direct money, conscript, WSU, and horse pools? Also, can you, choose to "liberate" a previously conquered minor and make them a separate nation once more? Can they be liberated from you by other major powers and "annexed" by them? I guess I'm just trying to understand how you are using the word "annexed." Part of the problem (my problem, not yours) is that annexed carries a distinctively Paradox/EU4/HOI meaning in my mind, but it may not be what you mean.



Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:50 pm
by vicberg
Yes, annexed minors via conquest, event or Kingdom Creation become a part of the major power (as in EU4). These factions are still around on the diplomacy panel and other countries may interact with them, but the AI won't do anything. I'd like to have these factions disappear from the diplomacy page, but I can't make that happen.

The minor country now produces for the major power. The minor units forces may be built by the major power. Another major power may attack and conquer a minor that was already conquered by another (liberate). In this event, the minor now switches over to the new conquering major power. The minor country units are removed from the former major power and given to the new conquering major power.

Annex is basically a term I'm using to avoid confusion. The minor power becomes part of the major power and totally controlled. Troops, economy and builds all controlled by the major power. In essence, it's annexed. In reality, they are satellite countries. But we can't reflect satellites accurately in WON because of AI limitations, so annexed is the term I use to describe what is happening from a game standpoint.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:52 pm
by greenleader84
Ah neat! this looks very promising. ill keep an eye on this mod. and cool job of modding the game.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:49 pm
by picaron
For naval and land battles, the hits damages have been lowered. IHMO, it is ok for naval battles but it's an issue for land battles, too few hits damage and to many cohesion loss. In vanilla, a battle was over in turn, with the mod 2 or 3 turns are required. The defensive side has a big advantage, due to better hits and cohesion recovery. In addition some battles ( Power 4000 (127 000 men) versus Power 40 (2 000 water)) has a 30 s duration. My suggestion will be to increase the hits damage for land battles to improve gameplay and balance.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:00 pm
by vicberg
I'll consider it, but look at the fantasy figures for British thread. The first post has a screen show showing 60k worth of losses, which is higher than any battle during the war. These losses are being caused in base game due to 1) damage being too high, 2) cohesion caused being too high. This is why combats last 1 round on average. Everything does 2 damage and causes high cohesion loss.

What I've deliberately done is reduce damage and cohesion done in an effort to 1) bring leader quality into player, 2) provide retreat abilities for armies, 3) enable multiple round combats so that leader and troop quality can come to bear over time, 4) reduce casualties and bring them back into historical norms.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:17 pm
by Fernando M.
When I click in the link of download, the page says "Empty folder" and nothing happens.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:21 pm
by vicberg
Hang tight for a few hours. I need to upload a new version. Found an issue last night and on the road for work, so limited connectivity. Tried to upload this morning, but couldn't.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:18 pm
by picaron
vicberg wrote:I'll consider it, but look at the fantasy figures for British thread. The first post has a screen show showing 60k worth of losses, which is higher than any battle during the war. These losses are being caused in base game due to 1) damage being too high, 2) cohesion caused being too high. This is why combats last 1 round on average. Everything does 2 damage and causes high cohesion loss.

What I've deliberately done is reduce damage and cohesion done in an effort to 1) bring leader quality into player, 2) provide retreat abilities for armies, 3) enable multiple round combats so that leader and troop quality can come to bear over time, 4) reduce casualties and bring them back into historical norms.

I am concerned about not seing any bloody battle like Eyliau or Friendland with this rate of hits/cohesion damage included in the mod.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:34 am
by vicberg
The fixes are in and uploaded to google.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:55 pm
by vicberg
picaron wrote:I am concerned about not seing any bloody battle like Eyliau or Friendland with this rate of hits/cohesion damage included in the mod.


I'll keep it in mind and make minor adjustments over time. I just had a battle with 30k combined casualties. 45k was the highest of the war.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:49 pm
by zooter
Like the mod, had to restart it as I was playing like I would the vanilla game and got severely beat up by the Prussians. Battle turns take a lot longer but I understand why, now after reading the above posts. Right now its much more enjoyable then vanilla, tougher game. Lot less spawning and bigger armies to confront.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:53 pm
by zooter
Qooqle? How does one access the fixes? I'm not familiar with Qooqle.