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A Frustrating Month - How about a Chief of Staff?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:07 pm
by Col Ret
On August 1st I was actually able to post a few items on this Forum. For some reason I've been unable to do so again until just now. I was hoping that one or two of the TEAW game designers/programmers might take notice of at least some of my suggestions. I've noticed that quite a few people have stopped by to read some of them, but only one person ever made a comment. Discouraging. The game has so much potential in so many ways. It could be an excellent simulation test bed for so many of the actual warplans and war games developed by the French, Germans, Austrians and Russians from 1900 until the actual start of the war, at least on an operational level.

I was hoping to spark some kind of interest in that sort of thing as well as to encourage the incorporation of several historical enhancements, not mention some minor programming issues. Since I can once again post to the Forum some of my ideas and suggestions (and who knows when this will happen again) I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity. If this is the wrong Thread for this kind of thing I hope someone will let me know.

Here's one of my ideas:
Allow additional staff positions, or at least a Chief of Staff, at the OHL, OHL Ost, GQG, AOK, GHQ, STAVKA or Army Group level, perhaps at the Army level as well. A good CoS should add command points to that parent HQ as well as the lower level commands. A mediocre one would maintain the minimum command point level and add nothing to lower commands. A vacant Chief of Staff position would reduce the command point levels of both the parent and the lower commands. It was after all the CoS who actually commanded many of the Armies on both sides, while figurehead leaders nominally commanded. I realize incorporating this probably requires a larger number of generals be made available at the start of a game.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:45 pm
by Leibst
maybe this should be better in Improve EAW subforum.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:33 am
by Nikel
Col Ret wrote:On August 1st I was actually able to post a few items on this Forum. For some reason I've been unable to do so again until just now. I was hoping that one or two of the TEAW game designers/programmers might take notice of at least some of my suggestions. I've noticed that quite a few people have stopped by to read some of them, but only one person ever made a comment. Discouraging.

The designer Altaris is busy now with another game, this is I guess, the reason.

Perhaps after this new game release he will retake TEAW someway, but this is something he can only answer.

Do you have any experience modding games?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:10 pm
by Col Ret
Thanks for the response. Apparently once again I can't post, (tried 10 or 12 times) but it looks like I can reply... go figure. In response to Leibstandarte I did post a few minor programming issues on that forum but didn't get any response and noticed that all the posts were years old. Going back to when the game was in development and just after publication. Most of the issues in that Forum seem to have been addressed. The mod site with the major mod being tested seemed like a more logical place to put new ideas. Perhaps these could be items for a future TEAW 2 release?

In answer to Nikel's question about 'modding' games I'm afraid I do not have any experience. My programming days involved COBOL and JCL and I haven't spent any time updating my skills. I have a lot of experience as a systems analyst and program manager for some very large DoD systems. Not much help with mods I'm afraid, although I'm not adverse to learning.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:12 pm
by Nikel
Col Ret wrote:I'm afraid I do not have any experience. My programming days involved COBOL and JCL and I haven't spent any time updating my skills. I have a lot of experience as a systems analyst and program manager for some very large DoD systems. Not much help with mods I'm afraid, although I'm not adverse to learning.

No need programming skills I guess, just to manage excel databases and files.

Look at other games databases to have an idea and ask Altaris for TEAW database if you are interested. Also ask in the forum, I am sure somebody will answer your questions.

Also this link may be useful

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:14 pm
by Col Ret
Thanks, Excel I can do

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:19 pm
by robertmiceli
Look at other games databases to have an idea and [color="#FF0000"] ask Altaris for TEAW database [/color] if you are interested.[/B][/B] Also ask in the forum, I am sure somebody will answer your questions.

FYI, I have been trying to get the scenario database for EAW for several joy getting them posted or getting them via PM, even though he has acknowledged it. He is busy I understand, but sending an email isn't exactly super time-consuming.....
I'm still hoping that he'll post them soon, as I'd like to mod some of the scenarios, but it requires the Excel template to do so---


Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:49 am
by Nikel
Oh, I see. Sorry then.

A pity there is people interested in modding but cannot do it.

Note to myself, do not talk about what you have no idea.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:08 pm
by Altaris
I have seen the requests, and we're talking with Matrix about how best to get the database files released. We're a bit heads deep in War of Spanish Succession game development right now. The intention is to get the TEAW files available soon though.

I don't know how moddable these ideas are going to be in practice though. The GHQ system can be a bit clunky with more than 1 for a nation.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:12 am
by robertmiceli
Altaris wrote:I have seen the requests, and we're talking with Matrix about how best to get the database files released. We're a bit heads deep in War of Spanish Succession game development right now. The intention is to get the TEAW files available soon though.

I don't know how moddable these ideas are going to be in practice though. The GHQ system can be a bit clunky with more than 1 for a nation.

We do appreciate your looking into it with Matrix, Altaris---and certainly understand that you guys are waist-deep in the new game WoSS--
I did manage to activate some inactive Polish units through some simple text editing, I'd need the dB and the Excel spreadsheets for any more extensive mod like the OOB..

Best Regards,

Re: A Frustrating Month - How about a Chief of Staff?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:37 pm
by Nikel

So with Altaris, PhilThib,... gone, and no more patches expected.

Any possibility to get EAW database?

Perhaps somebody will get interested in modding the game when it is released ;)

They are waiting for a modder :niark:


Re: A Frustrating Month - How about a Chief of Staff?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 3:26 pm
by Nikel
Col Ret, robertmiceli, Kaiser Wilhelm II and company :niark:

The databases are finally available in this link: