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Prussian Divisions

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:17 am
by Monash
I have some questions about creation of divisions.

The manual states that Divisions are individual units that you can purchase only after your nation has undergone its army reform. Is this correct? Aren't divisions units that you create by combining a leader (with division command enabled) with individual units? Creating by combing existing units is not the same thing as purchasing individual divisions. Can anyone clarify?

The manual also says that apart from France, other nations won't have divisions before their army reform, but they can start with some units combined with a leader, but that these "combined" units are not actually divisions. Okay so kind of like the ability to combine units and leader in AJE to gain the leader bonus for the individual unit.

But, this does not seem to be the case in game. For example, Prussia at the beginning of the Campaign has the ability to create 10 divisions: At the very start of the campaign, before any reforms I am able to select an activated leader and use the Enable Divisional Command and then combine up to 18 elements as a division. And it is a 'real' division as far as I can see and not one of these mere combined units. For example, its command cost is only 3, regardless of how many units I've combined. But according to the manual, I should not be able to do this, right?

Any help appreciated.

Re: Prussian Divisions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:26 am
by Bohémond
As you mention, Prussia can have up to 10 divisions at the scenario start.

You are right, Divisions that you can be purchased are indivdual units. They a have low Command Cost (3) but still individuals units.
''Real'' divisions are formed as you describe it.

Using same name, ingame, for individuals units and combined units is quite confusing.

Manual is wrong regarding factions ability/capacity to form divisions before Army reform.

Hope it helps


Re: Prussian Divisions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 7:30 am
by Monash
Thank you again Bohemond. Your help is greatly appreciated.