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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:34 pm
by H Gilmer3
Sorry, for the lightning storm. It has kind of died down....

Last battle for this turn....


This guy led me a merry chase at finally bringing him to heel. there were several Dar Es Salaam battles and I am essentially in control of it.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:37 pm
by H Gilmer3
Lynxyonok wrote:What is your rebel alignment in major countries? If I had to guess you may be facing 40%+ opposition in some.

Oops sorry, missed this question.

35% rebels for France and Great Britain.
31% for Italy.
USA is still 0%.

The entry of the USA into the war gave me a boost and the rebels lost some ground. And then I have played concessions some and that seemed to help.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:14 am
by H Gilmer3
I'm going to promote Albert D'Amade. He deserves it and is promotable.


And then objectives. The loss of Trieste was a real gut punch for the CP. I wish I could say I feel sorry for them, but I'm not going to feel sorry until I win. Then, I'll have the luxury of feeling sorry.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:26 am
by Lynxyonok
H Gilmer3 wrote:I lost a little more. But yeah, you would think it would have been a slaughter. My general was on defensive and retreated after 1 round. The losses were actually 2900 for me and 1650 for him. closer to 2 to 1 losses, if you count the horses. I'm not sure if that is just horses or mounted troops. I have always assumed they were mounted troops. He lost no mounted troops.

EAW continues to fascinate me. One can never truly predict the casualties ;) 5:1 odds typically resulted in near annihilation of the inferior force for me. Even after one round :)

Planning Late February 1917

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:31 am
by H Gilmer3
This is Salonika. The USA forces have landed, but still some strange things going on with the USA forces. Some of them ended up in Tunisia. I'm getting them and coming back. When they get here, that will give me about 1400 in power for the USA, opposing militia, and also about 1500 extra or so in British and French troops.

Should be enough to punch through to Constantinople.


The other fronts are the same old, same old, I'm pushing forward, blah, blah, blah.

Egypt is static. I'm not moving them at all.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:10 am
by Lynxyonok
H Gilmer3 wrote:Oops sorry, missed this question.

35% rebels for France and Great Britain.
31% for Italy.
USA is still 0%.

The entry of the USA into the war gave me a boost and the rebels lost some ground. And then I have played concessions some and that seemed to help.

How is rebel dissent impacting you?

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:25 am
by H Gilmer3
Late February 1917 Results


Battle of Odenburg. Let's just keep progressing in Northern Germany near the sea.


Battle of Rosenheim. The Italian units are starting to cross over to Austria and Southern Germany.


Battle of Pola. This is just South of Trieste on the coast. I figured it was best to clear it out before moving north up the rail and linking up at Samobor with my formations there.


Battle of Samobor. The Austrians came at my formations, but we stopped them.


Battle of Spittal. Italian front. Another town we take.


Planning Early March 1917

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:32 am
by H Gilmer3
Salonika Front. The USA formations are moving toward Constantinople. I think it will fall fairly easily, and then hopefully Turkey will be out of the war.


West Front - North. Foch is back in action. Right now, I'm planning on setting up Kassel for the attack to take it down.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:15 am
by H Gilmer3
Early March 1917 Results

Assault on Edirne. We take Edirne.


Battle of Hanau. Small battle on the West Front.


Battle of al Muthanna. This is keeping Turkish units tied up.


Planning for next turn....

West Front - Assault on Kassel. We're taking in a lot of units. And just North, Allenby is sneaking in to Goettingen. The units are only setting up just South of Kassel, though, and next turn Kassel will be attacked.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:27 am
by H Gilmer3
Late March 1917 - Results

Ok. What do we have.....

Assault of Dar Es Salaam. It is finally completely taken.


Battle of Goettingen. Allenby seems to always be getting a bloody nose. I need to start using him in a better way...... We lose Battle of Goettingen, mostly because I had no recon of it and thought it was empty.


Battle of Hanau. Small battle we capture some supplies. General Kitchener is in charge.


Battle of Pola. We keep winning these battles. Eventually we will be able to assault and then move Northward into Austria.


Planning - Late March - Early April 1917.....

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:40 am
by H Gilmer3
Italian Front South......

D'Muad'Dhuy will attack East. There is a formation there that is only artillery and supplies. Hopefully, I can capture an artillery unit. The big circle indicates I have a lot of units, maybe 10+ moving from that side of Italy, moving to muster at Udine.


Italian Front - North.

Gen. Segato is going to move to Rosenheim to oppose the German unit in Salzburg. This frees up Gen. Giraldi to move West to join up with Gen. Garioni in Bad Toelz. They will eventually keep moving North.


Salonika Theater

We have units moving from Salonika not pictured here. We build a depot in Karzdali. And Gen. Pershing is attacking into the Lule Burgas region and will be 2 regions from Constantinople.


West Front......

The Units in the Fulda Gap region will move North and join up with Foch, then next turn after that, the units all circled in yellow will be taking part in an attack on Kassel. I think Kassel is key to take for our supply lines deeper into Berlin. Lord Kitchener will move with all units in Hanau to the Fulda Gap region, with the purpose to take Neustadt, then attack north to Erfurt. Just slightly north, Allenby is licking his wounds directly West of Gen. Max Von Boehn who defeated him this past turn.


And D'Muad'Dhuy (I know I keep mangling the name) will be promoted to a 3 star general. This will anger someone, but at this point I don't really care.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:47 am
by H Gilmer3
Forgot to mention one last thing from last turn. Persia joined the Entente. I get an ok power formation and I am going to use the India transports to bring it to Kuwait, because they are all so close.



Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:53 am
by H Gilmer3

France Rebels are at 38%
England 38%
Italy 34%
USA 0%
Portugal 46%
Arabia 29%
Japan 48%


Russia 69%
Serbia 46%
Romania 26%


Germany 30%
Austria 51%
Ottoman Emp. 46%

I can only control somewhat the WE rebels, and I play concessions when I can at a cost of VPs and NM, it doesn't say how much.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:53 am
by H Gilmer3
Lynxyonok wrote:How is rebel dissent impacting you?

It won't until it gets to 80%, I thought.

Early April 1917 Results

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:33 am
by H Gilmer3
I'm kind of perplexed here. Gen Pershing has just disappeared. No explanation given.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:50 am
by H Gilmer3
Early April 1917 Results

Battle of Atlantic Ocean


Battle of Lule Burgas


Battle of Flume. We did capture a supply unit.


Battle of Wuerzburg


And Rasputin is murdered.


Planning for Late April 1917

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:57 am
by H Gilmer3
Craziness!! Pershing disappears and whoa look at the West Front!!


The German units occupying Metz have vacated the premises and attacked North to Thionville!!!! While this may garner them some short term success, I think this will in the end prove to be a bad move for Germany and the Central Powers. I am moving a lot of units into the vacuum and they will be waiting in Metz, if that formation wants to move back. If he does not want to move back, then I will force a battle now that he is not entrenched.

Foch and all units directly south of Kassel attack. The formations are a combined force of 3000. For some reason Kitchener is still moving to Fulda. The rest of the units are moving towards Thionville/Metz to head off the CP formation from Metz off.


Italian Front.

Samobor will be assaulted this turn. De Maud'huy moves to Pola to help the siege there.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:01 am
by H Gilmer3
This is the Salonika Front. Pershing is gone, and so is the army. So, now they have to be corps. This puts a real crimp in my move toward Constantinople. Very annoying. But Constantinople will fall. Units are still moving from Salonika.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:53 am
by H Gilmer3
Late April 1917 Results


Samobor Assaults. We had full breach on Samobor and decided to assault. The CP decided to send in troops from Zagreb which is directly NE of Samobor. I was a little nervous when I saw the amount of troops that the CP sent in. We managed to hold our own.




Battle of Kassel

They could not hold up to the 3K total assault power from the WE. We are now sieging the rest of the Kassel forces in the city. I think they moved some troops out, though.


The Battle of Luxemburg.

This was part of the force that left Metz. We lost because we were not ready for it, and they caught us. We still managed to inflict more losses on them. They split their forces and they will pay for that dearly.


More Late April 1917 Results

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:58 am
by H Gilmer3
Battle of Muenchen. This is the excursion into Germany from the Italian Front. They are feeling the results of attrition at this point.


Battle of Spessart. Lord Kitchener wins a small battle.


Battle of Wuerzeburg

Gen. Castelnau inflicts a defeat on an couple of elements of supply.


The Russian Revolution occurs. They are still in the fight, but I do not hold out hope for them to stay around too much longer.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:03 am
by H Gilmer3
And now a look at the fronts. And planning.

The West Front..... In the North we send several units to contain the formation that attacked Luxemburg. A little South, we are going to attack the formation sieging Thionville. We have a 3K power here, too. A lot of power. I expect us to prevail. Castelnau to the east will assault Wuerzeburg. and a little North of Castelnau, Lord Kitchener will move East to Neustadt. In Kassel, it is still under siege.


Salonika Front....

Units keep moving up. We will move 3 formations to Constantinople.


Italian Front. I will assault Pola and hopefully they will get this done this turn, and then move North to threaten Zagreb with the units in Samobor.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:52 pm
by H Gilmer3
Lynxyonok wrote:EAW continues to fascinate me. One can never truly predict the casualties ;) 5:1 odds typically resulted in near annihilation of the inferior force for me. Even after one round :)

Most of the time I understand what happened. Either the entrenchment swings the battle, or an attack over a river, but it seems Allenby, who is in another theater, always gets in a battle where he loses. It's not his fault, I don't know why it is.

Other generals seem magically able to win almost all battles. Foch is like a superstar. I have two really bad generals in Italy that win almost all the time. That one in Samobor keeps being attacked by greater forces from Zagreb, but entrenchment and attacking over a river pretty much gives him a win every time.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:45 pm
by H Gilmer3
Early May 1917 Results

Almost to the point of not commenting on every battle, but just showing them. It's very draining to give commentary every time. Unless they are very significant.

Battle of Kassel


Battle of Longwy. The break out from Metz is ongoing, but I am confident that they made a mistake and they will be brought to heel.


Battle of Luxemburg
The other part of the split up formation that broke out from Metz.


Battle of Muenchen. You can see the Italian units coming into the West From screenshot I'll show later. The fronts merging would not be a good sign for the CP.


Assault of Pola. Gain of 1 NM. Frees up troops to go North to attack Zagreb.


Results of Early May 1917.... Fronts.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:55 pm
by H Gilmer3
Battle of Wuerzburg


West Front. I'm slowly encircling the German formations that broke out from Metz. Hindenburg's power of his formation is already down to 596. Attrition will beat them and eventually cause them to capitulate. Note the Italian formations in the bottom right. Not a good sign for the CP.


West Front more North.....

Hannover will be attacked this turn. I have about 1600 power in units opposing Von Boehn in the Far North in Oldenburg. Foch and one other formation is going to break off from the Kassel siege and start pushing towards Berlin and setting the stage for taking Goettingen. An air formation of two squadron will move with him.


Most of the attention is when my 4 formations will get to Constantinople. That is the big thing for this theater and not much else going onj except the siege of the redoubt on the South portion of the screenshot.


Italian Front.
I keep fortifying Samobor with more troops because of the many big battles we have had there. The troops that took Pola move to Fiume and then eventually North to support the Samobor formations.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:59 pm
by H Gilmer3
Early May 1917 - Objectives screen.

Look at the power of forces for the CP in relation to the WE. I'm at 100% and they are at 82% of my forces. This is very bad for the CP because it means that even if Russia surrenders, I'll still have a fairly significant advantage in forces.

WE 110
EE 61
CP 25


Late May 1917 - Results

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:54 pm
by H Gilmer3
Well. This turn had some interesting things happen. Battles of Samobor, Constantinople, Luxemburg, Hannover, and Al Muthanna.

Interesting that even when Allenby wins, he still gets blamed for a defeat, while the guys inder him get congratulated. The Persians first taste of battle isn't a good one in Al Muthanna.

Samobor is starting to turn into the CP's Stalingrad. Not that it is similar in that a bunch of armies are trapped, but similar in a way that the ongoing battles over it that keep destroying the NM of the CP sand is really ruining any chance they have of winning.

And the opening battle of Constantinople. The CP might completely collapse when Constantinople falls. You'll see what I mean....






Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:58 pm
by H Gilmer3
Late May 1917 continued....


The CP's NM takes a precipitous plunge to 13.



Lenin Decision event happens....Not good for Russia.


But the Kerensky Decision Event happens which is a positive for Russia!!


Late May 1917 - Fronts and Planning......

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:09 pm
by H Gilmer3
The West Front.....

Hindenburg's breakout is ongoing, I'm still trying to actually catch him and corral him. The other formations is isolated from him and I expect to destroy it pretty quickly. I have full breaches on the fortress of Metz. I am assaulting this coming turn.


West Front continued....

I have full breach on Kassel and the formations there will assault this turn. I have put a lot of formations in Wuerzburg to offset the two German formations to the South. Those German formations are very large and the longer I can keep them down there, the more Foch and the Kassel formations have to force a corridor to Berlin.


The Italian Front....

Any discussion of the Italian Front begins and ends with Samobor. Brusati is the overall commander there and he is a 2-1-1 general. I would think he would get huge boosts to his stats because the CP keep attacking from Zagreb over the Sava River and they keep losing very big battles. Those battles are sapping the CP's will to fight.

The one formation way up North that had been at Muenchen, I pull back because it was in danger of being cut off. Fiume is being sieged.


Salonika/Ottoman Empire Front....

I'm sending every formation I can spare straight to Constantinople. Especially artillery. I feel this is a huge event that might be the event that ends the war. It almost certainly could knock The Ottoman Empire out of the war. Well, that is my hope. It has to be another body blow to the CP NM, at any rate.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:13 pm
by H Gilmer3
I haven't shown research levels lately. As you can see, neither side really has an advantage here.


And lastly, I play the decision cards on Great Britain and France called "Change Government". This is a huge cost to do this. 5 NM, 8 engagement points, and 250 VPs per play, so playing it on both countries means I think that I lose total 10 NM, 16 engagement points, and 500 VPs.

I feel that I am able to do that at this point due to the advantage I have in NM and VPs. It moves each country 8% to alignment. Right now both are at 58% alignment and 42% rebels., so this should push it back to 66% alignment and 34% rebels.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:05 pm
by H Gilmer3
Early June 1917....

The CP is on its last legs....

The Assault on Metz. Goes well enough, we win, we take Metz and net some NM points.


Battle of Kassel. A victory. The troops inside Kassel repair some of the breaches so the walls aren't breached anymore.


Battle of South Pacific. The Japanese fleet catches a German fleet and hurts it a little.


Objectives screen. CP moral down 3 but up 1 due to resilience. So, they lose a net 2 in NM. We gain 3 NM.