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Not display side

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:13 pm
by Edward75
I found new bug. In TEAW, after loading turn (РВЕМ) and when choosing a side, side icon is highlighted, but there is NO inscription. Prior to this, always displayed normally. If create a new game against AI, everything works correctly!
What is Problem?

Re: Not display side

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:53 am
by Altaris
Can you post the save file?

Re: Not display side

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:35 am
by Edward75
This is test file. Same probem.

Re: Not display side

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:27 am
by Altaris
I loaded this file, and while the test.ord file you included does not show an inscription, if I load either side up and save the orders generate properly and the inscription shows properly if I reload. I've attached a screenshot of what the save file looks like after both orders have been generated. There should be a file in any save listed <gamename>.hst, then the orders for each side should be <gamename>~CEN.ord (for Central Powers), <gamename>~ENT.ord (for Western Entente) and <gamename>~EN1.ord (for Eastern Entente, if applicable to scenario).

I'm not seeing any issue in-game. Are the order files being renamed by you or your PBEM opponent perhaps? If so this is likely causing your issue, it looks like the game engine renders the inscription based on the file names being in the correct format with ~CEN, ~ENT, etc.