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Replacements Bug

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:09 pm
by The Red Baron
I'm currently playing 1.03.1as the WE vs the AI with manual replacements enabled. I started the game with 40 [French] Line Infantry replacements, 5 Militia replacements, 5 Cavalry replacements and 40 Light Artillery replacements. Despite heavy losses in infantry, cavalry and light artillery, the number of replacements in these categories has never changed; I've never had to buy any replacements. It's now late June 1915. At one point after a costly assault, I had 136 line infantry hits requiring replacements and 40 replacements. The next turn my hits had dropped to ~30 while my line infantry replacements remained at 40. It's the same story turn after turn. I don't track the other replacement categories with any regularity because they require less micro-management, so I'm not sure if this problem affects all categories or just the ones I've mentioned.

Re: Replacements Bug

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:55 pm
by Baris
It has the similar bug as CW'2 I think which is fixed in latest beta of CW'2. EAW 1.04 beta is without this bug, 1.04 beta didn't incorporate with patch 1.03.1 yet. As mentioned before further increase of weight of land units for railroad transport will make this game perfect.

Re: Replacements Bug

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:19 pm
by The Red Baron
Thanks for the update. I have two other issues which require attention. I'll try to post them today. I'd like them to make it for the next patch.