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Supply and Munitions Units - How many?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:33 pm
by Tharmas21
You can never have too much supplies and ammo but what is a reasonable and achievable number to build. Munitions units are particularly expensive. How many is enough for Germany? For France? I am thinking of mid to late game goals, not 1914 rush builds. This would also go for transports and freighters, supply wagons of the sea.

Re: Supply and Munitions Units - How many?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:13 pm
by Altaris
Been a while since I played through a campaign, but it largely depends on the ammunition consumption of your units (in this game, only medium and heavy artillery units used Munitions IIRC). Take a look at these units in the stack and see what their ammo use/consumption is, this will give you an idea of how much you need to cover their firing costs. If I remember correctly, Germany starts with a lot of munition trains and didn't really need to build more unless they built a ton of new artillery units. The other powers need to build munition trains to supply the new artillery they will be building throughout the game though, as they start with very little and will need the munition trains to keep the big guns firing.

Artillery does a lot of cohesion damage, and it has a high rate of fire at a high range, so it can be used to "soften" up the enemy before the major battles engage. Very important when going up against a heavily entrenched defender position.