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Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:11 pm
by Bateman1982
Hello all,
this has been bothering me and I can't quite work out the answer.

The "Max Hoffman" decision available to the Central Powers that applies negative cohesion effects to the Russians and renders leaders inactive.

I'm wondering about when this takes effect.
Should I play the decision then immediately move my troops in to attack, or is it the case that it takes effect on the next turn?
(In which case I would play the decision, run the turn, THEN launch attacks to take advantage of this)


Re: Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:43 pm
by Nikel
Hi. It will take effect the next turn after you order it, and it will last just that turn. You have to coordinate so that the battle happens the next turn.

Just a quick example in the Tannenberg scenario, with and without the decision, the differences are evident even though both were german victories.



Re: Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:02 pm
by Bateman1982
That does look like a considerable difference, thanks.

So just to check I'm understanding, which one of these would be correct to get the benefit?

Process A
1. Play Hoffman decision on desired region
2. Drag troops to order attack on region
3. Click "next turn" and observe battle report, enjoying your improved ass-kicking ability


Process B
1. Play Hoffman decision on desired region
2. Don't order the attack yet, just click "next turn"
3.Now drag troops to order attack on region

Checking as I'm currently also playing Field of Glory Empires, and the very similar "motivate troops" decision in that game uses Process A above.
i.e play the decision, immediately queue up the attack, hit next turn.

Re: Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:47 pm
by Nikel
I did the A option ;)

Re: Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 6:54 pm
by Bateman1982
Thank you so much, I appreciate the response.

Re: Eastern front - Hoffman decision

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:08 pm
by Pocus
Yys, it should work in the same way, it comes to how the phases are executed. When you play the decision, this is your order phase. Then you hit the end turn, you enter the hosting phase where all orders are processed. At the very beginning of hosting, the effect of the decision (the one of EAW or Empires) is applied, before any movement or combat.