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Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:21 am
by H Gilmer3
I love this game. It's probably my favorite of all the games. I know I have played it more than all of the others.

Why is it when you get Lawrence of Arabia, many times Turkey already has Riyadh and you get Lawrence in the region of Riyadh, and then you can't get him out of there, so it's just a senseless loss of units? I have tried everything to get him out. He just keeps getting pummeled. No reason to ever play that decision ever again, at this rate.

Cheers, though, I'm winning... barely.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:08 am
by Taillebois
Not really an answer I'm afraid but by coincidence I just read Robert Graves's "Lawrence and the Arabs"

It was published in the 1920s about the time Lawrence changed his name to Shaw.

You can probably get it for almost nothing - my copy cost £5.

Coincidence No 2 - about a month ago I stopped by an old petrol station in Colyford, Devon. It turns out that was where Lawrence filled up on his fateful last motorcycle ride.

I've got EAW but hardly ever play.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:18 am
by H Gilmer3
I like it a lot! I'm playing it yet again. I've probably done the full war about 10 times.

Thanks for your post, that is interesting information.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:13 am
by Durk
The old, 'green/green' stance with avoid combat does not work?
Seems to me Lawrence is always with me.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:19 am
by H Gilmer3
No, not really. It takes more than two turns to get out of Riyadh most months. And after two turns, he seems to just decide to heck with it and stay. Not all the time, but some of the time, they are able to force him to battle.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:58 am
by HHFD50
H Gilmer3 wrote:I like it a lot! I'm playing it yet again. I've probably done the full war about 10 times.

Thanks for your post, that is interesting information.

TEAW is a really great game, yes. It is one of the most popular PBEM games in our club (The Wargaming Club). I have played over 20 MP games and against some of the very best TEAW players in the gaming community. In just about all of my games, playing as the WE or CP, Lawrence is a non-factor. Good command ratings, but is low ranked and leads (usually) only low quality Arab cavalry. He IS good at harassing supply lines, tearing up rail ways, running down depleted and isolated units and his specialty at evasion. Other than that, he is not really useful in say larger campaign operations. IMO the Arab revolt is not very well represented in the game and could use a bit of work-which it has in mods. Another addition to the game that I myself have tried to mod is the inclusion and effects of the Spanish Flu via elevated attrition rates. It is too bad the devs have stopped work on this wonderful game. A patch hasn't been released since 2016.

Re: Question about Lawrence of Arabia

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:43 am
by H Gilmer3
Yes, it is sad. This conflict is so balanced. Both sides are fun to play and both sides can win. I think it is slightly tougher for the Central Powers, but still very winnable.