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Epidemics event bugged?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:43 pm
by BigDuke66
Just got the Epidemics event for the South East but when focused you land on Albany what is Mid Atlantic.
Not sure what exactly is wrong as I do not see any cohesion or strength loss on any units in both theaters.
Seems not to be a general problem as I have seen the Epidemics event work.
Would be nice if someone can check what the exact problem is.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:51 pm
by Pocus
I'll forward the issue to PhilThib then, thanks.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:34 pm
by PhilThib
BigDuke66 wrote:Hi
Just got the Epidemics event for the South East but when focused you land on Albany what is Mid Atlantic.
Not sure what exactly is wrong as I do not see any cohesion or strength loss on any units in both theaters.
Seems not to be a general problem as I have seen the Epidemics event work.
Would be nice if someone can check what the exact problem is.

What side were you playing? Any save with you?.
I run the event and checked it, impossible to reproduce. BTW, the event, it's unchanged since 2007 and should not behave likewise.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:46 pm
by BigDuke66
I play USA.
No sorry, been to long and there is no backup save anymore.
Anyhow I checked "Various Events.sct" file and found this event.

SelectFaction = USA
StartEvent = evt_nam_USA_Epidemics_South_East|999|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

MinDate = 1861/10/01
TurnIndex = 20;22;0;2;4;5
Probability = 35
PickUnit = $Deep_South;0;$Regular
EvalUnitSel = NULL

DescEvent = evt_desc_USA_Epidemics_South_East
ChgGroupHealth = -10
ChgGroupCoh = -40


Does not explain why the event pointed to Albany but I guess it shouldn't point to the Deep South if the South East is meant to be hit.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:25 am
by PhilThib
Again, same story as the Capital Defense event, this "error" is not in the original sources from 2016, where South_East is correctly labelled.

Anyway, taking the one in game, I fixed the wronged naming