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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:32 pm
by Erik Springelkamp
In the Fall of the North scenario the Nationalists start with a couple of divisions.

The 1st Division under GarcĂ­a Valino consists of 13 battalions/regiments plus general, while the manual states that 8 units (40 elements) is the maximum, and indeed, when I dissolve the division I cannot recreate it beyond 8 battalions.

Is this violation of the rule intentional in this setup?

And an unrelated question: will there be armies and corpses in this scenario, or do we have to fight with a hampered command chain for the whole scenario?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:07 am
by Durk
In several Ageod games, forces begin in 'violation' of the rules. This anti-game start makes the historical simulation work better. So, intentional, but your very exact reading of the manual correctly identifies this anomaly.

There will be armies and corps in this games, as well as corpses by the way. Each side has a bit of a different timeline to developing armies and corps, but they are coming.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:33 am
by Erik Springelkamp
I have started the main scenario as Nationalist now, and I see that from the start I can form an army and corps, but not divisions.

When will divisions be enabled, and will there be only one army?

EDIT: The answer has been given in this post:

I don't understand these numbers

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:13 pm
by Erik Springelkamp
I tried to understand which units were missing elements that could grow into the unit.

It seems that the only way is to separate the unit from a stack and look at the current power versus the maximum power in the tooltip info.

On the Nationalist side I only see infantry combat units of one element, but on the Republican side I see that many militia units can grow to 3 elements, but then there is something strange with the numbers displayed:


In the force box the power is displayed as 224, but in the tooltip info it is displayed as 248/283.

I know that the power doesn't really mean anything, but when it is used for display anyway, shouldn't it be a consistent number?

(or do these numbers mean something else?)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:30 pm
by Ebbingford
The higher value is the normal power of the unit. Because it is stacked on it's own it has a 10% command penalty, hence the power for the unit is shown as 224.