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Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:39 am
by Soulstrider
The Ottoman Empire greatly appreciates Austria's,Germany's and France's support in these dark. Such a blatant and unjustified surprise aggression needs to be punished.

Regarding the Italian claims of the Ottoman Empire didn't want peace, we didn't contact them because the Porte knows very well this is a blantant land grab and we are not willing to cede any land even now. If the Italians wish for peace then send just send your armies back home and sign a white peace, and we are already being generous for not demanding compensation for your violent attacks.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:37 pm
by Irish_Brigade
sorry all. trying to figure out why i can not load the multiplayer

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:35 pm
by Lemoni
Have you downloaded and installed the World in Conflict mod? If no ask Phill to give u the location where you can find the files. You also need DROPBOX where you send and receive your orders and turns

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:31 pm
by Irish_Brigade
I had no idea there was a mod i needed to download. Is that in the dropbox file?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:44 pm
by Jonathan Pollard
It's not a dropbox file, it's something that you need to buy.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:44 pm
by Sir Garnet
WIC uses the 1880 campaign DLC which is a purchase. Then there are the mod files set added to it.

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:58 am
by Leibst
The Austrian Governement has been asked to join a new alliance that looks good for us. In an alliance things are talked among all the members. The aim of this alliance is to stop wars in Europe, this is not a bad thing in our oppinion.
I'm sure Italy will find our countries open to diplomatic negotations in order to find a way to reach that peace.
But i want to agree with Italy that if no one has ever told him nothing of disagree about his war agains OE. The ultimatum is something like a bomb.

Chancellor Von SantCross

Zürich Peace Conference to Open

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:10 pm
by PhilThib
After agreement from the President of the Swiss Confederacy, the Zürich Peace Conference is about to open. All European nations are invited to send their delegates and post under this heading their evaluation, positions and claims about the current situation.

The German delegation will not be able to attend before this sunday, because of overseas travel (OOC: no turn processus this saturday 20th, I'll be flying home back from USA)

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:27 pm
by Sir Garnet
THE TIMES, London, April 8, 1885


UNREST AROUND AFRICA - HRH Promises Firm Response to Rebels in Hand

FRENCH MOVE AGAIN, ON MOROCCO - Will Spain contest latecomer France in Protectorate? - "Expect anything" says Amabassador

HORSELESS CARRIAGES STILL UNRELIABLE - "Hopeless in Rain, Mud, Snow" - A Rich Man's Toy for a Fine Day


Diplomatic cable

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:27 am
by Sir Garnet

The Russian Empire and the United Kingdom, concerned with the rise of alliances which provide potential for an offensive war, in the spirit of previous accord in avoidance of mutual conflict in Central Asia, and in the interest of encouraging in Europe the avoidance of destabilizing wars and the reasonable resolution of legitimate disputes among the powers, have agreed upon a mutual defense arrangement in the event a European power makes war on either of them. Provision is made for a party to decline to join the war should it reasonably conclude that the war is aggression against such other power. Like arrangements may be negotiated with other parties. Certain terms of such arrangement are subject further to parliamentary ratification.

Il Messaggero, Late April 1885

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:27 am
by bjfagan

Rome - Italian Foreign Minister Carlo Felice Nicolis, conte di Robilant, departed the Roma Termini Railway Station to attend the upcoming peace conference in Zurich, Switzerland. Minister Nicolis stated he had high hopes for a successful conference. "His Majesty believes the Christian nations of Europe will support Italy in its quest to bring good government and Christian values to those regions once subjugated by an oppressive Ottoman rule for many years," declared Minister Nicolis. "The shackles of Ottoman tyranny over Libya, the Dodecanese Islands and Albania have been released. We now look forward to peace in these lands and creating a civil society just as soon as the Ottomans agree to end the war. We never wanted this war, it was forced upon us by Ottoman actions in Massawa, but we are prepared to end it in an honorable way."

Italian Prime Minister Augustino Depretis stated the primary concern for the Italian Government was not the belligerence of the Ottomans, "We have proven ourselves victorious on the battlefield," he quipped, it was the emergence in Central Europe of this new massive alliance called PABEVICO that has kept him awake at night. "The existence of such a formidable alliance in the center of Europe can only spell danger to all other nations. Italy must find alliance partners to stand up to the new European menace called PABEVICO."

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:07 am
by Leibst
Österreich,Late April 1885

Austrian delegation departure tonight towards Zurich. "I just want to clarify our Alliance is a peaful one, but some people cant understand this as easy as it is" said Mr Von Santcross minutes before taking the train in Vienna.

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:03 pm
by Lindi
new of France

French delegation departure tonight towards Zurich.

French are for peace, but because this list :

*Because the Italy begin this war.
*Because he begin a infamy war with not wait 15 day before go fight.
*Because he insults the civilized Empire of Ottoman.
*Because France can't not accept a religious war.
*Because the Italian shows with their last message that they are not tolerating with other religions
*Because in the last message Italy talk about Lybie and many other territory to go out of Ottoman. For french this topic is the same topic if British said freedom to people of Algeria, Lybia is a tribal area, and other Territory of Ottoman, is in Ottoman area for more than four centuries, so for French it's same situation in old Austria and now Austria-Hungary.

So for this all because and many other.

The French ask that to Italy :
* Italy shall immediately sign a white peace with the Ottoman Empire (no conquests or indemnities)
* Italy shall pledge not to declare war to any European nation for the next 15 years
* Italy accept to change colony in the treaty of "Treaty of Bizerte".
* Italy accept to sell Tunisia to French for French can defence lybia Ottoman and futur ally. (really open for a high cost)
* Italy shall give 16 war modern warships to Ottoman Empire to compensate those sunk by surprise in the initial naval battle of the current war.

For finish and for no futur war between France and Italy, Italy need to see with Austria the fate of the Slovenian people, this people is in two country and the opinion of French, but it's only a opinion, this people need be assembled in a single country and not in a two divised country, Austria-Hungary is open to several ethnic unlike Italy.

Italy can see many French army in the border of the Italy, it's not all french army, but this armys is ready to enter in war against Italy in July if Italy not ended the war with Ottoman in July. French are for peace, but the France can not accept to see a friendly country and a futur ally to have occupied territory by a other country in war with him.

( in France in this time many reforme for secularism sorry in french but you can see that :

Opening of the Conference in Zürich

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:04 pm
by PhilThib
The German delegation has finally arrived from its trip overseas and is pleased to meet the other delegates present.

The President of the Conference requires that each delegation presents its agenda, including war goals for the nations currently at war.

The German delegation wishes to precise that all the goals and demands, as well as the promises and commitments regarding the current German-Portuguese war have already been made public, even before the start of the hostilities.

It would be helpful for the conference that all other nations currently at war state their goals in public.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:57 pm
by coolbean
Военное министерство
Российская Империя
Ministry of War
Russian Empire

End of Combat Operations in Romania

All combat operations in Romania have officially concluded in the past month. Our demands have not changed, and as stated before the Czar demands that the province of Constanza be transferred to Russia (Russian objective city).

Three Russian columns, spearheaded by the Imperial Guards, moved quickly to overwhelm and destroy any Romanian formation in the field. Major operations ended after only 3 weeks of war, at which time the major Romanian Army in the North had been decimated, and the Romanian Army in the South had been defeated and pushed into the city of Bucharest. After waiting 6 months for the Romanian forces held up in Bucharest to surrender, the Czar ordered the city be taken by force.

Currently the Russian peace delegation is waiting for the remnants of the Romanian government to agree to the hand over of Constanza.

Official numbers:

Russian losses: 56,625 men killed, 3,531 horses lost

Romanian losses: 93,398 men killed, 8,518 horses lost, 68 cannon destroyed

Romanian prisoners in Russian custody: 50,600 men

Romanian flags captured by Russia (elements destroyed): 33

Romanian material captured and incorporated into Russian army: 11,556 horses, 214 cannon, 4 field artillery regiments and 4 heavy artillery regiments worth, as well as numerous companies worth of supply wagons

Battle Reports:

Code: Select all

Early August Day 5

Late August Day 8

Early Feb Day 2

Early Feb Day 3

Early Feb Day 4

Early Feb Day 5

Early Feb Day 6

Early Feb Day 8

Early Feb Day 13

Late Feb Day 1

Late Feb Day 4

Late Feb Day 9

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:13 pm
by coolbean
Российская Империя
Russian Empire

The Czar has personally expressed concern over the unilateral cancellation of the Russo-Austrian Defensive Treaty by Austria. This Treaty had been made with the aim of mutual defense and the hopes of promoting and securing commercial interests in the respective countries. The Czar had seen the Austrian Emperor as a close friend, and was saddened to see the news of the break in international papers, of all places, without so much as a letter or message from the Austrian government.

The Czar had only ever wanted to remain neutral in inter-European wars, except in cases where Russian economic interests were involved. The rise of blocs appearing in the European landscape has distressed the Imperial Council.

Il Messaggero, Late May 1885

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:08 am
by bjfagan

Zurich - The Italian Foreign Minister Carlo Felice Nicolis, conte di Robilant, announced the renewal of the Treaty of Bizerte with France for another 5 years. "France recently stated they are for peace. These words were heard in Rome with much gratification and relief," declared Minister Nicolis. "Italy too wishes for peace in Europe. We want to satisfy the French desire for peace. Therefore, the Italian Government is hereby exercising the option to renew the Treaty of Bizerte for another 5 years. Now that France has a guaranteed peace, let us hope they will stop demanding territory from Italy and cease their quest to deprive Spain of a colony in Morocco."

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:36 am
by Lindi
(For me a option is if the all country have sign the treaty is ok with that, is not that for French, is not a call option, I not sell and you not buy, is a mutuelle accord, so you can said that, so I do not recognize it NAP.)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:08 am
by Sir Garnet

For the Conference we are in and welcome discussions with all parties and with foreign observers with the object of reaching mutual understandings and a formulated proposal and accord which would prevent a general war. Based on such discussions, we are hopeful that the spirit of reasonable conciliation and genuine and active interest in preserving the European peace will with God's help prevail over the fear and mistrust sparked although unintentionally by the declaration and ultimatum which so recently struck the nations of the world like a thunderbolt.

There are several wars and tensions among European states for which this conference is an opportunity for resolutions. We think it is not the time to introduce the distractions of new and bold proposals. Be assured that we appreciate the noble object behind the idea of establishing a Slovene state that would bring all Slovenes together in national harmony. Like other Balkan peoples, they have long dreamed of and agitated for such a change in their status - in most cases this involves the cooperation of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and others. Indeed, the Greeks, Serbs, and others have achieved their independency, but this has not removed tensions due to mixed populations, ancient claims and chronic irredentism. This is no light matter. We cannot help but fear that someday a major war may well be sparked by some minor dispute in the Balkans. Urgency and a regard for human life and prosperity call upon us to focus our attention on avoiding a great war rather than discussing the national ambitions of the Slovenes or others.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:41 pm
by Sir Garnet

Great Britain and the German Empire are preparing a joint proposal based on the desirability of discussion and resolutions preserving the peace and avoiding the devastation of a great war, which can easily be precipitated in the current fraught international situation. The Zurich Conference offers the opportunity to resolve the Italian-Turkish war and other disputes and tensions existing among European powers.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:14 pm
by Sir Garnet

The German Reich and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland present the following proposal as a basis for negotiations toward agreements which resolve the Italian-Turkish war and other disputes and tensions existing among European powers.

1. We believe that it is not possible for the Kingdom of Italy to hold or secure ita objectives in the current war and that powers which are unwilling to accept or unhappy about harsh terms against Italy would also be unwilling to support Italian territorial claims against the Turks.

2. Germany and Britain propose a white peace between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ottoman Empire, one in which neither gains nor loses any territory to any power and with prompt repatriation of forces.

3. It is proposed that the Ottoman Empire make suitable undertakings regarding the free passage, accommodation and good treatment of pilgrims, missionaries, tourists and other Europeans in the Levant, in a manner to be determined by a ministerial commission including representatives of all applicable religious denominations and interested powers after conclusion of the Conference.

4. In respect to the We propose that the Italian NAP treaties with France and Austria be reformed to promote peace and mediation with terms against initiation of an aggressive war by a party (particularly the Ottoman Empire and Italy?) but with clarifications such as allowing response to calls to arms in just defense of allies against whom aggressive war has been initiated. Such agreements would also include agreement to a dispute resolution process (which can be mediation or arbitration as the parties agree, with such mediators/arbitrators to be discussed and worked out in conference). It is important that this resolution process precede conflict and give time for consultation and resolution - surprises are to be avoided.

5. It is additionally proposed that principal powers join in making undertakings to mutually support or guarantee the treaty or treaties resolving this and other issues where it seems appropriate. Each power may declare its willingness in its statement of position or other discussions.

6. It is proposed that the Conference approve aid for the states at war which have suffered damages, which may be subscribed by other powers as can be discussed. With respect to the French demand that the loss of the Ottoman fleet in a chance encounter at the beginning of the war should be made up by Italy for Ottoman security, this goal has already beenachieved by the sale at a large discount to the Ottomans of a great many warships some time ago, largely from Britain's Mediterranean Fleet, which restores a balance in the Mediterranean.

7. With respect to the French strategic objective of having a direct land border connection with its Ottoman ally to promote Ottoman security, for which France sought occupation in Tunisia, that objective is even more effectively met as part of the accord between France and Britain which includes establishing French control and ownership of the Sahara area, which gives a long common border with Libya as well as a rail connection with east Africa as proposed to be agreed.

8. Recent discussions have clarified the interests of France and Britain in North Africa and the following proposal which should be agreed and documented alongside the Italian-Ottoman peace, by agreement of these two powers and acknowledged and accepted, or guaranteed, by other powers. The following is Britain's statement of the terms as we understand them, subject to clarification of details.
---8a French ownership is agreed in the colonial areas of Senegambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Algeria, Sahara, the Sudan Strip (consisting of the regions of Fashoda, Kanbara, Hayya, Wadihaifa and Uweinat to allow a rail corridor) and Ethiopia/Djibouti.
---8b Austrian ownerhsip of Togoland is agreed, subjeect to a commitment not to militarize it beyond a port and colonial outposts with minor (e.g., brigade garrison (details to be resolved).
---8c: British ownership is agreed in Gambia, Freetown, the Sudan other than the Sudan Strip (to be known as the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan), and other areas between the French colonial border above and the German colonial border (i.e., running from Kamerun, Central Africa, Baramo strip, Uganda, to Kenya).

9. To implement point 8, France, Britain, Austria and Germany would need to agree to transfer structures and interests accordance with such onwership, Britain to have rail passage through the Sudan Strip to the Red Sea Coast and Egypt, Britain to have a free hand with Egypt to gain colonial control of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and maintain control of the Suez Canal (the Khedive being known to unreliable), and the parties to assist each other in the mechanics of the establishment and development of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Sudan Strip.

10. Whether recognition and acknowledgement of other territorial interests is desirable or a part of the Conference is open to proposal.

11. The press of other potentially dire developments has unfortunately thrown the policing action in Portugal into the background. Germany also believes that the Conferene is a timely occasion for the establishment of peace terms with Portugal on lines already presented because order has been restored.

12. Russian peace with Rumania can be resolved.

This does not preclude other topics of discussion, but the important matters above should get attention right away.

Great Britain for its part also wishes to add on its own account the following supplemental matters which may well be addressed at the Conference:

* Opportune discussion with France, Austria, Russia et al. regarding arrangements for exchange of access to scarce resource sites to mutual advantage.

* Initiating a study of the feasibility of allaying border tensions by a humane exchange of certain native populations in colonial borderlands with various loyalties who were dispersed by the disruptions of the Mahdist War.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:47 am
by Jim-NC
[color="#FF0000"]President Grover Cleveland Assassinated! Vice President Chester Arthur sworn in as new President![/color]


OOC - This turn of events is absolutely ludicrous. So in early June 1885, Garfield is defeated, and Cleveland is elected president. Cleveland shows up in my F1 screen. Then in early July, the "Garfield is assassinated" event fires, and Chester Arthur is now the president. So, to keep up with the changes, I have made the above work out. Anyway, I have a new president as Cleveland is now "dead". Oh well.

I think the Garfield event needs to check for Garfield actually still being President.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:28 am
by bjfagan
Jim-NC wrote:[size=167][color="#FF0000"]

OOC - This turn of events is absolutely ludicrous. So in early June 1885, Garfield is defeated, and Cleveland is elected president. Cleveland shows up in my F1 screen. Then in early July, the "Garfield is assassinated" event fires, and Chester Arthur is now the president. So, to keep up with the changes, I have made the above work out. Anyway, I have a new president as Cleveland is now "dead". Oh well.

I think the Garfield event needs to check for Garfield actually still being President.

Probably whoever was president would have been shot.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:04 am
by Sir Garnet
LONDON TIMES Late July 1885

Close Election: Gladstone continues as PM - "Steady on with a proven captain" says Rawley.
Foreign Secretary Creidts "Forward-Thinking Foreign Policy" for Voter Support.

President of USA Dies From Gunshot - Shot by Office-Seeking Lunatic Guiteau - Orderly Succession to Vice President.

Zurich Conference Begins Amid Cautious Optimism

Economic Sunrise in the Empire but Hard Times in Italy as Financial Crisis Strikes

Fugitive Portuguese "Warlords" in South Africa Foment Rebellion and Native Arms Trade

Conservatives Call for Punitive Expeditions Against Murderous Raiders

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:48 am
by Leibst
Austria see with good eyes all the points declared by the UK and the German Reich.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:17 pm
by Lindi
If you add Morocco for French is very good proposition, and France accept all proposition.

Only not understand why Chad go to France, (If I good understand chad is, British can keep this colony.

(Also if you can in this big script add the defence treaty of France with Ottoman, that help me.)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:10 am
by Sir Garnet
(OOC) That would explain why Sahara which you noted was missing in the list editing. Sahara should be there in place of Chad. Corrrected. It would be easier to draw a map for this sort of thing but I lack current facility for image mark ups.

The Spanish player has not been heard from and I understand continued as of a day or two ago unable to load WIC without crashes.

If entering normal DA with Ottomans is not the idea under the Constantinople Treaty already, then it wouild need to be explained in detail.

Also other players were invited at the start of the conference to make their statements - not that they need to be that long.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:14 am
by Lindi
Sir Garnet wrote:(OOC) That would explain why Sahara which you noted was missing in the list editing. Sahara should be there in place of Chad. Corrrected. It would be easier to draw a map for this sort of thing but I lack current facility for image mark ups.

The Spanish player has not been heard from and I understand continued as of a day or two ago unable to load WIC without crashes.

If entering normal DA with Ottomans is not the idea under the Constantinople Treaty already, then it wouild need to be explained in detail.

Also other players were invited at the start of the conference to make their statements - not that they need to be that long.

(no is normal but I read I can and use script for do that in other General Topic, I only propose, but is ok for that. For Morocco, I send proposition to Spanish playeur and not have answer, I propose mony but I am very open to other proposition. Now Morocco is Take by France and for me I keep...)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:31 am
by bjfagan
The Italians see the greedy French want numerous colonies, but deny anything for Italy.

Kenya-Kamerun-Kongo Bahn: the African transequatorial railroad is inaugurated

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:50 am
by PhilThib

In the village of Baramo, in central Kongo, the respective governors of Ost and West Afrika, Dr Karl Peters and Herr Gustav Nachtigal have met for the inauguration of the last track of the grand equatorial railroad, crossing the center of Africa and linking the Atlantic and Indian oceans.