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Resources.csv Spreadsheet Error

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:07 am
by DavoM
Has anyone come across this error before, and have a workaround for it? This is the report from the Main Log file:

[Error ] THost.LoadHostFile Exception caught: Cannot create file "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Documents\My Games\Pride of Nations\VGN\Logs\T2534-Resources.csv". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

Now it does produce the resource spreadsheet for turn 2534 in the PON Logs folder, but it ends after the China turn and prior to the 'Nobody' faction (compared to turn 2533), and then stops.

I have backtracked at least one turn and had no issues with turn 2533, it's just on turn 2534 it crashes back to the main menu. I have also deleted the spreadsheet and had it create a new one to no avail. I have previously played past turn 2534 (late July 1855) without any issues, so I am not sure what is causing this.

Any ideas?

*So from reading previous posts on similar issues, it would seem that this is related to issues with Windows operating systems rather than a game issue. This morning the error disappeared and I have been able to continue my save game. It was likely that after conducting a repair of my Windows operating system last night this issue was resolved as well.

Re: Resources.csv Spreadsheet Error

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:32 am
by Durk
Yes, this usually happens because you did not provide yourself with admin rights to play. you are right, it is self correcting.

Re: Resources.csv Spreadsheet Error

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:32 am
by Durk
Yes, this usually happens because you did not provide yourself with admin rights to play. you are right, it is self correcting.