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New Ukrainian Anarchist ability icon

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:05 am
[color="#FF0000"]EDIT: This is obsolete, as now included in an official patch.[/color]
New Ukrainian Anarchist ability icon (past Yellow&Blue one should be for Petliourists).
It's black with red or green (your choice) "Ya" ("Ua" for Ukrania, with ukrainian alphabet).
Take it in Attached Files in the very bottom of this post.
Put the new abi_Ukrainian.png (remove its _Color) in \Graphics\Abilities&Indics folder.

Following pictures use _Green2, which is a less flashy green than _Green1:

Devs, maybe a feature could be added:
Icon is Black&Green, and become Black&Red when allied with Bolsheviks!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:34 pm
by wijse
Awesome. But historically didn't Nestor Makhno and his Anarchist army use a black cross?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:32 am
wijse wrote: historically didn't Nestor Makhno and his Anarchist army use a black cross?

Nope, his personal flag was just plain black. Other makhnov units made as they want.
IIRC, often, a skull and bones black flag is said makhnovist, but it was a White one.
Your black cross comes from here: