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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:54 pm
by Athens
Wise man avoids to precipitate himself in ridiculous position.

I don't agree on the real motive but that isn't for public exposure. But it doesn't seem they were rather happy with the end of my collaboration. Notice that I wouldn't have exhumated this as I don't need to add more shit to that, but as you seems liking shit, I've done this favour for you. All in all, he would have been better if you have understood sooner you have just talked about something you ignore. Nature should have associated silence with you.

For the rest, no one can't be replaced. Sure AGEOD, SEPRUS/PARADOX will find better people than me. That is all the evil I wish for them. And if one is using my method for their future games, :thumbsup: At last, I will be able to play a game without hundred hours of tweaking before. And I don't even ask royalties or rewards. Anonymous satisfaction to have created a better AI will suffice for me. It wasn't evident at the start ( in 2007) I will succeed so much. For this I'm proud. Or selfish, mileage may vary :D

Moreover, the most difficult part was to find the way to improve AI and adapt the way to the real progress made continously by AGEOD for the AI routines. But in themselves, events are among the simplest ones I've done. Yudenich options is much more tricky ;) . They are just numerous and painful to write, but applying this method is rather simple once you're accustomed to understand what the AI log suggests about AI processes.

Thread closed. Back to Yudenich option trouble on another board. Nicer. too much time lost , alas :)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:55 pm
by Athens
At last something interesting, nice and helpful for all :) :

Yudenich bug is fixed in the next version of FY. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:11 pm
by Athens
Resume of my last day here:

- purchased a few books about RCW and ACW ;)
- uploaded a new version of FY with simplified install process and minor changes, the most important being tweaks to help Red player against Siberian player, human or AI( yes, against AI too).
- edited a few posts
- replied to some questions and remarks on the FY thread in the Matrixgames forum (much more active thread than the current RUS forum here)
- had a last " discussion" here whith someone whom I've forgotten the name.

Cheers. :)

Edit: I've forgotten ;) : Thread closed.