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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:15 pm
by dGSe
Hi all

I play the Western Whites in a pbem (gold version) and i was thinking about an assault on the depot of Makhno before one possible red alliance
Must i wait to do that ?
If i choose this decision i want to know if the anarchists will go to the red side and ally or they will stay with the same posture and continue to fight all of us ?
I want to slaughter them all fast and furious :)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:04 pm
dGSe wrote:I play the Western Whites and if I choose to assault on the depot of Makhno i want to know if the anarchists will go to the red side and ally or they will stay with the same posture and continue to fight all of us?

GameEventsChronology.pdf wrote:If the Ukrainian Anarchists and Grigoriev's warbands are facing a threat to their bases, they will need and ask for this Alliance and the Reds won't lose -10 EP. This alliance will then be automatically activated if:
1) The Western Whites (including Don and French-Greeks units) move to and stay in the neighboring regions of Nova Odessa or in the regions of the Ekaterinoslav area in Ukraine.
2) Ukrainian Nationalists or Greens attack the rebel bases, Nova Odessa and Huliaipole.

I was thinking about an assault on the depot of Makhno before one possible red alliance. I want to slaughter them all fast and furious :) Must i wait to do that?

. Maybe do it if the Red is rather occupied by your Eastern mate, so you won't have to much both reds and black on the back. But you won't kill all the blacks, there still will be many small anarchist bands poping out in East Ukraine or Crimea, even if you have killed Makhno.
. Or you can wait, not activating the Red-Black alliance, so the Reds must pay the 10 EP cost to activate it.
. Or, if the Red is in historical Bolshevik dictatorship, you may attack as early as you can, as the alliance could cost the more to the Reds over time (5 VP and 5 EP per turn, but I didn't well understand)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:35 pm
by andatiep
As soon as the Ukraine theater is open, you can try to run immediately to attack the depot and the region where the main force of the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine seat with Makhno drinking a coffee, the head turned on the back of the last German troops leaving the area.

That's a good way to damage them before a Human player could move it in a clever way. But i doubt you will succeed to slaughter them all in one battle. And once unlocked, you will need many cavalry in your troops to catch them again.

If you are not in a hurry and did planed your offensive on the Reds toward the North or Nort-East and thus don't need to invade Ukraine, then it may be better to let the Reds pay for this alliance if they need it.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:37 pm
by Baris
Whites can attack before the coalition with Reds. But with Reds united I didn't promise I won't form coalition with them ! ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:10 pm
by andatiep
Baris wrote:Whites can attack before the coalition with Reds. But with Reds united I didn't promise I won't form coalition with them ! ;)

I think the Whites can have the first move to meet locked forces as said above, just before the alliance be activated the really first turn the Reds could chose it.

You will see in your game then.

BTW, Baris, i'm also playing the Reds this times, against Narwhal and Emx77.
What is your situation :cool: ? I'm curious to see various PBEM situations of the Gold. Should we exchange our game files :w00t: ?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:42 pm
by dGSe
Ok thank you i will think about that
I see there is a bolshevik spy here :)
Actually i hope that some reds have died in the wastelands to Astrakhan ;)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:34 am
by Baris
andatiep wrote:
BTW, Baris, i'm also playing the Reds this times, against Narwhal and Emx77.
What is your situation :cool: ? I'm curious to see various PBEM situations of the Gold. Should we exchange our game files :w00t: ?

It is good to play with old guards. :) Narwhal great opponent yet I didn't play with Emir.
White cavalry chased through Astrakhan and thought Reds did perish on the way but certainly not. :cthulhu:

It is challenging game we're also playing. Reds hopefully will have better command, Frunze arrived this turn.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:22 am
by andatiep
Baris wrote:Reds hopefully will have better command, Frunze arrived this turn.

Well, i hope you don't expect that Frunze will save alone the situation. I would be worried about that :D . Where was your front line on the Volga/East front in late november 1918 ? Did you succeed to reach the historical situation (Whites pushed on the Ural Chain and the Volga controlled) ?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:40 pm
by Baris
It’s destructive game but more peasants alive less infastructure available than my previous plays. Broken rails seems risky for any offensive.

Revolution yet not in danger and internationalists asks for spread, which is only slightly delayed after Simbirsk, Penza and Izhevsk taken back. Morale is good. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:36 pm
by dGSe
Well, be careful the red... more surprises await you in a near future :cool:

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:23 am
by Baris
Well... with Red Guards may also get locked you may try REDS; we were training new players aren't we? ;)

Re: Anarchist

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:21 am
Edit: To make short in english: no skull&bones for the anarchists, but words.
To be done: a mod with "ANA" instead
EDIT2: english wiki did the correction:

Dans la préparation de Rus-Gold, j'avais protesté contre la décision d'Andiatep (dev' très principal du projet), de mettre une tête-de-mort sur les drapeaux des makhnovistes. Il me semblait bien que j'avais lu que tel n'était pas le cas, mais je n'avais pas retrouvé ma source.
"A photo showing a flag with a death's head and the motto "Death to all those who stand in the way of the working people." is often falsely attributed to Makhnovists, first in the Soviet Russian book Jewish Pogroms 1917–1921 by Z.S. Ostrovsky, but this was denied by Nestor Makhno, who said the photo "does not show Makhnovists at all". The reverse side of this flag has words translating roughly to "Kish of the Dnieper". The word Kish, meaning a Cossack camp, at this time was used by the Ukrainian People's Republic to refer to battalions of the Ukrainian People's Army."

Donc cette populaire photo de "makhnovistes" est de cosaques de l'armée de Petlioura (EDIT: NON, des cosaques entre Petlioura et Makhno), armée qui a été les plus grands pogrommeurs de la guerre (les Blancs étaient trop sérieusement occupés par la guerre pour les égaler, mais en théorie le cœur y était pour ces pogrommes).
Les vrais drapeaux des makhnovistes étaient noirs, mais avec uniquement de l'écrit dessus, avec à la fin explicitement se finissant par "Anarchiste!" ou "MAKHNOVISTE.". Le drapeau de Makhno il me semble n'avait rien d'écrit dessus, il était tout noir. Donc j'envisageai un mod pour remplacer la tête-de-mort par un russifié "Aha" ou "MAX" mais ça ne rends pas terrible... donc il faudrait garder l'écriture latine genre "ANA"