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Division size

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:30 pm
by Stelteck
One small request for information.

In my siberian white game, i have a strange behaviour about division size.

Some leader can built division size 9/10 elements maximum.
But with some others leaders, i can put far more elements (15/20 maybe more) inside a single division.

I did not understood why, what is the difference and to know which leader allows what.

Do someone have more information about it ?

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:05 pm
by arsan
Divisions have two limits: max number of elements and max number of units allowed.
The division limit is very high for number of elements (around 30 if i recall correctly) but the max number of units in a division is 10.
So if you use one element units you will only be able to put nine elements+leader.
Instead if you put multi element brigades on the division (a unit with 4 or 5 elements) you can make huge divisions.
So if possible, try to reclute brigades with several elements instead of regiments with just one element.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:27 pm
by Stelteck
Thanks for the information.

I was doing exactly the opposite. (Using small unit in division and large unit in free slot).

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:17 pm
by arsan
Stelteck wrote:Thanks for the information.

I was doing exactly the opposite. (Using small unit in division and large unit in free slot).

That's a good idea if you are short of 1* leaders for making divisions, as brigades are more efficient in command points.
But for making big porwerfull divisions is nice to put in them 2 or 3 brigades.
Some factions like the northern withes don't have brigades at all so the only thing they can hope for is 10 element divisions.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:18 pm
by Philo32b
The most number of elements that you can see in your division's detail is 32, but you can actually squeeze 33 elements into one division, you just won't be able to see the last element in the detail. (This is subject to the unit limit, of course.)

It is a good idea usually to get as many elements as possible into the division. Not only for command point coverage, but also spreading out the damage taken in battle. Having the damage spread out over a couple extra elements can make the difference between elements taking too much damage and being completely destroyed rather than merely depleted. Also, all the elements in the division will take advantage of any special modifiers that are unit-based, such as the initiative bonus from a tachanka. So that is another reason that you will want them to be in the division rather than loose in the corps structure. (And you will need less special units like tachanka if you have really big divisions rather than numerous small divisions.)

Have fun! This is a great game!

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:20 am
by Stelteck
Relative to tachanka (or mountain troops), i thought having a single independant unit in the corps pile was enough to give the initiative bonus to the whole pile ?

I also do not understand why having a big division help avoiding destruction of elements ?

Does divisions give bonus for frontage calculation ? Because if not, having an element in a division or outside a division is the same thing for probability of being selected for frontage ? (And each element of frontage have the same probability of taking hits). I'am wrong ?
I probably did not understand something about the battle mecanism.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:46 am
by Philo32b
Stelteck wrote:Relative to tachanka (or mountain troops), i thought having a single independant unit in the corps pile was enough to give the initiative bonus to the whole pile ?

I also do not understand why having a big division help avoiding destruction of elements ?

Does divisions give bonus for frontage calculation ? Because if not, having an element in a division or outside a division is the same thing for probability of being selected for frontage ? (And each element of frontage have the same probability of taking hits). I'am wrong ?
I probably did not understand something about the battle mecanism.

Some elements give their benefits to the entire stack, others give their benefit to just the unit that they are embedded in. The tooltip comment will indicate which is the case for any particular element.

Regarding inclusion and possible damage of elements in a battle, I could be mistaken about this, but my understanding is that each of the enemy units (divisions, brigades, or individual elements loose in the corps or army structure or just present in the region) will target one of your units (divisions, brigades, or individual elements). The bigger of your units will be more likely to be targetted. But the bottom line is that when the enemy's unit (whatever it is) is targeting something in your forces, what will be targeted will be a division, brigade, or loose element, not the entire corps or army or accumulated forces in the region. That is why the damage is spread out over the division (for example) and having a bigger division minimizes the chance of its elements taking too much damage.

Frontage comes into play as the battle mechanic that figures out how many of your assorted units (divisions, brigades, loose elements) can fit onto the batte line to do damage to the enemy. Note that the enemy may target other units that are not on your frontage doing damage to his units. War is chaotic. There is a wiki that goes into detail that I will post later, when I get back to my regular computer. I hope this helps!!

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:09 am
by Stelteck
Thanks you, i did not realized before that frontage was only "whose who shoot". I thought it was "whose who fight".