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Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:29 am
by Baris
But by the nature of human and gamers if it is a good game we play it is primary motive,secondary motive comes after the succesful game(if it is historical or not),after satisfying the primary motive.(sid suggests- civ 4)
as you see woman or man you first motive will be does she or he beautiful? than comes the second motive,is she well educated or intellectual or does she know tango? but secong motive without the first meaningless in law of nature :)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:55 am
by Bertram
"Ours is not to reason how or why, ours is to do and die". Or back to the battle..... :D

Early October, turn 27
My main army stays camped for the time being. Eger is still besieged - one breach is made.
In eastern Austria - or rather in south east Prusia by now - the Austrian army pushes north wards. First they attack at Neisse, and when Kurt von Schwerin retreats they follow to Glatz. Kurt ends up in Brieg, the Austrians under Leopold von Daun are in Neisse, those under Picolomini ends up in Glatz. The Austrians are besieging 3 towns here now - not a single breach though. I could use some snow here.
(Kurt, with 20.000 men, managed a draw against Leopold, with 50.000 men, at Neisse. Not bad. He then lost at Glatz, but managed to keep the losses light, and it costs me only one morale).

The Russians pop up everywhere - there are Cossacks near Stralsund now. My cavalry manages to get the depot at Ragnit (two regions east of Koeningsberg). They will burn it and retreat. It would have been quite a coup when Koeningsberg was still mine, now it is too little too late.
The garrison at Koeningsberg is still alive - it didnt disband for some reason (I did pay the 27 vp though). I can try to disband it gain, but I decline.
My main force here is at Elbing (the Polish town). No resupply here, so I retreat to Kolberg.

At Stralsund there are several skirmishes. The first pits 10.500 Swedish against my 14.400 men. It takes six rounds. Again only the Swedish cavalry engages. The 38 Swedish infantry units cheer them on. The bill is 104 of my men, 1700 of the Swedish cavalrists. 11 Swedish cavalry units get destroyed.... I get 1 morale point.
The next day there is a one round fight when the remaining Swedish cavalrists charge again. I kill another 156 of them, no units though.

Kassel is lost, we lose one engagement point.

I haven't the men to buy a unit.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:57 am
by Bertram
Late October, turn 28
This might be a case of "be careful what you wish for". There is snow everywhere....
The main army retreats to the depot at Dipoldiswalde (does a depot count as structure?). I retreat from Eger - the change to bag the 20.000 troops inside is tempting, but when I get snowed in before conquering Eger I will lose at least as much. I cannot afford that. And it is highly uncertain if I can make the needed 3 breaches before then.

In the east Kurt gets assaulted again - he manages to get away with slight losses. (He defends with 20.000 against 50.000, looses 1500 men against 2000, but 3 Prussian infantry units are lost) . Kurt now ends up in Glantz, Daun occupies Brieg. Neisse is free from enemies. There is also a breach in Kosel. I suspect the Austrians have to retreat, or get caught by winter. It would be a shame if they got Kosel :( .

Against the Russians Dohna's cavalry force burns the depot, skirmishes with some Russians, and then retreats the wrong way (to the north). They are lost - no way to retrieve them before they starve. I send them to Memel. They might be able to take the town (it is unfortified after the last siege).
My main force there gets halfway between Gdansk and Kolberg. It is now locked. Unless it gets unlocked these 15.000 men must be considered lost as well.

Up north, against the Swedish, there is a sortie and another battle at Stralsund. A month ago we had to cope with 9.000 Swedish, 2 weeks ago with 10.000, now there are 11.000. I hope this isn't going to continue.... Still we manage to beat them. Losses are small (250 on our side, 450 on theirs). The Swedish end up in the region south of Stralsund., in the snow. I don't know if this is a good thing. They might take Rostock - which I use for supply for the sieging army at Stralsund.
At Wismar the armies are still standing and glaring at each other. Why isn't Hamilton out of food yet?

We siege Dusseldorf, but no breach is made. No snow here yet, so we have some time - as long the French don't send to much reinforcements.

I manage to buy both a grenadier and a regular depot btn. I might need to buy some cavalry to keep the Cossacks in check.

As this is for all purposes the end of the regular campaign season, it might be a good idea to make up the balance.

I certainly made no big conquests this season. I hope to knock the Swedish out, but if it happens (and that is still a big if) it is going to cost me. The army besieging Stralsund is exposed and it is getting cold...
East Prussia is lost to the Russians. That is bad, and it went faster than expected. On the other hand it was inevitable, and I didn't lose too much men (yet).
The jury on Kosel is still out - I hope the winter there will cost the Austrians.
The loss of Kassel hurts - on the other hand, it is a long way from Kassel to Hannover, and I got Wesel, and maybe Dusseldorf back.
I still have all my armies intact - though the loss of the cavalry hurts.
Game wise I have a morale of 117, against the enemy 109. I have 917 vp, against 714 for Squarian. I have 46.000 men lost, he has 51.000 men lost. And I captured 58.400 men. (All those captured in the surrender of Pirna and Wesel - the lesson is, don't put your troops inside, except for a garrison. More troops don't prolong the siege, and you will lose them when the town surrenders).
That gives me a slight edge - but then again, the Austrian gets stronger during the game, and the Prussian gets more cornered...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:51 pm
by squarian
Time for a view from the Hofkriegsrat:

Someday soon, an obscure Corsican artillery officer will remark "I'd rather fight a coalition than be part of one", and I know how he feels.

The campaign of 1757 was far from a disaster; our allies gained both Koenigsberg and Kassel, we frustrated attempts on Eger and Troppau, and we managed to avoid any major defeats at the hands of that dreadful Hohenzollern upstart.

But on the other hand, the Muscovites are proving to be difficult as usual. I do wish Liesl could decide which of her vodka-sodden creatures is meant to be commanding her army - I can barely learn how to pronounce their names before they're being arrested and dragged back to St. Petersburg for impalement or whatever it is the Russians do with their generals.

Not that ours are all that much better. Oh, that fellow Daun has done alright - chased the Squareheads right out of Moravia, and would have spent the winter in Breslau if it hadn't started snowing. But I really must have a word with dear brother Karl - honestly, almost an entire year spent doing nothing more than reviewing the troops and hosting balls in the Hradcany! And getting the local girls preggers, too. Does he think it's easy, with these damned fossilized Viennese carping endlessly to MT about letting us Lorrainers have all the top jobs, when he seems incapable of realizing we are meant to be at war?

That fellow Zweibrucken at least seems to know his business - made a good job of putting paid to the Squareheads' try at Eger. But now he's gone and run off to Sweden on some ridiculous pretext - though our confidential agents report that his official excuse was nonsense and the real reason had to do with a buxom blonde creature called Ilse.

At least the French aren't quite falling on their swords yet, even if La Pompadour seems to find it just as difficult as Russian Liesl to make up her mind who's commanding the army. Richelieu, who in my experience might just about be trusted to command the King's chamber pot, did surprise us all by managing to take Kassel - though what the hell he thought he was doing leaving Wesel so poorly garrisoned I'll never understand. Now I suppose Pompadour's new fancy man, Soubise-what's-his-name, will just have to march back down the Rhine and do something about it.

And the Swedes! God in Heaven, how many damned generals are they going to have in this war?! Not that it makes any difference - they're all blithering idiots anyway. I mean, we suggest a probe toward Rostock - and they respond by marching the best part of their army to its gates, sitting down to do nothing, eat up all their food and freeze to death like a bunch of sheep.

Ah well - I promised MT I'd visit her and little Max Franz in the nursery, so I must be going. Probably get an earful about Brother Charles again.

FS Imp Aug

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:29 pm
by Bertram
Early November, turn 29
The snow is just a short forebode of winter - it is gone this turn. The short snap of frost does 600 hits to my troops though (killing 6000 men - this is over all armies). That hurts. I can only hope the enemy is hit as hard.

I keep retreating to winter quarters everywhere. I hope my army on the depot is shielded - I am loath to give up the depot in Dippoldiswalde.
At Eger a relief force arrived just when we were packing our bags. A short skirmish ends in a victory for me, we get 1 morale (lost 400 men, against the enemy 1000). We leave the field to them.
The heroic defenders of Kosel manage to repair the breach! The main Austrian army moves back from Brieg to Neisse. I wish them fun in the snow next turns....

My cavalry that tries for Memel also got hit by the frost. They keep going, but it is doubtful they can take Memel. No options though. My main army stays locked. I must consider those men lost.

Against the Swedish there is little news. Their army again shows up at Stralsund, but does not engage. The irritating thing is that them being there breaks the siege. It appears when an enemy force ends the turn in the same location as the besieging force, the siege is lifted, regardless of the respective size of the forces. Something to look in to.

In the west Dusseldorf surrenders - my column goes on to Koln. The Austrians capture Erfurt.

Sultan Osman III dies (no effect on the game, this is just a flavor message).

I buy a grenadier btn. replacement.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:30 pm
by Bertram
Winter turns, they go a bit faster.

Late November, turn 30
Snow returns in most of Austria, in the east and in the north along the coast. This time I suffer just 103 hits (about 1000 men) from bad weather.
Action on the Austrian front near Kosel. The Austrians retreat, to Kosel, which is still unbreached. They manage to inflict 4 hits though, killing the garrison. Only the guns are now defending the town. It will probably fall :( .
On the Russian front the Dohna cavalry force is one of the units hit by the weather. They reach Memel, but decide not to attack due to low cohesion. Then they go inactive, so I cannot attack this turn either. That means they are lost - they have zero supply left.
My main force is moving again. They might actually survive.

At the Swedish front nothing is moving. It is a gamble who dies of starvation first. I cannot chase the army at Stralsund away (and resume the siege) as I am inactive.

My troops under Zastrov reach Koln, and start a siege.

I have no manpower to buy replacements.

Early December, turn 31
The Austrian main army near Kosel retreats. Picolomini with his column stays. My artillerists defend the town. I move Keith from Glantz to Neisse. It will cost (marching in winter), but if I can thow Picolomini back and save Kosel it will be worth it.

Dohna is unlocked at Memel, but down to 48 power. I send him on an all out attack - he will starve and be lost if he does not take Memel.
Hans von Lehwald is almost in Kolberg - his men will survive the winter.

The Swedish retreat into Stralsund. They are just 550 strong. Wilhelm manages to get supply from Rostock - he will keep sieging the town.
At Wismar the enemy strength is now finally going down.

No breach at Koln yet.

Poor sanitation decimates my largest army - I lose 1600 men.

I buy a replacement

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:27 pm
by enf91
If this is an AAR, it should probably be moved to the AAR subforum. Just to keep things simple.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:14 am
by Baris
enf91 wrote:If this is an AAR, it should probably be moved to the AAR subforum. Just to keep things simple.

It is an AAR but they try to show the game mechanics and also try to find bugs that might appear in the game, that looks like general discussion about the game when you think about not much people contributing to the game in forums.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:03 am
by Bertram
enf91 wrote:If this is an AAR, it should probably be moved to the AAR subforum. Just to keep things simple.

You are right of course, I am sorry for the confusion caused, it won't happen again.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:58 pm
by enf91
No, no problem. It's just that some moderators/volunteers (of which I am neither) prefer everything to be organized. As baris30 pointed out, this did start out as a bug report/tutorial, but it has developed beyond that into an AAR.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:26 am
by Bertram
A bit of a hiatus in the reporting of our game. I have been helping a friend who bought a house. Removing tiles - the glue was pretty though, you really don't feel like typing afterwards :D

Here are the winter turns in one big post. Not much happened, except some snow, and my men freezing outside Stralsund (those Swedish are pretty stubborn).

Early December, turn 31
The Austrian main army near Kosel retreats. Picolomini with his column stays. My artillerists defend the town. I move Keith from Glantz to Neisse. It will cost (marching in winter), but if I can thow Picolomini back and save Kosel it will be worth it.

Dohna is unlocked at Memel, but down to 48 power. I send him on an all out attack - he will starve and be lost if he does not take Memel.
Hans von Lehwald is almost in Kolberg - his men will survive the winter.

The Swedish retreat into Stralsund. They are just 550 strong. Wilhelm manages to get supply from Rostock - he will keep sieging the town.
At Wismar the enemy strength is now finally going down.

No breach at Koln yet.

Poor sanitation decimates my largest army - I lose 1600 men.

I buy a replacement

Late December, turn 32
I suffer another 132 hits due to the weather. I also lose another 1600 men to poor sanitation, meaning that I lost another 3000 men this turn.
And that is not counting the men in Memel - they decide not to attack - they feel a bit weak due to starvation. As a result they will continue to starve.
The Swedish at Wismar do attack - and got wiped out. Only the artillery remains. I order my men to catch the guns next turn. One of the commanders, LeNoble, is up for promotion after this. I decide to give it to him, even though other general starts to bitch. It costs me 10 vp.
I am once again laying siege to Stralsund.

Kurt arrives in Neisse. He is inactive, so he will stay here a turn. That is good, as Daun has retreated to the region south of Kosel - he will come to the rescue of Picolomini if engaged. I hope the weather hits them as hard as it does me.

No breach in Koln yet.

I buy a cavalry unit (carabiniers - why go for anything but the best? Money isnt the problem).

Early January 1758, turn 33
Winter claims another 112 hits - a 1000 men. Most are lost sieging Stralsund and Koln. No breaches are made :( .
The Austrians retreat from Kosel - about time, my artillerists were almost ready to surrender. I cannot buy a new garrison, as the Austrians still control the region. I send in a cavalry brigade to get the control back. I buy two Brummers to help Keith keep the Austrians at bay next season.
My force at Memel is down to the 3 leaders - they are still valiantly sieging the town. They make no progress, surprisingly.... I tell them to walk back home.
The Swedish at Wismar have disappeared. No breaches at Stralsund, as said, but the force inside slowly goes down (to 500 power now). I keep my troops there - it is worth it to have them gone. One less front to worry about.
I spend 25 engagement points to get British reinforcements (this was an option that appeared in the ledger).

Late January, turn 34
Stil snow, and another 114 hits due to the snow. Most again in Stralsund and Dusseldorf. I have lost 13.700 men thus far this winter (in 6 turns, 3 months)due to the weather and poor sanitation.
I manage to make a breach at Dusseldorf. The Swedish troops go down to 498 power in Stralsund.
I receive the contingent of British reinforcements in Bremen.
Gessler retires, due to "bad health'. I think he is still pissed because he got passed over at promotion.
I buy a medium Garrison for Kosel.

Early February, turn 35
Another breach in the walls of Koln - I can assault it next turn. It does cost me in hits due to bad weather though: another 121 hits.
I haven't the manpower to buy anything (except garrisons, but the towns where I could use them, Weser and Dusseldorf, are outside my territory ).

Late February, turn 36
I take Koln. At last. My army will rest here for some time - though there is a French army on the move from Frankfurt to Koln or Dusseldorf. Fortunately it starts snowing again.
Just 52 hits from bad weather this time.
The Swedish at Stralsund go down to 343 power - though a new 38 power Brigade arrives.
I get loads of replacemetns - the yearly draft no doubt. I now have 18 line infantry (and 14 light infantry and 21 militia, but I already had those, and hardly use them).
The number of prisoners I have goes down to 55.400. Do they die? Do I recruit them, do they escape? No idea.

I buy a Grenadier depot btn.

Early March, turn 37
107 hits due to bad weather. Winter isnt over yet...
The French army seems to be about 1400 strong, and head for Koblenz, on the left bank. I retreat from Koln, after instructing the garrison to defend it...
The British troops are send to Minden, just west of Hannover. My troops total about 4500 power there now, so they should be able to slow the French a bit.
It is aobut time to decide on goals for the next campaign (except trying to keep the Austrian coalition out). . Do I try for Eger once again? I send in a cavalry unit to see how the Austrian fared there this winter. I also can strike west from Leipzig, taking Erfurt again. That would threaten the French in Kassel. Prague is out of the question. And the Russians - I decide to let them come. They are not very quick...

I buy a replacement btn.

Late March, turn 38
Winter is back...
No movement on my side, except a Brummer that is shipped to Stralsund. The force inside is now 391 strong (according to my intelligence).
The strength o the enemy in Eger is still unknown.
I receive a letter from my spy network in France that some Xavier, prince of Lusatia, has managed to get 10.000 Hanoverians together to join the French at Koblenz.

I haven't the manpower to buy anything, though I get 12 infantry replacements.

Early April, turn 39
Nothing special. Another 54 hits, most at Stralsund.
Lehwald (a ** general) retires. I buy some Hessen infantry replacements.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:55 pm
by Bertram
Late April, turn 40
The enemy is moving. Large numbers of Russians are seen coming from Koeningsberg. The French army seems to be moving east from Kassel, through Erfurt to Leipzig. The force in Erfurt is about 1000 strong.
At the same time an Imperial force is seen in Eger, and the Austrians seem to retreat from Kosel to concentrate near Prague. It seems there is an offensive planned striking from Karlsbad north to Leipzig.

I manage to make a breach at Stralsund!

Next turn I'll need to make some choices where to hit them and how to react to the expected move to Leipzig.

I manage to buy both a Grenadier and a regular infantry depot btn.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:03 am
by Bertram
Early May, turn 41
I made a choice what to do.
It seems my opponent is massing troops in Erfurt and Eger, to advance on Leipzig from two sides. I have decided to concentrate my forces in Leipzig, and strike out west to Erfurt. I hope to defeat the troops in detail, before he can concentrate. It means giving up the depot in Dipoldiswolda en trust the garrison in Dresden to hold off the Austrians if they attack.
The Austrian forces in the east seem to go through the mountains this time. I trust in my garrisons to hold them off, and will advance my troops once more along the Oder to Troppau.
In the west I will draw back from Dusseldorf, and advance my main army on Kassel. That will threaten the line of supply of the French.
I'll ignore the Russians for now. They advance one region south of the coast (along the coast is a road, but the country is marsh). My troops from Kolberg have instructions to disrupt their supply.

The Swedish repair the breach at Stralsund :( . I need to finish this, and get the troops to Stettin, to stop the Russians.

I buy another depot btn.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:30 am
by Bertram
Late May, turn 42
My main column under Heinrich arrives in Leipzig, with Frederic one region behind. I reorder the troops - the troops under Wedell (who arrived a few turns ago from Chemnitz) are not even halfway recovered from the battle last year. (they were this winter not on a depot - troops on a depot recover first. As there are never enough replacements, troops not on a depot simply don't recover).
The enemy arrives in regions to the south east and south. I order the column under Heinrich to attack to the southwest. I hope to maul one column of Austrians there. Frederic will move there too - right behind them. If the column of Heinrich engages earlier, he will "march to the sound of the guns" in their support. So will Wedell from Leipzig.
My Braunsweig army will attack the French at Kassel. The British will support them. The Hessians are still not recovered from the battle last year (most 170 strong elements are still down to 17-50 men).

I buy another replacement btn.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:23 am
by Bertram
Early June, turn 43
Nothing happens at Stralsund, at Koln our side manages to repair a breach this time.
There is a two round battle at Zeitz (south east of Leipzig). Wedell manages to support, Frederic is still a region away. First round 17 of my units are engaged, against 9 of the enemy. Second round the enemy manages to get the rest of their units engaged, for a total of 19. In total there are 27.000 men on my side engaged under Heinrich (8-5-5), and 36.000 on the Austrian side under Victor (4-2-3). We lose 5000 (4 infantry elements), they lose 7200 men (6 infantry elements)- a victory for the Prussians - but a marginal one. I had hoped to kill twice the number of Austrians. We do get 3 morale points.
The Austrian forces retreat south - there are now 5 enemy columns in the mountains south of Leipzig.
The force at Kolberg is attacked by a Russian force of about the same size (15.000 men). Christoph von Dohna (4-2-2) manages to beat the Russians back under George Browne (4-2-2) back. We lose 300 men, they 500.
A few days later another Russian army under Dimitri Lopuchin (4-0-1) gives it a try. Again we are about the same strength in men. This time the losses on our side are 250 men, against 500. I win two morale - but I fear the Russians have more than twice my men.
Meanwhile a cavalry regiment tries to move to Dresden. The Brigade under August von Braunsweig - who stayed behind to destroy the depot - beats them back. I expect a stronger force, now they know my main army is gone.
I lose the battle at Kassel - but am in posession of the field at the end of the day. Ferdinand von Brunswig (5-3-3), with just under 40.000 men, lost against Louis, comte de Clermont (3-1-2) with 25.000 men. Losses were 1500 against 1200, and I end up sieging Kassel.
I decide to send Ferdinand south to harass the French, and keep the British at Kassel to siege it.

I buy a regular depot btn. And I buy some infantry, elite infantry , cavalry and artillery replacements from my engagement points.
Next turn I'll stay where I am, I don't mind the enemy camping in the mountains (I guess snow is a bit much to ask for in June, but running short of food should be a possibility).

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:53 am
by Bertram
Late June, turn 44
Heinrich is promoted to Prince (and I thought this was hereditary?). He gets an additional ability: Great Stategist. He gives a +3 command points and a +1 abilities to all commanders, if he is the commander in chief of the theater. He also has a 8-4-6 rating, but that is with Frederic his support. I think I need to build him a new army...
The siege of Stralsund is still going on...I might need to send an engineer to them, otherwise it will be winter before there happens anything.
I make a breach in the walls of Kassel - but after a battle south of Kassel, I end up in possession of the field - and the enemy retreats north - towards Kassel, where I came from. The siege is lifted, so I can start again, I am cut off from my supply... The battle was a victory for me, though we both lost 2800 me. I will need to attack again, now back north towards Kassel :( .
The enemy made a breach at Koln.
The Austrians are sitting regrouping this turn. They take Chemnitz. I retreat my armies to Leipzig.

I buy another regular depot btn.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:56 am
by Bertram
Late June, turn 45
Heinrich is promoted to Prince (and I thought this was hereditary?). He gets an additional ability: Great Stategist. He gives a +3 command points and a +1 abilities to all commanders, if he is the commander in chief of the theater. He also has a 8-4-6 rating, but that is with Frederic his support. I think I need to build him a new army...
The siege of Stralsund is still going on...I might need to send an engineer to them, otherwise it will be winter before there happens anything.
I make a breach in the walls of Kassel - but after a battle south of Kassel, I end up in possession of the field - and the enemy retreats north - towards Kassel, where I came from. The siege is lifted, so I can start again, I am cut off from my supply... The battle was a victory for me, though we both lost 2800 me. I will need to attack again, now back north towards Kassel :( .
The enemy made a breach at Koln.
The Austrians are sitting regrouping this turn. They take Chemnitz. I retreat my armies to Leipzig.

I buy another regular depot btn.

Early July, turn 45.
We make a breach at Kassel - it seems the enemy retreated inside. My main army arrives but does there is no battle.
We have another battle at Kolberg. We win again (loosing 550 men against 1200) and even gain a morale point, but retreat at the end of the battle. A shame, but at least we retreat to the south west.
Heinrich arrives at Leipzig at day 2. The Elbe Army follows on day 3. At day 6 the Austrians arrive and battle is joined.
It lasted 4 rounds. The first round we committed 22 units against just 4 of the enemy. We inflicted 223 hits, and suffered 76. The second round we both get reinforcements. We now have 35 units committed, against 27 of the enemy. We inflict 242 hits, and suffer 119. In round 3 my last column joins, but one other retreats. I now have 31 units committed, against 35 of the enemy. Still, we inflict 290 hits, and suffer 129. The fourth and last round we commit the same 31 units, and the enemy 33. We inflict 262 hits, and suffer 133.
All told 56.000 men were engaged on our side, under Frederic himself (6-4-3). The enemy had 60.000 men under Daun (4-4-6). We lost 12.500 men, and 24 elements (of which one cavalry). The enemy lost 19.000 men, 56 elements, of which 3 cavalry. According to the reports we also captured 22.000 prisoners. I also got 9 morale! Not bad - the only fly in the ointment is that the enemy is now in possession of the field, and sieging Leipzig. And my army is split - Frederic and Heinrich retreated south-west, Wedell retreated east.
The cohesion of the troops is remarkable good - probably because they could rest the remainder of the turn from day 6. I decide to attack towards Leipzig with Frederic and Heinrich. If Daun would have been elsewhere I would have waited - he must be short on rations. But Leipzig is not fortified, and Daun can easily get supply there. The power of the forces is about equal. I hope some Austrians will not be activated....

I have 3 generals that can get promoted. But due to the game mechanics they cannot be promoted when in a stack - that means I have to split up the column under Heinrich to promote them - and will be unable to attack Leipzig next turn. So, sorry guys - no promotion this time.

I am able to buy a sapper (for those stubborn Swedish) and both a Grenadier and a regular Depot Btn.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:52 pm
by enf91
Wow. That battle had huge casualties. Rough estimation says 22% for you and 33% for him. It should leave Daun in dire straits, just waiting for you to finish him off.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:36 am
by Bertram
enf91 wrote:Wow. That battle had huge casualties. Rough estimation says 22% for you and 33% for him. It should leave Daun in dire straits, just waiting for you to finish him off.

I wish.... but it turns out this is merely the beginning. There are lots more Austrians where those came from.......

Late July, turn 46
The Russians made a breach at Kolberg, while my men at Stralsund are still camping outside. The troops inside Kassel surrendered to my men though! A complete French corps was bagged! Certainly reason for a party in Berlin, though the reports of 278.000 prisoners seem a bit overdone.

The Austrians made a breach during the siege of Leipzig (which isn't fortified?), and I made a breach at Troppau. And the French (finally) took Koln.

Around Leipzig we did battle again. The initiative goes to the Austrians, who attack Wedell, north east of Leipzig. Wedell was already retreating to Torgau, so this merely helped him along. He only lost 600 men, the enemy lost 500. Unfortunately the 600 men came from 19 infantry elements, who were all destroyed.... Those elements all had 17 or 30 men, and had not recovered from the battle last year. It costs me 6 morale.
A day later Heinrich and Frederic arrive at Leipzig. They do battle with the Austrian column there, and manage to destroy most of it before reinforcements arrive. I destroy 11 enemy infantry elements, and morale raised 6 again.
The next day the Austrian reinforcements arrive at Leipzig, and battle is resumed. The remaining 29.000 men under Frederic battle valiantly, but have to retreat, as the enemy under Daun numbers a staggering 139.000. Still, the battle is considered a victory. I lose 4900 men, while the Austrians lose 10.600. On our side 10 infantry elements and 9 cavalry elements are lost, while the Austrians lose 37 infantry elements and 2 cavalry elements. I gain 8 morale!

Meanwhile south of the mountains there is a short series of battles at Karlsbad. I send a brigade there, to cut off the Austrian supply. After some marching and counter marching they end up at Karlsbad, but not in possession of the town. A larger Austrian force is at Eger, so it is doubtful if they can fulfill their mission - taking Karlsbad and cutting the supply. The enemy can take Leipzig next turn, but supply there is down to 46 food - not much for 140.00 men :) . (There is still 1000+ ammo unfortunately).
I once again have 5 generals that can be promoted, but dare not take the column apart to do this. Frederic is locked (I didn't know this was possible, he is a 6 strategic leader?). So my troops stay where they are - south west of Leipzig.

My troops in Kassel are ordered south, to take the depot there, and if possible march to Frankfurt.

I buy 3 depot btn and a grenadier depot btn!!! (I need them, all infantry reinforcements are gone, and those 3 depot btn are just 10% of the losses of last battle alone!!!)

My morale now is 134, the Austrian morale is 88. Stil, it seems they have a 5-1 advantage in manpower in south Prussia now.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:15 am
by Baris
Well at least national morale is good :) but it can change due to army ratio of opponent and unsuccesful battles i hope not, and many casualties to the snow.
As said what are prisoners for?maybe they can be used as replacements or any other use rather than plain numbers on ledger.(maybe they are used but i didnt it read anywhere)
Promotion rule must change,as you have to attack next turn strategically,also you want to promote leaders to strengthen them,but in order to promote your leaders you have to disband them from the stack which can be critical and can result in failure.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:16 am
by Bertram
As I understand it, the prisoners are mostly flavor. The number of prisoners is calculated from the enemy losses.
(So if the enemy looses 10.000 men, you might get 1.000 prisoners, if you win the battle. The enemiy does not have 11.000 men less on the field, just those 10.000. The formula for calculating the number of prisoners held an error in the version we are playing - I think it is a factor 10 to high. This is corrected in the current (beta) version. There are some little inconsequencies in the calculation, if you want to have it historical. Sometimes you win a battle, but still have to retreat. It is unlikely that you gain prisoners in that situation, but in the game you still do).
One effect is that a part of the prisoners jions your manpower pool. This probably is the reason I can buy so many replacement btn these turns.

On morale a bit more in a few turns...

Early August, turn 47
The Russians managed to take Kolberg - I had hoped it would last a bit longer. On the other side, I take Troppau, so it evens out. Stralsund is still un-breached, Leipzig is lost to me. I gain 1 morale from the surrender of Torgau, lose 7 when Leipzig is lost, and 1 when Kolberg is lost.
The brigade that tried to take Karlsbad is being bounced back and forth between Karlsbad and Eger, losing a few men each time. At the end of the turn I order them north. Trying to take Karlsbad was maybe a bit too much Blitzkrieg.
Ferdinands attempt to take the depot south of Kassel hits an obstacle, in the form of about 30.000 French. He first meets some cavalrists one region south of Kassel (Fritzlar). He easily wins that one, destroying one of the 7 enemy battalions, and gaining one morale. He then arrives at the depot at Alsfeld. A French force of about equal strength (27.000 men) under Louis, Marquis de Contades (3-2-2) is waiting for him. Ferdinand wins this battle also - after a grueling 6 rounds of combat. he loses 2600 men, Louis 4300. And Louis loses 24 units (7 cavalry and 17 light infantry - which does suggest not all of his troops engaged). We get 9 (!) morale points.
Two days later Louis tries again, when fresh troops arrive. Both sides now lose 3200 men, the French lose 3 light infantry btn. We declare it a win. We get 1 morale.
The next day the battle is resumed. Due to low cohesion Ferdinand retreats to Fritzlar, even though he only loses 550 men, against Louis 800. This is considered a loss, though we lose no morale.
We send the British and the remaining Hessian troops to reinforce him. We will be back...
On a less positive note - the Austrian forces from Prague arrived at Dresden, and are sieging it. If they take the town - and there is no way we can prevent it - they have a supply line to Leipzig. I hoped to starve those troops. Frederic (unblocked this turn) and Heinrich retreat to Halle. I split the force, so I can promote some generals. Let's hope the Austrians stay where they are.
Wedell is building a depot in Torgau. As there is no depot in Halle, we probably will join him there with Frederic and Heinrich.

I get several options to buy regular infantry, elite infantry and artillery (in the ledger). I have enough engagement points to do so. I also buy an garrison for Kassel.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:36 am
by Bertram
Late august, turn 48
Dresden and Stralsund both didn't get breached this turn.
The Russians arrive at Greifenhagen (the region east of Stettin). I lose my first battle against the Russians there - 28.000 Russians force my 11.000 men under Dohna to retreat. I lose 500 men, the Russians 800 - and I lose 2 morale points. As a respons I send half my men from Stralsund to Stettin - the remaining half is about as strong as the Swedish, and should suffice to keep them bottled up.
Kurt von Schwerin arrives at Olmutz and starts a siege.
The Austrian army under Daun moves north-west from Leipzig towards Halle, to the region Merseburg. I expect them to try to attack my army in Halle next turn. I order the troops to retreat to the -soon to be completed - depot at Torgau, to join forces with Wedell. The promotions worked out well, the enemy didnt attack, a round of beer is ordered.

No men to buy any replacements.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:06 pm
by enf91
Immer mehre Bier! :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:45 am
by Bertram
Early September, turn 49
Things didn't go well this turn. Frederic and Heinrich left Halle together, on their way to Torgau. At day 9 I get a message that Frederic arrives at Torgau, and it looks like Heinrich also arrives there. But then Heinrich is pulled back to Halle, to a battle.
Heinrich loses of course - his 15.000 men, on avoid combat stand, don't last too long against 100.000 Austians. And Frederic is already two regions away, so he does not help. In the end we lose 2900 men against 5800 of the enemy. But those men lost are again from those 17 men strong btn's. So I lose 20 elements, and 3 morale. To make matters worse Heinrich gets transported from Torgau to Bernburg after the battle (this is north west of Halle, and 3 regions away from Torgau). I try again to send him to Torgau, now along a long way around.
(I love this game, but things like this makes me gnash my teeth.... )

No breaches at Dresden or Olmutz yet. I expect snow soon.... Stralsund is also the same. I send half of my sieging force from Stralsund to Stettin, to keep the Russians at bay.

I concentrated my forces at Kassel, and they will attack south again. The last push for winter sets in?

I buy some replacements.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:12 am
by Bertram
Late September, turn 50
This turn there are several development in the sieges. I make a breach at Olmutz (would be nice if I can take it before the snow arrives), and the Russians make a breach at Schwedt. The Austrians make a breach at Dresden - which is pretty bad :( .
Austrian cavalry forces retakes Erfurt and Fulda. These towns must be completely razed by now, they have changed hands at least 8 times.

In the west my men arrive at the depot in Alsfeld, and are surprised by the large number of French there. Ferdinand (5-3-4), with 45.000 men, does battle against Charles de Soubise (4-1-1) with 65.000 men. We retreat, losing 2600 men (one infantry element), the enemy loses 3400 men. I lose one morale.

The Austrians take Halle, and arrive at Torgau. My forces retreat, and the Austrians lay siege - I just finished building a depot there 10 days ago :( . My retreating forces do battle with a cavalry force north of Torgau - and destroy them (once again - this should not happen. Cavalry only forces should be able to avoid pitched battles, and maybe lose some men, but not be destroyed outright). Just 440 men, but 6 cavalry elements. I get no morale bonus though...

Frederic is locked again, so he won't move. I do set him on defend and avoid, with just 20.000 men (all that is left of the Prussians) he won't be able to resist the 100.000 Austrians. My troops will have to retreat to Magdenburg. I hope for early snow....

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:32 pm
by squarian
Latest appreciation of the Hofkriegsrat, Late Autumn 1758

With the campaign of 1758 now winding down, the coalition has had more successes this year than failures.

In the plus column:

1) Having taken Kolberg and Schwedt, the Czarina's forces will winter on the Oder, poised in the spring either to strike at Berlin or relieve Stralsund. A third strategic option would be to unite with the Austrian-Imperial forces, which would imply an advance up the Oder toward Kustrin, Frankfurt-am-Oder and Silesia beyond.

2) FM The Count von Daun has succeeded in largely liberating the Electorate of Saxony and HMSH the Elector has returned to Dresden. In the new year, strategic options include thrusts toward Brunswick & Magdeburg, or Berlin, or toward Frankfurt-a-Oder in order to join forces with the Russians.

3) In the aftermath of the capitulation of M. le Comte de Clermont at Kassel, the Prince de Soubise has succeeded in reorganizing the forces of the King of France in Hesse and will be able to undertake active operations in the new year.

In the minus column:

1) Austrian Silesia and northern Moravia were, of necessity, largely abandoned by HIM's forces in the course of this year's campaign, leading to the loss of the fortresses of Troppau and Olmutz. The defense of this region will be entrusted to the forces currently being organized by Count Colloredo at Vienna.

2) The Electorate of Hesse, and the city of Kassel, remain in enemy hands after the lamentable events surrounding the fall of that city and surrender of the count of Clermont earlier this year. It is to be hoped that M. de Soubise will be able to reverse the course of the war in this region in the coming year.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:43 pm
by Baris
Good writing, hope Frederick survives, he survives maybe but not the troops :) too bad to have a siege in Dresden. and as Squarian planning(one of the plans)on taking berlin with russian troops,more troops needed.
and during the battle in north of Torgau all cavalry units destroyed?they must witdraw much better as you said not all of them destroyed.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:16 am
by Bertram
Early October, turn 51
The Russians make a second breach at Schwedt, and assault the town. The garrison is wiped out. We make a second breach at Olmutz - as it is a level 3 fortress we will have to wait for another breach. The Austrians assault Dresden (was it only a one level fortress? They didn't make a second breach?) and capture it. We lose a morale point for both towns we lost.
Lots of enemy units are on the move around Torgau - I expect them to attack my main army north of Torgau next turn. As Frederic isn't locked this turn, we will retreat toward Magdenburg.

The situation isn't good. Enemy morale is back to 104, while mine is down to 112 (this is mainly due to external factors. There have been several events that cost me 10 NM. I have to say that it is pretty frustrating to win a battle against 100.000 men, and gain 8 NM, only to get a message that the British tried to invade France, got repulsed, and you lose 10 NM due to that. It gives you the feel that the outcome is more depending on outside events, than on the things you are doing. I think it is nice that the outside events influence what happens in the game, if this was is won or lost on the French coast, it isn't very relevant to fight these battles I have).

I have no men to buy a replacement.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:27 am
by PhilThib
Bertram wrote:Enemy morale is back to 104, while mine is down to 112 (this is mainly due to external factors. There have been several events that cost me 10 NM. I have to say that it is pretty frustrating to win a battle against 100.000 men, and gain 8 NM, only to get a message that the British tried to invade France, got repulsed, and you lose 10 NM due to that. It gives you the feel that the outcome is more depending on outside events, than on the things you are doing. I think it is nice that the outside events influence what happens in the game, if this was is won or lost on the French coast, it isn't very relevant to fight these battles I have). .

Yes, the frustration is quite understandable, but remember also that, in that war, Great-Britain was the sole supporter (financial and military) of Prussia. And she has her own agenda (which is not on this map). Have success or failure elsewhere seriously impacted British support, and this has been reflected. I guess that when the Brits finally capture Quebec and start winning all round in India, you'll be pleased to see those NM points, money and troops flowing back to your rescue ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:29 am
by squarian
PhilThib wrote:I guess that when the Brits finally capture Quebec and start winning all round in India, you'll be pleased to see those NM points, money and troops flowing back to your rescue ;)

In our latest turn, I just got the message that Ft. Duquesne (i.e. my home, Pittsburgh) has fallen! That's got to be worth some NM - at least for Steelers fans. :D