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The Sinews of your Nation

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:11 pm
by Straight Arrow
How does one maximize a steady flow private capital?

Re: The Sinews of your Nation

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:18 pm
by Citizen X
A long read is here:

In short, you sell to domestic and foreign demand.

You are making plus, when the input materials cost you less then what you receive as revenue, naturally.
In PON that means, that buying stuff is generally cheaper than producing it yourself.

If you buy, you only pay the capital price. If you produce you also need to pay the input material

You can regulate the amount of domestic production bought buy your population by setting tariffs up. At the price of international relation decreasing.

Content populations are more productive, making factories more profitable. Keep in mind though that revenue is only generated when you actually sell stuff, regardless of what the F11 key shows you.

AI countries that can sell products regularily will not only use the revenue to build even more production sites, but also to buy the stuff you are producing.

Good relations, railways, merchant ships, commercial agreements, all that pays.

I can't stress enough how important healthy ai countries are for world trade and economy, especially beyond 1880.