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Paris Conference

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:50 pm
by ETF
OK playing Russia;

Had the Paris congress happen. At the time I was at war with Prussia only and it was going fairly well. I had made a separate peace with France and the UK months early. After the Paris Congress, I was immediately at peace with Prussia?

Did I do something wrong? Can I go back and edit this peace out or the event Paris Congress?

Thanks guys!!


Re: Paris Conference

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:19 pm
by loki100
If I recall, it may well settle out all wars with Russia, France and the UK including any extra ones that are going on. In my game it stopped a war between Prussia and Sweden (though that might have been coincidence).

If so yes, mod the event so its not white peace = all or a similar syntax.

But then I think as it works its reasonably historical, the Paris Conference was one of the last attempts to maintain the 1815 Congress of Vienna model of all the powers settling all existing disputes, so regard your peace with the evil Prussians as a side effect.

More generally I had a go at some of the Russian events up to the 1860s, some notes are in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=345&t=53576

Somewhere I also posted a fix for the problems with the Caucasus revolt, there is something odd about the counter of its leader and the attached unit that sets off a crash when you attack it. Can't remember now where I did this, it might be lurking in my partial Russian AAR.

Re: Paris Conference

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:38 pm
by AlphaBeta
I have the same issue. I am playing the 1850 GC with Russia - I had signed peace treaties with Great Britain and France but was still at war with the Ottomans when the Paris Congress 1856 event fired.

How could I modify or even stop the event? I don't know how to mod PON events.

Any help is welcome, thank you.