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Exploration Party

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:45 pm
by bbmike
I'm playing as Brazil right now and was wondering how can I get exploration parties? Part of the interior of Brazil are unexplored. Is it certain technology that unlocks them?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:59 pm
by HidekiTojo
Playing as Brazil?

Well it's going to be a bit of a wonky experience since Brazil wasn't designed to be playable

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:05 pm
by bbmike
Yeah, but it's kind of fun right now building up the country. :) Just a little side game while I continue my US campaign.

And another question, how do you increase a region's build capacity? I can't build a merchant ship because: "the region build capacity (8) is lower than the capacity required by the unit (10)".

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:26 pm
by Lemoni
Ugrade your harbor or naval base

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:25 pm
by bbmike
Lemoni wrote:Ugrade your harbor or naval base

I'll try that.

Concerning the Exploration Party, I doubt Brazil ever gets one so I created one via event. I probably have to do that for any other units I need that Brazil doesn't get.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:58 am
by bbmike
New problem. I also created an event to get the 'Explore' decision card for Brazil but I can't play it when the Exploration Party is next to a brown, unexplored area. Is there something else I need to change?

Here's the event I used to get the decision card:
SelectFaction = $BRZ
SelectRegion = $Rio de Janeiro
StartEvent = evt_nam_Cardagain|1|1|Null|Null|Null|NULL


SelectFaction = $BRZ
SelectRegion = $Rio de Janeiro

ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdExploreParty;1


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:07 am
by loki100
You don't need selectfaction/region after 'actions', that may confuse the script?

Not sure but I've just been looking at the events that give colonial capacity to Italy and Germany and both have 'actions' followed by the actual changes.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:48 pm
by bbmike
Hmm, still can't get this to work. The Exploration Party is next to the region and I have the exploration card but I cannot play it. Is there a flag that sets a country as able to colonize? Is there a certain year? :confused:

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:08 am
by loki100
do you have all your cards in use? It will show on your list of available cards but not be useable as all are deployed?

also all that script does is to give you 1 (in total) cards, if you want 1 more then then you need 'add', or set the value to 1 more than what you have

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:16 pm
by bbmike
Gah! Still not working. I increased the number of cards to 2 (mostly because that's how the game event scripts were).
Maybe my exploration party creation event is wrong?

SelectFaction = $BRZ
SelectRegion = $Rio de Janeiro
StartEvent = evt_nam_ExplorationPartyFormed|1|1|Null|Null|Null|NULL


SelectFaction = $BRZ
SelectRegion = $Rio de Janeiro
Posture = $Defensive
SetKind = $Land
Entranch = 0
InCS = 0
FixType = 0
SetName = Expedition
SetType = $uni_USA_Expedition1
FlavorName = Candido Rondon
SUFlavorName = Candido Rondon Expedition
SetLevel = 1
SetName = Rondon Expedition


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:17 am
by ajnatalo
In the Models folder, there is no model file for a Brazilian explorer. Can a unit be created for which there is no model file? And if not, is there a way to add model files and not completely break the matrix?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:21 am
by loki100
bbmike wrote:Gah! Still not working. I increased the number of cards to 2 (mostly because that's how the game event scripts were).
Maybe my exploration party creation event is wrong?

you don't need 'INCS' or 'Entranch' (I think you've misspelled that one any way - which will break the event) or 'FixType'. So I'd suggest redo without those 3 and see if it works.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:52 pm
by bbmike
So I'm on this again, I never got it to work. I can get the colonization cards and the explorer unit appears. But when I move the explorer next to the brown, unexplored territory in the heart of Brazil I cannot place the Explore card. There must be something else I need to change. Any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:52 am
by loki100
in desperation, you could always run the reveal province script. The syntax for this is in the AGEWiki - I think I did it a few times when uncovering something was impossible due to odd combinations of national ownership and colonial penetration. Not ideal, but done with restraint its a solution.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:26 pm
by bbmike
Good idea, loki, if it comes to that. I'm still going to try to figure this out, though. It has to be something simple.

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:58 pm
by Tom
If you still read the forum ... did you get it to work? I am having the same problem. Whenever I send the Exploration Party, it comes back the next turn as Unsuccessful - and gives no reason. How to know when you can explore a neighboring province?

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:14 am
by Durk
Colonial penetration is a key factor in gaining success. A quick way of doing this is to explore in regions which were historically colonies of the major power, usually in these area exploration always works.
If you are in one of these area and not successful, that would be a cause of concern.
Try to get loyalty in other regions.

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:26 am
by Tom
Thanks. You mentioned getting loyalty - does that mean it's impacted by loyalty of neighboring regions? Or do you mean try to build up my colonial region over 35 CP and then launch an exploration from there?

Not sure if it impacts it, but playing as Austria. I created an event based upon Germany's which gave me the full set of cards. But I didn't edit anything else, so I'm still showing only as a Regional power, for example. (Not sure how / where to edit that once a game has begun.)

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:22 am
by loki100
that might disable a few of the cards

but then Italy retains that status all game and I still managed a fair bit of empire building, just never got to use some of the more powerful cards.

If I recall, you can modify that status with a script, maybe an idea to look at the scenario set up files and see how say GB is described. I'm not sure if the AGEWiki is still functioning?

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:25 am
by jccoluz

I'mplaying as Japan now and I got a full set of cards after the Formosa incident : All the cards do work properly even when you are a regional power so that's not really a problem.

Exploration can be difficult in some areas : in the Jungle of Papua/New Guinea I sometimes used the cards over a dozen times before getting any positive results ! Keep trying !

By the way, I have quite a large colonial empire by now and I was quite surprised at the rate at which SOI increases over time. It is quite random but on the whole it goes up quite fast especially in regions where you keep playing cards to increase CP and Dev level after you get them to colony status. Malaya (Johore) went from -5 to +8 in about 11 years, and after only 7 years I had Madagascar go from -10 to -2. However in some places it can stagnate for a long time : I colonized the solomon islands like 15 years ago and it only improved from -5 to -1 but I've haven't been playing any colonial cards there for a very long time as well !


Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:45 am
by jccoluz
Double Post ! Sorry !

Re: Exploration Party

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:26 am
by Tom
jccoluz wrote:Hi,

I'mplaying as Japan now and I got a full set of cards after the Formosa incident : All the cards do work properly even when you are a regional power so that's not really a problem.

Exploration can be difficult in some areas : in the Jungle of Papua/New Guinea I sometimes used the cards over a dozen times before getting any positive results ! Keep trying !

By the way, I have quite a large colonial empire by now and I was quite surprised at the rate at which SOI increases over time. It is quite random but on the whole it goes up quite fast especially in regions where you keep playing cards to increase CP and Dev level after you get them to colony status. Malaya (Johore) went from -5 to +8 in about 11 years, and after only 7 years I had Madagascar go from -10 to -2. However in some places it can stagnate for a long time : I colonized the solomon islands like 15 years ago and it only improved from -5 to -1 but I've haven't been playing any colonial cards there for a very long time as well !


Thanks ... yes it was at first (and also later) just a high failure rate. Might be due to hidden native troops.