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friendly nation plays event against you

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:18 am
by Schwarzer Herzog

Four players Campaign, I play with Austria-Hungary.

Germany plays a event that Brasil declares the war against the Central Powers :confused:

Possible explanation that I don't understand or something to improve ;)


Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:54 am
by Chris Ferrous
Regrettably this does seem to happen, and both ways. Sometimes the enemy will play events which apparently are to their detriment and your benefit and at others an ally plays a card which does you no good at all.

It really does beg the question; does the AI know it can discard an unfavourable events card?

It is a shame because the events system is one of the jewels of the game otherwise.

I believe we need a fix which effecively vetoes the AI from playing an event to its own disadvantage.

In fact since I find some of the events ambiguous as to what effects they do have on one's own side (even after reading the write up in the manual as advised) I believe a veto against a human player inadvertantly or ignorantly playing a disadvantageous event card would be useful.

Perhaps, simply preventing certain cards ever coming into the possession of the 'wrong' side may be useful. I know the purists would say that a human player can hang on to a card that would be helpful to the enemy and thereby prevent it being played against them, but all cards are recycled after a time anyway so this little ruse/nuance/gamey querk is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:32 pm
by Ayeshteni
Is there not a way to tag some cards as 'offensive' (1) to be played against an opponent and some cards tagged as 'defensive' (0) to be played on your own side?

I know that some cards are specifically designed to give an advantage to the CP or the Allies no matter who holds (and plays) them, these could be tagged in some way too?

I am playing a game as the Entente at the moment and the Central Powers just played 2 'Strikes!' cards on Germany. I don't think they effected them though as the last sentence didn't have a country name "..plays stikes on." rather than "...plays strikes on Germany." for example, but yes, would be nice to get this a bit tidied up.


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:07 pm
by Random
Part of me agrees but then part of me figures that this intangible is one of those features that serves to keep re-play value in WW1G.

There are only a finite number of event cards so when the AI plays one that hurts you, either as ally or enemy it introduces an unpredictable dynamic to the game that can lead to major problems or opportunities.

So Germany plays a rebellion event on me and next turn plays a mutiny event on its ally Austria Hungary I need to be able to take action and capitalize on this situation. Not being able to do so is one of the delicious frustrations in WW1G; being unable to seize fleeting opportunities.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:35 pm
by Ayeshteni
While it is true that a player can make stupid mistakes (and I for one certainly fall in that category) so why can't the AI? At the same time it...well... it looks quite amateur. A bug really shouldn't be considered a 'feature'. :neener:


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:20 pm
by Random
To each his own, I consider it neither stupid nor a bug but a random events engine where the player has some control over what happens in his world and by keeping event cards that help the enemy, also limited effect on the AI.

So a "feature" should not really be considered a "bug" just because one might not agree with the net effects. Just $0.02 adjusted for inflation.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:15 am
by Tamas
The classic topic :)

I am not sure about the Brazil event, but the Strikes event mentioned is a public one. It means it is played immediately after drawing, and affects a random country. In case of other public events, the possible random countries may be restricted, but these also trigger automatically upon drawing

Yes, the message with these public events is confusing, but the system behind it works as intended.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:59 am
by calvinus
Yes, these are mandatory events, played immediately after drawn.