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EvalRgnStruc question

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:03 pm
by Hobbes
Hi folks, I have an EvalRgnStruc event with the following :-

$Lackawanna|FACIND|STRUCDEF $Structure_Settlement

A settlement in Lackawanna starts in British hands and is later taken by Indians but the event is not firing when the settlement changes hands. Can anyone see what is wrong with this?

Thanks, Chris

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:53 pm
by lodilefty
Hobbes wrote:Hi folks, I have an EvalRgnStruc event with the following :-

$Lackawanna|[color="Red"]FACIND[/color]|STRUCDEF [color="Blue"]$Structure_Settlement[/color]

A settlement in Lackawanna starts in British hands and is later taken by Indians but the event is not firing when the settlement changes hands. Can anyone see what is wrong with this?

Thanks, Chris

The correct faction tag is[color="red"] IND[/color]

I think the STRUCDEF should be [color="blue"]$Settlement[/color]

See aliases in Various.ini

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:31 pm
by Hobbes
Hi Lodi, I changed it to settlement with no effect. The faction tag I have is IND - one of us is going mad? :wacko: :)

Cheers, Chris

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:44 pm
by Hobbes
Lodi, I sent you the latest Pontiac files for safekeeping + if you find the time to take a look at this and another small event problem.

Thanks, Chris