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1812-1815 PBEM. ChristoFire-Ice not allowed to enter!!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:35 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]1812-1815 PBEM[/size][/color]


I will be playing as the [color="Red"]British[/color], and we use the following settings:

My objectives are shown below:

The US has [color="Red"]York[/color], [color="red"]Montreal[/color], [color="Yellow"]Mobile[/color], [color="Red"]Kingston on the lake[/color] and [color="RoyalBlue"]Vincennes[/color] as objective cities.
They control more strategic cities from the start, but an early summer offensive should change that I hope :niark:

The US starts with 100 NM while I have 90. But I only need 150 to gain an automatic victory, while the US needs 200.
I automatically loose if it drops below 30, compared to 50 for my opponent.

Here are my brave commanders and armies:


Much more competent than my opponents:


The US also has a lot of militias and a few regular troops shattered about, which will become active in 2-3 turns.

[color="Red"][SIZE="4"]A little overview of the map[/size][/color]


[SIZE="6"][color="red"]June 1812[/color][/size]

[SIZE="4"][color="red"]Ft. Detroit and Ft. Niagara:[/color][/size]

[SIZE="4"][color="red"]Ft. Detroit:[/color][/size]

I expect my opponent to keep Hulls army situated in Detroit, and let me take the offensive.
Their army has a power level of 164 compared to mine of 134. So it could be an even battle taking into account the defensive terrain bonus of forest they receive, (if they place their army in the field that is) and my advantage in Henry Proctors offensive skills.
A little too even for my liking, so I will wait for Tecumseh’s warband in the west to become unfixed (1 turn), and then send them towards Detroit to help increasing my odds :p ouet:
The naval supremacy of Lake Saint Clair is going to be very decisive in what’s going to happen. If the US can defeat my fleet, they can block the river, forcing me to give up on Detroit. So I send the two schooners in Sault Ste Marie south to join forces with my Eire fleet. I just can’t afford to loose this battle.

[color="Red"][SIZE="4"]Niagara falls:[/size][/color]

The US has two forces located here. Rensselaer’s army is outside the Niagara fort, while Smyth’s brigade is inside Buffalo. They are both poorly led and locked for three turns which is a huge advantage. So I will send Isaac Brock and Scheaffe on forced march to Ft. Niagara to begin the siege, before they are able to join forces.
Brant’s warband is sent to buffalo to begin a siege here. (It is actually more of a raiding party, as I am only trying to lower the cohesion of the forces here. They should loose 1.50 points each day, from being under siege, which will make it easier to beat them later, when I am done with Ft. Niagara).
(Later edit: They will not LOOSE 1.50 cohesion points, only recieve 1.50 less. So their cohesion will actually just stay the same, as they recieve bonuses from the structure and being passive).

[color="Red"][SIZE="4"]Champlain Lake:[/size][/color]

The big objectives here are Plattsburg and Albany further to the south.
They got their Northwestern army located in Albany but it is locked for a turn, and like their other forces, is poorly led. It will probably be ordered to Plattsburg when it gets active, making it hard to get this objective.

I have a good army in Quebec under Prevost’s command, which I plan to send to St. John along with the large garrison force in Montreal. Here they will join forces, and plan a move south.



This is a US objective city, but sadly I have only a very weak garrison (17 pwr) to protect it. But in Florida a small group of Indians loyal to me has gathered, and could hopefully cause a little trouble for Wilkinson’s small force. So I order them to Pensacola, where they will try and take the city and replenish supplies, before moving on to Mobile. (Wilkinson is sure to be moved to Mobile, so there should only be a small garrison unit.)


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Trading lanes:[/size][/color]

I got a lot of merchantmen out in the seas, which will give me a good deal of engagement points. They are likely to become targets of US privateers, so I set them on “retreat if engaged” ROE, and also order my fleet in Halifax out to protect them. I have quite a lot of frigates and ships of the line in various ports, but they are locked for two or three turns, so my merchants will have to do without them for now


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:17 pm
by JadeKing
[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]July 1812[/color][/size]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit and Ft. Niagara[/size][/color]


With Tecumseh active it is time to make a move here. Both Tecumseh and Proctor are ordered to lay siege to Ft. Detroit. Hulls army is currently located inside the city, but I still opt for a route along Saint Denis, to avoid the combat penalties of crossing a river (Chris could send his army out to the field). Proctor SHOULD arrive in 17 days, while Tecumseh will need 23 days. But you never know :)

Robert Barkley’s fleet wasn’t attacked, as the US fleet has anchored at the harbour of Ft. Detroit. He will try and distribute supply to my besieging forces, and also blockade the port of Detroit. (The port won’t generate any supply when blockaded. Only really useful if it takes more than one battle to force Hull to surrender). The Indian village to the west should also provide a little supply.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Niagara:[/size][/color]

My forced march with Brock failed, so I haven’t been able to put the fort under siege. And my poor commander skill was evident when I ordered Brant’s force to “evade fight” which means Buffalo isn’t under siege either. And just to make things worse I ordered the 40th foot brigade in Ft. Eire to join up with Brock, which means he will be delayed 10 days in reaching Ft. Niagara. I think enough mistakes have been made now, and I really need to pull myself together, if this is not going to end in a disaster :p leure:

Renseelaer has been positioned outside the fort, so it seems I have to fight him in an open field battle. They will get a bonus from the forest terrain, while I will also receive a penalty for crossing the Niagara Falls.
The increased travel time, will also hit me in the form of lower cohesion and strength. But I still think I will come out as the winner, considering the better leadership, superiour quality of troops and the fact that their army might very well be inactivated, due to Renseelaers poor strategic skills.

Smyth is also positioned outside at Buffalo, so Brant is set on defensive stance while giving up on the “evade battle” order, so he can siege the city (I am not sure if this is possible, as long as the enemy is outside in the same region. But I will found out next turn I am sure).

My fleet’s role is the same as in Lake Saint Clair, to try and supply my forces.

Scheaffe is separated from the army and will instead be redeployed to St. John.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Lake Champlain:[/size][/color]

Prevost joins forces with the Montreal garrison, creating quite a formidable force (442 pwr).
I will immediately order it south to Plattsburg on assault posture, so I can take it before the US army at Albany gets there. They might reach it first, as there are roads leading from Albany to Plattsburg, while I have to travel through the wilderness. But the US commander has the “slow mover” trait, meaning he will suffer from a 25% penalty to movement. So I think I have a fair chance of reaching it first.


Wilkinson has as expected laid siege to Mobile. I think the only way I can save that city, is to attack Wilkinson now with my Indian warband. So they are moved away from Pensacola and towards Mobile, where I hope my garrison can hold on just long enough, for the reinforcements to arrive.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:46 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]August 1812[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit and Ft. Niagara[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit:[/size][/color]
Both Tecumseh and Proctor arrived at Ft. Detroit this turn. So now I will just wait till I make a breach in their defences, and then order the assault.

My fleet will remain outside the harbour on offensive posture, to avoid any attempt of evacuating Hulls army through the Lake.

[color="MediumTurquoise"]Question to the experts: Is it possible to move troops onto a transport ship, and then sail them away from a city under siege?[/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Niagara Falls:[/size][/color]
I have made yet another mistake with Chief John Brant (I pity him having me as commander :non: ).
I put him on ambush mode, which made him take an offensive stance when it was successful, and initiated combat with Smyth. (Didn’t know this before I made a search on the forum. But then it was too late.) A little disaster, as not only did he loose all his warband, he also unfixed Smyth’s force. But on the good side, he really caused a lot of cohesion damage on the enemy, which shouldn’t be worth much for the next turn.
After this mistake Brant is moved to join Tecumseh at Ft. Detroit.


A little more good fortune was bestowed brocks army. The battle ended in a stalemate, but I did force Renseelaer out into the wilderness, where he will hopefully be victim of attrition.
The good discipline of my troops really came into play here, as I only failed 9 morale tests compared to 29 for my opponent. They inflected 11 ranged hits compared to mine 8. Assault casualties were 8-6 in my favour.


I expect Chris to combine his forces at Buffalo. He might also try and attack me, but since he can’t expect both forces to arrive at the same time, it would be a very risky manoeuvre. So I will assault the fort next turn, which will give me a place to regain cohesion, which is badly needed.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Champlain Lake:[/size][/color]

Plattsburg fell with ease:

I really wish I had some Indians here, so I could scout the land south of Plattsburg. I have no idea where the US Northwestern army is located. They haven’t moved towards Plattsburg as I expected, so they might still be at Albany, though I doubt it.

They have sent a fleet just south of Montreal, and I fear they might have loaded some troops onto it. I don’t know how many, but I want to sent some troops back to protect the city, just in case. So Scheaffe takes the 1st voltiguers and moves back to Montreal. (Later edit: Enemy units are shown on top of a fleet if they are present, so I had no need to worry).

[color="mediumturquoise"]Question to the experts: Do Voltiguers receive the same benefits as militias when fighting in Canada?[/color]

The 45th foot will garrison Plattsburg, while the rest of my army moves to Fort Ticonderoga to lay siege. If the fort surrender, they will have no harbour left at Champlain Lake, making it much easier to defeat the fleet they got here.


Wilkinson hasn’t attacked yet, so I have been able to get my Indians into the province to aid the defence. They will stay outside the city, so they can escape if I loose the battle.
Chris has also sent some ships to bombard me when the assault is ordered, so I order my fleet at Kingston (British West Indies) to Mobile Bay with the same orders. But they will probably arrive too late.

It is also time to use some of my engagement points. I got 30 and first I thought of ordering some new regulars, but the problem is getting them to the front. They will arrive in Halifax which lies on the outskirt of the map, so they need ships to take them up past Golfe Du Saint Laurent, and further down towards Quebec. But the only ships with transport I got are heavy warships which I need to fight the US navy. So I try and order a scouting squadron and see if there are any transport ships in such a unit. I think they are made up of brigs and frigates, and though brigs don’t have transport, some frigates do. So I cross my fingers.


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:25 pm
by lodilefty
Interesting AAR.

I suggest you put your questions in a separate thread, as I almost missed them... :)

...and don't know the answer, so I won't clog up the forum with guesses :(

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:01 am
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]September 1812[/size][/color]

[SIZE="4"][color="red"]Ft. Detroit:[/color][/size]

“The time has come men. Spike your guns and prepare for the assault”

My combined power is 228 against Hull’s 157. In addition both Tecumseh and Proctor has their force on the offensive, so I expect a great victory with minimal looses. The defenders won’t get any defensive benefits after their walls has been breached, and with hulls defensive skill of 1, it seems like a grim day for his troops.

Their fleet manages to evade my blockade, and has anchored at Buffalo. I am suffering from low cohesion spending so much time on the sea, so I will do the same.


Ft. Niagara was captured without any looses, so I will turn my attention to Buffalo.

Rensselaer’s army has joined Smyth here, trying to gather strength, after the heavy cohesion loose they have suffered. But I don’t want to give them time to rest, so I order Brock south with orders to lay siege to the city. My forces power is 226 compared to theirs 118. If I can capture them in the city, I can force their whole army to surrender.

I also order some of my most tired units to Ft. Niagara and York to garrison these cities.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Lake Champlain:[/size][/color]

Some of the loose militias and regulars I mentioned earlier have become active at Ogdenburg. I don’t want them to begin raiding my cities, though I think they are too weak anyway. So I order Scheaffe to Prescott, from where he can hunt the militias to the south, which has captured a depot.
My fleet is also ordered to protect the river, so no more troops can cross to the other bank.

I also got a brand new army in Quebec, under the leadership of Sir Gordon Drummond. A fine gentleman who can become very useful when the Americans sets in a counter offensive.

I hope more fresh troops and officers will arrive later, when the war with Napoleon is coming to an end.

Drummond is immediately ordered to Montreal, from where he will later march to Ogdenburg to deprive the US from their supply base in this region. I should have done this before, but I was fully focused on Plattsburg at that time.

George provost will assault the fort next turn, as only a lone militia unit is left to defend it.
I still wonder where the Northwestern army is located, but I guess I will find out soon enough!


My Indians were completely wiped out, as they didn’t have a retreat route. I thought since they were irregulars, they could retreat through enemy territories, but that was a mistake. But their sacrifice wasn’t all for nothing, as they inflicted some cohesion damage to the enemy:

I also got my fleet into the bay now, after they defeated the small US fleet here. They can now help the defence with shore bombardment, if Wilkinson orders the assault:

The US has got a great fleet assembled under the command of Stephen Decatur. I have no chance to defeat this fleet at the moment, so all my warships are ordered to London. Here they will wait till I get more ships available, or at least gets a good naval commander. At the moment I have non in the ocean area.

The scouting squadron I ordered last turn, didnt have any transport capacity. But I will still order a unit of Higlanders, since I dont need my battle ships in the shipping lanes at the moment. They can be used for troop transport now instead.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:09 pm
by JadeKing
[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]October 1812[/color][/size]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit and Buffalo[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit:[/size][/color]

What a disaster! My Indian allies must really regret they supported the British now :indien: And I regret that I put too much faith in their skills :( They were blasted apart by the US militia, with 22 fire hits suffered compared to 13 to the Americans. When it got close my Indians showed their strength, but then it was too late. 25 melee hits compared to 19. The enemy failed 89 morale checks! But I guess having their back against the wall helped them fighting on.
So now my forces are licking their wounds at an Indian village, but I will try and transport them with my fleet to either Buffalo or Ft. Eire.
Detroit is just a memory for now :p leure:


I engaged the enemy in two small battles that weren’t very decisive. But still important, as I am able to continuing the siege.

With the winter months beginning next turn, it is a risky business conducting a siege. But the reward is also high. If I can defeat them their whole army will be forced to surrender, and a big step in winning the war would have been achieved. We both suffer from very low cohesion after the small battles we fought. But since they will be under siege, they won’t gain any cohesion while I will receive 1.19 each day. They might try and lift the siege immediately, which could result in an even battle. Their combined power is 115 compared to mine 62. But I will benefit from wilderness terrain, and the good defensive skill of Isaac Brock. Another thing to notice, is that some of their militia might be relieved from service during the winter month. I am not sure if this applies to this scenario, but I sure hope so. They rely much more on these troops than I do :fleb:

One thing I really regret is not having sent a wagon train to the west. I have no depots in this area, and with only one wagon train, I am not able to build one. I just go a lot of replacements from back home, and it would have been nice to have sent them here. Now I have to use them in the east and at various garrisons, where they are much less needed.


My militias in Prescott were defeated by the raiding US forces. But Shaeffe gave them some good beating when he showed up:

I will redeploy Scheaffe once again to join up with Brocks army, as they could use his entrencher skills.
The voltiguers are moved to Kingston, to get some replacements.

My new man Drummond will take two units and a supply wagon and board my Ontario flotilla. I hope to transport him to Ft. Niagara, where he can reinforce Brocks ill shaped force, while also building a depot. But the US navy could stop me, if I don’t have the luck to evade them.

Prevost took Ticonderoga with ease, and will remain stationary here, to avoid getting caught in a hard winter. But I will scout the lands south with my irregulars, to see if I can spot the US Northwestern army, and take a look at Burlingtons defences


Chris has evacuated Wilkinson’s force with a fleet of bateaux. I will try and peruse them, and see if I can wipe them out completely.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:07 pm
by d0mbo
On a more technicalt note: i cant see your pictures (all red crosses).

Anyone else has this?

When i click on them, your image hosting website says link not found :(

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:35 pm
by Rafiki
I don't see the red crosses even :(

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:37 pm
by lodilefty
I see the link strings, but get "not found" errors..

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:44 pm
by JadeKing
I have somehow deleted the images from my host site, but I will try and upload them again.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:45 pm
by JadeKing
Can people see the pictures now?

One thing I cant decide on, is whether to show the pictures below or above the text? I have tried changing my usual order in the first post, so please give some feedback?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:47 pm
by lodilefty
JadeKing wrote:Can people see the pictures now?

One thing I cant decide on, is whether to show the pictures below or above the text? I have tried changing my usual order in the first post, so please give some feedback?

I can SEE! :nuts:

Position of pics doesn't matter to me, as long as it's consistant...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:26 am
by Brazouck
Just one question, how do tou know at the start of the game, the excat ennemy order of battle ? :tournepas

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:50 pm
by JadeKing

Do you mean the enemy organization and position on the map? I just started up as US, and took some screenshot. And I am NOT cheating, as I am sure my opponent did the same :innocent:

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:19 pm
by JadeKing
[SIZE="6"][color="Red"]November 1812[/color][/size]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West:[/size][/color]

A strange thing has happened as Tecumseh and his troops has taken winter quarters at Ft. Detroit, and thereby putting the city under siege :tournepas This must surely be a bug? But I will set them on “retreat if engaged”, so they can escape when Chris attacks them. He must also be really surprised when he sees this!

Proctor was for some reason unable to board my fleet, but will make a second attempt this turn.
I have detached my Bateaux ships so they can transport them, while the rest of my fleet will patrol Lake Saint Clair, trying to stop any attempt by the US to send their army east. With Proctors and Tecumseh’s army in total collapse, they will likely go on the offensive and try to reach Buffalo, Ft. Eire/Niagara or York. I am really stretched thin in this area, so I hope a really hard winter will set in to avoid such move.

Brock will continue the siege of Buffalo. His army has regained a lot of cohesion, but contrary to what I believed, Rensselaer’s army is also in better shape. My power level is now 197 compared to 150 for the US.

Scheaffe have joined the army, and his entrencher skills will be very useful, if the Americans try to lift the siege. It should give all my units 10% defensive fire bonus, and 1 extra protection.
I really hope Chris will try to attack me, so I can avoid another assault. But he will probably play it safe, and wait till he can get some of his army in Ft. Detroit to help out.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

My attempt to get Drummond to Buffalo came to a halt, as the river has frozen (give me an icebreaker please!) So he will be ordered to Ogdenburg instead, to defeat the small US detachment here.

My irregulars from Provosts army didn’t detect the US army in this area. But Burlington seems to be defended only by a lone militia, and would be a good target. Otherwide Chris might be able to hide a force here, which could surprise me latter. But no action is taken for now, as the roads have become muddy, meaning longer travel time.
Edit: Prevost is detached from the army, and sent to join Drummonds force. He has better offensive skills, and I don’t expect to be attacked at Ft. Ticonderoga. So it seems like a waste to just have him sit here.

The US fleet at Champlain Lake is now without any friendly harbour to anchor. This means I should be able to wear them down with small probe attacks from my own fleet. This is quite important, as if I control the lake, they can’t send a quick sneak attack from the south end of the river to the north with their fleet.


I wasn’t able to catch the US fleet, but at least Mobile looks safe for now. They will surely try other attempts later on, so I will keep my fleet in Mobile to help the defence.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:52 am
by Siekster
I really appreciate the AAR. For a newb like me, these are some of the best teaching tools (next to experience of course...) for me to learn the ropes. Thanks!!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:48 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]December 1812[/size][/color]

[SIZE="5"][color="red"]The West[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Ft. Detroit[/size][/color]

Hulls army tried to attack the remains of Proctors force at Ottawa village :dada: But thankfully Proctor was able to board my fleet this time, and will now be transported to Ft. Eire, from where they will travel on foot to Kingston. Here they will wait until they are able to get replacements, as they are in no combat conditions in their present state.

Even though Hull didnt catch Proctor, he did massacre a whole lot of indians, as seen below.

Winter has also come to this area like I wished for, so Chris shouldent be able to send any reinforcement to Buffalo the next few months.


I have breached the wall of Buffalo and inflected 5 hits on the defenders. But I will not assault the city yet. Winter hasn’t come to this province, and I get a steady flow of supplies from Ft. Niagara, so I don’t think I have to rush things. They should be weakened by every turn, and they have already had their power decrease from 150 to 142. So I will wait as long as I can before assaulting the walls (probably until winter sets in).


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

The small US forces at Ogdenburg retreated south before Prevost could engage them. But I certainly don’t regret that, as they are now trapped in the wilderness with a blizzard thundering around them. They should take more casualties from attrition, than I would have been able to inflict on them from battle. So I am rejoicing :fleurs:

The river running south from Montreal has also become frozen. This means my fleet has been forced to anchor at Montreal, while the US fleet seems to be trapped in the river in very harsh weather. This hopefully means their fleet will get heavily depleted, making it much easier for me to take control of Lake Ontario.

The only movement this turn will be Prevost being redeployed to Ft. Ticonderoga.
My forces are also ordered inside the structures, as this is the only way to avoid attrition under the “hardened attrition rules” we play with.



No changes here. Everything is quit for now. (But I am sure it won’t stay like this for long!)

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Engagement points[/size][/color]

I tried to order a supply wagon last turn, but for some reason the order wasn’t carried out. Maybe I made a mistake so I will try and order it again along with 2 regular troops.


Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:32 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]January 1813[/size][/color]

[SIZE="4"][color="red"]The West[/color][/size]

A new year has begun but not much has changed from the last couple of turns. Proctor and his few surviving men has escaped to Ft. Eire after their miserable assault on Ft. Detroit. But something that has changed drastically is the power rating of the defending force in Buffalo. It has fallen to 46, and it is not because some militias have left service as it still holds 16 units. I am not sure how it has managed to fall this low. They might have lost cohesion from the siege or run out of supply. My fleet outside the region is blockading the harbour (no supply production for the city), but it has only been there for one turn, so I doubt it is they who should get the credit. But whatever it is, it is time to call the assault. Winter has arrived, so I can’t afford staying outside in the wild anymore. I have to attack, and the result will be the first decisive moment in the war. If I win, I can force the surrender of 16 units along with the generals (They aren’t worth much though). But if I loose and my army is severely beaten, they could be able to take Ft. Niagara, Ft. Eire and York without much trouble. So I really cross my fingers on this one!


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]US forces against British forces:[/size][/color]

Most of the US army consists of militias at the beginning of the war, while my forces are mostly regulars. I am not sure if it stays like this later on, but it does give me a quality advantage early in the war. Comparing a US militia with a British regular infantry unit, reveals how superior it is:



(Note that their are many different types of regular and miltia infantry, but the comparison shown here should give a good picture of how the US and Bristish forces compare to each other)

The British troops are superior in all areas. And in addition to this, I have quite a lot of skirmishers in my armies, which should grant me first fire in most battles. I also have the best generals as mentioned before, so all things being equal, I should win most encounters where the odds are even. That means where the enemy doesn’t have an advantage in terrain or weather for example.

In the assault on Buffalo, I will suffer a moderate penalty for attacking in snow. The battle will also start at closer range due to the snow, which is a disadvantage to me. My troops are better than the US militias in close combat, but they have an even larger advantage in firepower. So the more shots fired the better.

The US will have the advantage in number like in most battles, but since my cohesion is about twice as high as theirs, it shouldn’t be that great a disadvantage. My men will be able to fight longer before having to rotate, so it should even out the numerical advantage of the US.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East:[/size][/color]

All my forces have taken winter quarters, so no movements here.


James Wilkinson made a quick assault on the city, and took it with ease. I forgot to station my fleet outside in Mobile Bay, so they weren’t able to protect my garrison with shore bombardment. A costly mistake, but I hope to take the city again later in the game. But for now I will concentrate on my other objectives, as I cant spare any troops in the other theatres.


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Engagement points[/size][/color]

There seems to be a bug with the “more supplies” military option. When ordered it never appears on the map, and the option isn’t deleted from the menu like it should be. Maybe it is because there isn’t any location set for where it should arrive. For my highlanders and regular troops, the option description stated that they would arrive in Halifax, while the supply wagon has no location stated.
I do order a new merchant ship in London, but until I get some of my options reset, it isn’t really going to be of much use.


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:04 am
by d0mbo
Enjoying the AAR.

if you have not done so alreadyu, i'd suggest you post the possible supply wagon bug in the appropiate forums!


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:48 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]February 1813[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West[/size][/color]

[color="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]What a battle!! [/size][/color]


The assault went on for 9 days before the US forces were finally vanquished. Blood and limbs must be covering the whole city of Buffalo by now :cuit:

My first attack started at an initial range of 2 because of the snow. So we got close really fast, and contrary to what I believed, it was in close combat that my troops really shined. Especially on the first day where I inflected 18 hits compared to 4. I actually suffered more ranged hits than the US on the first day (21 to 15), but in the 3 later attacks they were shot to pieces by my muskets. They also failed 100 morale checks on the first day, which just show how unreliable militias are. My men only failed 6 checks :fleb:

All in all they lost their entire army of 1860 men and 13 cannons. I lost 577 men and 4 cannons. So a great victory which has also raised my national morale by 5 points so It has reached 99. This means an increased maximum cohesion which is always important. Brock also gained enough experience to raise a level, and now had a defensive skill of 6. The highest there is :niark:

I also managed to capture an artillery unit and two supply wagons. Especially the wagons are going to be very important, as I can build a depot with these and begin reinforcing my army. It is badly needed, as most of my units are severely under strength. I have to wait a turn though, as they need to have a certain stock of supplies, before I can build a depot with them. So my army is going to remain here in Buffalo for the next months trying to recover strength. When it is ready it will be sent to make a second attempt of capturing Ft. Detroit.

Proctor and his force in Ft. Eire is sent to Buffalo, as they are also in dire need of replacements.


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

The road between Ft. Ticonderoga and Albany is not affected by winter anymore. But I will still not march south just yet. I want my highlanders and regulars in Halifax to join the army, but since the weather is still very harsh on the ocean, I have to wait.

My fleet at Lake Champlain is sent out to destroy the US navy here. I might use my Bateaux to build a depot at Ft. Ticonderoga, but first I want to gain complete control of the lake.

One thing that is irritating me is that I merged my Ontario fleet with the ships in Montreal. This means they are not allowed to enter Lake Ontario again, but are trapped in Montreal where they are of no use. Isn’t this a bug? Unmerging the ships doesn’t help. It means I am sending admiral Yeo to Halifax to take control of my fleet here, as he is of no use at this place anymore.


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Engagement points[/size][/color]

The only two options left is “soldiers training” and “guns for natives”. Using these will give me 1 regular and 2 native raider replacements. All my garrison troops at various cities has already received all the replacements they can, so now I can concentrate on getting them to the front.


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:23 pm
by lodilefty
d0mbo wrote:Enjoying the AAR.

if you have not done so alreadyu, i'd suggest you post the possible supply wagon bug in the appropiate forums!


Found and fixed, but you are correct: very easy to miss a bug report if it is not in a separate post or thread... :)

The only two options left is “soldiers training” and “guns for natives”. Using these will give me 1 regular and 2 native raider replacements. All my garrison troops at various cities has already received all the replacements they can, so now I can concentrate on getting them to the front.

There is a limit to the number of resets. ;)

..and I'll look at the ship-merge bug you reported... :)

And I do love this AAR! Where's the 'other side'? :niark:

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:35 pm
by JadeKing
I am glad you enjoy it. My opponent isnt writing an AAR. He is way to busy trying to save his poor militias. Or the remains that is :niark:

Is the supply wagon bug, something you can fix manually?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:18 pm
by lodilefty
JadeKing wrote:I am glad you enjoy it. My opponent isnt writing an AAR. He is way to busy trying to save his poor militias. Or the remains that is :niark:

Is the supply wagon bug, something you can fix manually?

It requires a rewrite of the event.
What you get for now is a supply replacement. [almost useless]

Next patch will fix, but if you used all the repeats, it may still not work.. :(

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:29 pm
by JadeKing
[color="red"][SIZE="6"]March 1813[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West[/size][/color]

Just as I thought I could relax a little, the US main force has arrived at Ft. Niagara. They took the fort with an early assault, and the next target might very well be Buffalo. Chris is probably eying a chance to get back at me, and destroy my whole army like I destroyed his earlier. I only have 41% of my maximum ammunition and 67% of my general supplies. I hope I will be able to restock before an eventual battle, but I can’t count on it. The US army’s power rating is 197 while mine is 155. But a large portion of my power rating comes from my generals high skills, as all my units are much depleted. And I am still not able to build a depot, so I fear many of my units might get completely destroyed if caught in a battle. So I think the safest bet is to evacuate from Buffalo. The problem is that my fleet outside the city can not hold all my army. So I divide it by giving Scheaffe most of my infantry and board my fleet, while Brock takes the heavy artillery and supply wagons west to Presqu’ile. My main fleet anchored at Amherstburg, is first ordered to Lake Saint Clair to prevent a US attempt of sending troops into Canada. Next it will sail to the coast of Buffalo, to help evacuating Brocks army to Fort Dover.
It is very depressing to go from the offensive to the defensive like this. But I need to get my force to York, and regroup my army there.



[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

Winter is waving and its time to go on the offensive again. The US force which attacked Ft. Niagara was the Northwestern army they had in Albany I believe. This could mean Albany lies undefended, and they have concentrated all their might in the west. But I don’t want to take any chances, so the first move of Prevosts army is to position themselves just north of Albany so they can take a look at the defences. The grenadiers in Montreal are ordered to join them.

At the same time Drummond will take his force and move south along the coast of Lake Ontario. They will try and take Sackett’s harbour, and after that either move to join Prevost or march west to disturb the US army. A unit of Voltigeurs in Kingston are ordered to join him.

My fleet in Lake Champlain wasn’t successful in engaging the US fleet, so they will try again.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:43 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]April 1813[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West[/size][/color]

The US army remained passive at Ft. Niagara, which can only mean he doesn’t know how battered my army is. This has given me time to move my troops into Canada, and this process will continue this turn.

The problem is the US fleet which seems to move toward my location. I think it has some of the army from Detroit onboard, as I no longer see it inside the city. If they can combine this army with Dearborn’s, they will have a very potent force. So I put my fleet on offensive posture, and will try to hinder such movement. This also risks my own army’s safety, but I really want to stop their armies from combining.


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

The situation in the east has taken another angle, as I ran into two US forces on my way south. They both compare to my own two armies in strength, so I will call off the offensive and try to retreat north. Drummond will move to Ogdenburg, while Prevost goes to Plattsburg. Prevost also got into a small skirmish with US general Winders army, which he lost by a small margin. I am thankful I only used “probe attack”, as it could have led to a disaster otherwise. I was under forced march and also crossing a river/strait, which I didn’t even knew. But one good thing I learned from the battle is that their army is insufficiently commanded. I don’t know how much, but it will certainly benefit me in further battles, if they don’t send more generals to get order in their ranks.



The two US forces I encountered:


My superiors in Britain have finally been able to send more reinforcement:


Rothenburg is immediately sent to Montreal. He will be a great addition to my army, and will hopefully get me back on the offensive again!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:00 pm
by lodilefty
Rothenburg is immediately sent to Montreal. He will be a great addition to my army, and will hopefully get me back on the offensive again!

There was a report elsewhere of a dupllicate Rothenburger. :tournepas

If this occurs in your game, please post the save game [turn the Doppleganger shows, plus turn prior to that].

Thanks! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:06 pm
by JadeKing
It was actually me that reported that a few days ago. But I didnt seem to have the necessary files you need.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:24 am
by boudi
From the post #6, Champlain chapter, i have only red cross again, no pictures. :p leure:

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:22 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]May 1813[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West[/size][/color]

Things are getting worse on this front! Brock wasn’t able to board my fleet as it was engaged in battle, and he is now trapped in Ashtabula. The naval battle ended in a draw, but I am sure to be beaten if I am engaged again, as I lost Admiral Barclay in the fight. So I set my navy on “evade combat”, and try to make a second attempt of getting Brock to Canada. His supply wagons are badly needed to build a depot at York, as otherwise I have to retreat all the way to Kingston instead. And I am not sure my men will be able to endure such a march, as I have already lost a lot of elements to attrition.




[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

It seems that the army Prevost encountered was just as happy to avoid a battle as I. So I successfully retreated to Plattsburg, while the US army probably headed to Albany. But with DeRothenburgs arrival, I feel ready to undertake another adventure south. So I order the Hussars and the 3rd light infantry from DeRothenburgs army to join Prevost. DeRothenburg and the rest of his force moves to Ogdenburg, to combine arms with Drummond. With these new troops, both forces should be superior to their US counterparts.

Prevosts first target is Ft. Ticonderoga, which I lost the last turn to a lone militia unit. It should be easily overrun, if the US army doesn’t show up and ruin my day!



The waters in northern Canada have been frozen the last many turns, which has stopped my highlanders and regular troops in Halifax, from being transported to Quebec. But the winter seems to be over at last, so I will send them on the voyage now taking 45 days. I dont have enough transport ships to let my regulars board the ships, so my fleet in London are moved here to get them going too.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:58 pm
by JadeKing
[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]June 1813[/size][/color]

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The West[/size][/color]

My fleet in Long Point Bay moved to Lake Eire for some unknown reason, and so Brock is still trapped in Asthabula. He was able to evade Hulls army that arrived here last turn, but he can’t stay here any longer. So I will send him through enemy territories, and hope he escape the attention of all US forces he comes across. This wont be an easy feat, but I don’t have any other options right now.
My men at York are still without a depot, and since Brock is not very likely to make it here, some troops are sent to Kingston to finally get some replacements. Others are forced to be stationed here, as they consist of so few men that any march will probably destroy the whole unit.

I am not sure why Chris hasn’t sent his army at Ft. Niagara to Ft. Eire yet. He might think I have a large force in this area, and so hesitates to make a move. But it buys me some time to get my troops replacements, and send DeRottenburgs army west to attack from the east. So I am not complaining :)

He has made an attack on Amherstburg, but it doesn’t really worry me if that city falls. I am more concerned about York, which they will reach eventually. I can’t defend it as it is now, and I am really in a race against time to get my troops some replacements, so I can get a decent force in the west again.

Tecumseh and John Brant are sent to join DeRottenburg and Prevost forces. They can take some of the irregulars in those armies and set up ambushes if needed.


[color="red"][SIZE="4"]The East[/size][/color]

It is a whole lot more fun to look at the eastern end of the map than the west. Here things still looks bright and redcoats are covering the whole map :niark:


Ft. Ticonderoga fell without any trouble:


I gained 1 national will for this victory, and their remaining fleet in Lake Champlain was also destroyed. So Admiral James Pring is relocated to take command of my fleet at Lake Eire, where he is more needed.

A large US army under the command of Zebulon Pike has been spotted just south of Ft. Ticonderoga. It consists of 6 infantry units, 1 dragoon, 1 artillery and two supply wagons. I do not have enough detection points to know its power rating, but it is probably very close to mine. My army’s current composition is listed below:


Pike is a 6-4-4 general compared to Prevosts 5-3-4. If he attacks he will use his offensive skills of 4 while I will use Prevost’s defensive skills which are also 4. So no side will have an advantage from the generals, besides the special abilities they may possess. I do doubt however that Chris will attack me, as he has played quite safe without taking any chances so far. My army is shown as located inside Ft. Ticonderoga, which might encourage him. But I will place it outside the fort for the next turn, so I don’t risk getting trapped like he did at Buffalo earlier. The wilderness terrain will give him a severe penalty for attacking, so I actually hope he will try and engage me, as I am very certain victory will be mine then.

Pike and his men where the force I encountered at Sackets harbour, so this city should be relatively undefended now. There might be a few militias but nothing more I am sure. So DeRottenburgs army will be sent here to siege the city, and then move either to the west to relieve my western troops, or help Prevost with the US army led by Pike.

DeRottenburgs army has become quite powerful as shown below:


More men have also been sent from old Britain:


Phineas Riall isn’t that competent, but he can raise my command limit if needed:


The troops will be sent to join either prevost or DeRottenburg, depending on where it is needed most next turn. They will use the fleet in Quebec to transport them, as this saves cohesion losses and thereby attrition.

[color="red"][SIZE="4"]Engagement Points[/size][/color]

Some options have been reset, so I order a new highlander unit along with a scouting squadron.
