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[UNION] Pre-game out-of-character "chit-chat"

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:26 pm
by Rafiki
Judging by the PMs, it seems it is just as well to meet up here as anywhere else in the virtual world.

Also, I imagine that it serves as a nice addition to the "documentation" of the project. I'm sure Korrigan doesn't mind that :)


First of all; areas of responsibility. The way I see it, West can be Ohio/Kentucky and everything west of it; East is everything east of Kentucky. Is that what you have imagined?

The borders will need to be a bit fluent, but in cases where you need to transit through or use the other's area, proper (in-character, of course) notification must be sent.

As for play order, see my suggestion in the call-for-volunteers-thread. However, I'd prefer to do my orders last, in order to act upon your requests for reinforcements with as little delay as possible.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:33 pm
by jimwinsor
That sounds good, as I always do my economics last too, in my solo games, for that reason.

The border set out works for me too.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:23 pm
by Spharv2
I'd set the border at the Ohio/Pennsylvania border and the Shenandoah Valley. I'll flip ya for the division just west of Harper's Ferry. :niark: West Virginia really fits more into the western theater than the eastern. Once we get into the South, I'll take the Carolinas, Florida, and Georgia (Minus a strike on Atlanta , which would probably be done with your armies, no sense in messing up command structures.).

You should definitely go last, since we'll both be whining about what troops we need and such, it's your job to get them for us. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:54 pm
by Rafiki
Hehe. "Ask and ye shall receive" (possibly different and probably less than what you ask for, though) ;)

Theatre borders

To me, West Virginia can serve as a flank for the Eastern theater. I'm also thinking that geographically, Jim will have a lot more to cover so that as a means for division of labour, West Virginia fits well into the Eastern theatre.

I fully agree with the theatre boudaries envisioned for the south.

Having just won the April '61 campaign I've been playing (to blow my own horn :D ), I'll fire up the '62 campaign tomorrow to check out the Union starting positions (which I believe is OK under the campaign rules?).

Navy and the use of it

Concerning the navy; I'm still hoping that someone will take upon them to command it, allowing me to be all president and "big thinker". :)

In any case, I intend the navy to have a fairly active role. Keeping the CSA on their toes along their entire coast and forcing them to maintain coastal garrisons and strategic reserves away from the main fronts can only be good, and I don't think we need to allocate large forces to achieve good effects from this.


The impression I have is that up to a certain point, the main economic problem for the Union is war supplies, but after some industrialization, all things but money become abundant, so I intend to make sure we get a fair amount of cash, without going completely overboard inflation-wise.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:36 am
by jimwinsor
As far as the navy goes, I think you would be within your rights as c-in-c to delegate task forces to the theater commanders' contol, on an ad hoc basis. Mainly for amphibious operations and the like. That would leave you free to concentrate on just river interdiction/naval blockade matters.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:52 am
by Spharv2
jimwinsor wrote:As far as the navy goes, I think you would be within your rights as c-in-c to delegate task forces to the theater commanders' contol, on an ad hoc basis. Mainly for amphibious operations and the like. That would leave you free to concentrate on just river interdiction/naval blockade matters.

I'm fine with however you want to handle amphibious operations. The troops will be coming from my area, and you've got the navy, so we're going to have to work together to get things done. Whoever has an idea for an invasion needs to speak up since they'll be coming in both of our areas. Once we decide on a target, it'll be your job to ensure we have the shipping, and my job to get a solid unit together, along with enough reinforcements to ensure that our men aren't pushed back into the sea.

One thing we need to make sure of it to keep the pressure on the front whenever we do invade so the CSA isn't free to shuttle a large force back to deal with it.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:00 am
by Rafiki
jimwinsor wrote:As far as the navy goes, I think you would be within your rights as c-in-c to delegate task forces to the theater commanders' contol, on an ad hoc basis. Mainly for amphibious operations and the like. That would leave you free to concentrate on just river interdiction/naval blockade matters.

Actually, my thought was the other way around, i.e that it's the river flotillas that are the first candidates for theater control, seeing as they will be working in close support of the land troops in their theater, e.g. when transporting/escorting, when blockading river harbours and when supporting land troops with bombardment.
Spharv2 wrote:I'm fine with however you want to handle amphibious operations. The troops will be coming from my area, and you've got the navy, so we're going to have to work together to get things done. Whoever has an idea for an invasion needs to speak up since they'll be coming in both of our areas. Once we decide on a target, it'll be your job to ensure we have the shipping, and my job to get a solid unit together, along with enough reinforcements to ensure that our men aren't pushed back into the sea.

One thing we need to make sure of it to keep the pressure on the front whenever we do invade so the CSA isn't free to shuttle a large force back to deal with it.

And so it shall be; almost like you've read my mind :)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:34 am
by jimwinsor
Actually, my thought was the other way around, i.e that it's the river flotillas that are the first candidates for theater control, seeing as they will be working in close support of the land troops in their theater, e.g. when transporting/escorting, when blockading river harbours and when supporting land troops with bombardment.

OK. Yeah I have in mind to urge a big role for the river navy in the west; I'm going to push hard for it's expansion in fact. I'd like to see gunboats increased to the point where they can occupy (hence deny CSA movement/supply) the whole length of the major rivers in the area. Which of course means building lots of gunboats. Fortunately they are relatively cheap. The payoff will be worth it I think.

Already we can start to interdict the Cumberland in this manner, thanks to us being in possession of Donelson. 'Course we don't have enough gunboats (yet) to block the whole river, but if we can at least block the rail crossings on turn 1 that would be a huge help, I think.

Once I take Island 10 we can give the Mississippi the same treatment. He'll probably counter by building more forts downriver, but thats fine, thats less precious artillery/supply units for his field armies.

I'm going to draft a proposed line-of-march/objectives for each of my three field armies for your approval; working on that now...

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:39 am
by Korrigan
jimwinsor wrote:I'm going to draft a proposed line-of-march/objectives for each of my three field armies for your approval; working on that now...

I guess you plan to write this "roleplay" in the War room? I will erase this thread once the game will have begun.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:20 am
by Spharv2
What order will we be going in? Me or Jim first?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:19 pm
by Rafiki
My suggestion is that whoever get time first, goes first. I.e. when you're ready to do your orders, you send a mail to the others so that they don't start till you have sent your updated ord-file to them. That way, if the first of you doesn't have that much time straight away, the other won't have to wait before getting things done.

I've seen your posts in the war room; quite good! I'll have my reply ready this evening, I hope :)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:29 pm
by Spharv2
As president, feel free to look over the orders and make modifications that you see fit to make. Once the file is gone, it's out of my hands, and changes will have to be made at the presidential level to avoid confusion in the file transfer process. It's not like the actual commanders didn't have to deal with "meddling" commander in chiefs. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:13 am
by Rafiki
hehe, if I do, it will only be as a very last resort, and perhaps not even then.

It's not like the commanders-in-chief didn't have to deal with "bumbling" commanders ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:18 am
by jimwinsor
Spharv2 wrote:As president, feel free to look over the orders and make modifications that you see fit to make. Once the file is gone, it's out of my hands, and changes will have to be made at the presidential level to avoid confusion in the file transfer process. It's not like the actual commanders didn't have to deal with "meddling" commander in chiefs. :)

Not necessarily, maybe...I just did my turn, and then sent to both of you. So, you could load that .ord file and make modifications to your eastern moves...that would be allowed right? I'm assuming everything is still flexible until the final .ord is sent in to the host (?)