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Patch 1.04 pour les campagnes de Napoléon

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:40 am
by Pocus
Chers joueurs,

Le patch est désormais disponible ici:

Veuillez noter qu'il n'est pas possible de continuer une partie démarrée en 1.03 avec ce patch, à la vue des modifications nombreuses apportées.

Le fichier de changements du patch reste désormais en anglais, ceci enfin de nous permettre de grapiller un peu de temps pour nos autres projets. Désolé de ce changement mais l'équipe est petite.

Nous profitons du patch pour annoncer que nous souhaitons intégrer des volontaires dans l'équipe d'amélioration de NC. Si vous vous sentez le courage de manipuler les fichiers du jeu, avec notre aide et celle de volontaires vétérans, vous êtes le bienvenu. Attention, le but n'est pas de venir, lister ses demandes puis repartir, il faudra faire le travail soit même, aprés discussions avec le reste de l'équipe (et aide). :)

THIS PATCH DOES NOT WORKS FOR THE 1.00 VERSION, if you have not installed
the Foundation Patch before.

Napoleon's Campaigns Patch 1.04 / May, 2008

- fixed: Naval Combat had a bug on cohesion.
- fixed: lone artillery could be redeployed.
- fixed: a rare bug where a ZIP gamefile would not be recognized correctly.
- fixed: Partisans units were not shown in the Unit List (Ledger page F1)
- fixed: a bug of password querying.

- When a depot or village is burned, supply is reduced to the stock needed for one turn of supply (of the units present in the region).
- changed: Generals being discharged from army command, or bypassed by another general when an army is formed will now lose 1 to 4 seniority ranks.
- added: Divisions can now replace whole lost elements.
- Fatigue and losses of men both from movements and standing attrition revised. Historical Attrition should be less harsh. Attrition from movements is higher in bad weather, but is less important from enemy territory.All parameters have been exported into a new option file for modders. See the modding forum for further instructions.
- Various adjustments in the database.
- March to the Sound of Guns improvements: a corps can intervene once per day maximum, and 1 cohesion point / day of 'virtual' march is lost doing so.
- changed: movement speed now takes the slowed element within an unit.
- changed: Seniority changes are now 50% faster (in good ... or bad)
- Units in a structure are always considered as being passive for Cohesion recovery (netting a +2 per day overall, +1 from Passive, +1 from Structure). Reminder,if besieged, you lose -1.5 though.

Scenarios & events

- Many typos fixed in events.
- Some events were not translated in their game text.

- PW scenario:
- NM required to win has been lowered
- British reinforcements will always appear, even if Portugal has fallen (they shall show up in Mallorca in such a case)
- Gibraltar defenses have been boosted...
- Cintra event fixed.
- Tweak on Joseph arrival and Murat departure.
- Napoleon now arrives in October, when the Erfurt treaty was signed.
- GuardRemove1809 event was broken.
- str1808CampaignBackground1 shortened for the French version only.
- Spanish Insurection options replacements changed to: 3 lines, 6 militia, 4 raiders (was 2-8-8)
- New Spanish Option: The spanish player can now enlist 3 new brigades at the cost of 6 replacements.

- 1809 scenario
- Fixed a bug with the Kroat uprising.

- Guards Lancers are no more heavy cavalry
- French Carabiniers are now heavy cavalry.
- Combat signature variable added. Cavalry should be less targeted before closing for the charge.
- HorsePerHit and GunsPerHit added, for a better battle report.

- AI: Better decision making for standing outside or inside structures.
- AI: AI can now burn depots in very hostile areas.
- AI: improvement: AI is more clever in the use of Army HQ.
- AI: Improved 'ForceInBeing' algorithm.

- The keys 'Q' and 'W' can now be used to cycle through fixed units
