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Question about adding a Leader

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:45 am
by JackoWords
I recently made my first attempt at modding BoA II, with the result that I had to reinstall my game after it would no longer initialize. :)

After first attempting to mod the various files by hand, I followed the steps present in this thread:

...specifically post 11.

I followed each step in this thread exactly, with the exception of:

"Now you need to add the strings for 'ldr_txt...' and 'ArmyName...' to the LocalStrings_BOA42.xls"


"Copy the new pictures for the leader to

...since Local Strings appears to require differently named text, and I could not any reference in the excel sheets to any other graphic except the one which should appear in \BoA\Graphics\Units\.

I wanted to try again, but since my results were ruinous last time, I wanted first to double check that this post is comprehensive and correct.

Please let me know if you have any comments, and thanks!

Edit: Whoops! This is supposed to be in the BoA II Mod Forums, sorry! :)