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Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:20 pm

When compared to BOA, is supply more important in AACW? After playing through Shiloh several times it seems to me the CPU takes into account it's supply lines more when it moves. Is this true? Or am I imagining things? Maybe it's because I just didn't pay too much attention to supply in BOA and got away with it. If I'm just imagining this larger role, I'll have to play some more BOA and pay more attention to the supply situtation :siffle:

Is there any way to quickly tell where you have blocked an enemy force from moving? Either in general or for a specific force? Sort of in the same manner that you get regions where you can't move shown in red? Or at least I'm assuming that's what a red region indicates - somewhere I can't move.

EDIT: Yeah, found it in the manual - pulsating red regions are areas you can't enter. I'd love to be able to quickly look at the map and see where I have the cpu blocked in a similar manner.

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:33 pm

When compared to BOA, is supply more important in AACW? [...]

The supply system in AACW is quite different and more sophisticated then in BoA. But frankly speaking I still lack in experience to tell how hard it is to keep the troops supplied in the big campaigns compared with BoA.

[...] I'd love to be able to quickly look at the map and see where I have the cpu blocked in a similar manner.

It is not so easy to tell that a force has been blocked as the Evasion Value of the enemy force has to be taken into account. The Evasion Value of a large stack will be different of the one of a single cavalry unit. Thus the enemy may not be able to sneak behind your lines with his whole army but he may split it...

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