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Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:51 am


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Clinton Continues the Chase

Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:46 am

But, after one turn of much needed rest in New York, Washington discovers that Clinton continues the chase by moving his army to Morristown (see screenie). The is probably a trick Pocus coded into the AI to screw ME..

Washington can't stay in New York. If he does, Clinton will attack for sure and Washington may be forced to retreat onto Long Island, where his army will be destroyed.

Sooo, the only real option here, is to run away. I suggest down the road back to Philadephia were it all began. Its bound to be undefended. Stay tuned.

Also, notice the French in Hartford being very cowardly.

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Clinton Catches Washington

Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:36 am

Well, it didn't work. Clinton catches Washington in Newark using the American Army for target practice. Washington retreats to New York, but now the situation looks a whole lot worse than before.

However, notice British Generals Phillips and O'hare demonstrating their incompetence at seige warfare. Fortunately the French bounced Phillips at Peekskill. So perhaps there is a remote chance that Washington can run away toward the French forcing Phillips into a nasty sandwhich. Surely Clinton won't pursue Washington past New York. Surely....

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What good are Indians?

Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:45 am

Meanwhile, the British have settled on a raiding strategy around the Albany area. Notice the entire countyside is ablaze, with opportunistic Indians taking out innocent colonists where they reside.

On the other hand, any American troops are miles away, and the forces unders St. Clair in Albany obviously dont have the stomach for frontier warfare.

Maybe someone can teach these pesky Indians how to properly use firearms. Maybe....

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Not only is the AI good, it cheats!!!!

Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:50 am

Washington moves North to rendevous with the French as planned. There is an encounter with Phillips, still at Peekskill, but it amounts to only a minor skirmish.

O'hare, formally besieging West Point, sees all the action on the other side of the river, and runs away, destination unknown.

Clinton must of had activation problems, so the AI removed him from the stack putting Leslie in charge of the Army instead. Meanwhile Clinton hides in Philadelphia were he cant get hurt.

Well, now the entire year of manuevers and posturing, looks like it will end in a massive battle at Peekskill. Can the combined might of the American and French forces defeat Leslie's killer stack. Or will the AI weenie out and run away after endlessly pursuing Washington's army.

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Knyphausen Runs Away

Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:54 pm

Alexander Leslie, was a high born, well educated English aristocrat, the son of the Earl of Leven and Melville, and he knew a bad deal when he saw one. So, he refuses to activate and turns the Army over to Baron Wilhelm von Knyphausen. Leslie decides to cower in Ridgefield, and takes a small force to cover the Baron's rear.

The Baron, however, assembles a mighty Killer Stack. One so large it can barely be displayed on the screen. He advances bravely into the valley of death at Peekskill, and upon seeing the enemy forces arrayed to meet him, he RUNS AWAY, taking 45 hits in the process!

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Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:10 pm

So, what have we learned about the AI in BoA v 1.13d?

1. It shamelessly uses Indians and foreign auxilleries to do its dirty work.

2. It cheats by unstacking leaders that refuse to activate, which is what I would do as well!

3. When the AI is in doubt, it constructs a Killer Stack.

4. Its so aggresive, it will chase you through any type of terrain.

5. And when the big moment comes, it weenies out!!!


All of this makes for a great game, btw!!

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The R4(R4DS) Cartridge

Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:46 am

The R4(R4DS) Cartridge Image is the current top-of-the-line in DS SLOT-1 flash carts. It is just an amazing little device like original DS cart size, it is a complete solution with no need to purchase any additional components or deal with any messy software and truly the easiest media enhancer you have ever done; To simply put it, this is a must have peripheral for any regular DS/DS lite owner.

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