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PBEM: CSA vs. Jagger/USA April '61

Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:34 pm

A while ago I posted a complaint that there are not enough PBEM AAR’s on this forum. Though time is at a premium, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and post my PBEM vs. Jagger.

I am completely new to PBEM, and have only played 2 games vs. AI, so I expect to get my butt kicked. What I hope to do is learn some strategy tips from YOU, the players out there, so I have a fighting chance. So please insert your comments, or learn! It could be what you learn is how a US player can beat the CSA.

We are using Mike’s Weather Mod, Jagger’s Art Mod (of course), and playing the April ’61 scenario. I am CSA. Additionally, we have added the following house rule on drafts:

Neither player will select a Draft Option until either:

a) The first turn after a battle that produces over 1000 casualties on either side, or
b) Early Sept. ‘61

This is meant to reflect the realization that it’s going to be a long war, and to put a damper on the initial huge rush of men.

I will likely only include screenshots of theater events, and will probably summarize a couple turns into a post. I doubt this will have the quality of other excellent AAR’s, but hopefully a slightly different twist.

Thank you, and look forward to your strategic help!

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:26 pm

Initial Strategy

Given our house rules, my initial builds (as well as his), will be limited. Our rule might favor US, as they have more regular conscripts than I do. Nevertheless, we can still make a little trouble early-on. I welcome your thoughts on the strategic situation!!!

Eastern Theater:

The CSA has a good initial situation it seems, with almost as many troops as the US, and better leaders. Additionally, there is a special event that requires the Union to attack or lose 10 NM; I need to find out the exact date, but that is something that can be used to advantage. I think Jagger will essentially be on the defensive here through ’61 other than that special event.

Harper’s Ferry looks very takeable early-on. Manassas, though not a great place to defend, is a strategic point that we will occupy. If he doesn’t, I will pick a fight in ’61, to see how far we can press the Yank, and also to get some leaders promoted (like Stonewall!)

Western Theater:

Much more of a challenge for the CSA, and I think Jagger’s main offensive effort initially will be directed toward Island 10 and Ft. Henry. The Western Theater will be his main effort the whole war, where the Union River fleet can be used to decisive advantage.

Ft. Henry is the most important point. If that’s gone, I have the Union Fleet at my back down the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers; central Tennessee won’t last long once Ft. Henry falls. Island 10 is important, but not quite as vital I think (though I would love to hear other’s opinion), as the Mississippi is harder to penetrate much past Memphis.

At any rate, I see this as my initial strategy, but would LOVE feedback:

1. Almost all new troops builds will go to Tennessee.
2. The largest army will be built in Nashville. Probably before an army is built, I will send forces toward Bowling Green. I will NOT attack anyone in Ky though until neutrality. I will use raiders to tear up the RR tracks out of Louisville and Evansville. This army long-term will be responsible for Ft. Henry. I will have to see, but I don’t see moving the main body into Ky, with the Union Navy at my back.
3. Another army will be formed in West Tennessee, centered on Humboldt. This is within supporting distance of Ft. Henry, or Island 10, and will grab Paducah.


This region perplexes me. Missouri seems like it’s as large as the rest of the country with all that wide-open space. The main priority is to protect Little Rock, but I don’t think Little Rock will be taken from Missouri in the end, but from Memphis or the Arkansas River.

At any rate, a few priorities:
1. Get an army set-up at Springfield; would like to hold it through the Winter, and use it as a base to raid into Missouri.
2. Collect forces at Dallas to take Tuscon and Laredo, clearing those posts. Those units can then head toward Arkansas or wherever. My builds in Trans-Mississippi will focus HERE initially.
3. Burn the Depot at Rolla ASAP. That alone will probably prevent an offensive toward Springfield this year.

I can seriously see, at a later date, abandoning everything above Little Rock, and keeping a Cav Div in Oklahoma to threaten Union supplies or a move toward LR from there. It just ain’t that important over there.


I bought 2 in SC, and one each in AL and MS. Not sure if those are good ideas or not. At least they are all well-away from the US. I wouldn’t build in TN for that reason, even if it was a great idea.

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:41 pm

If you industrialize TX, Mississippi and Florida it would be cheaper. With any luck you should be able to have 70 to 100 WS coming in by the end of 61. I would be no help with advice with human players as I haven't played PBEM yet. Good luck to ya!

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:27 pm

Toten: Oh well, too late now!

APRIL 1861:

The first month is uneventful. Norfolk and Sumter Fall. Only thing noting is that the Sumter Forces are sent by train to Nashville, to form the core of the A of T

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:07 pm

MAY 1861:

Focusing builds on the Western Theater. Harper's Ferry Falls.

A US Division shows up in Manassas in Late May! Not sure how that happened, what troops could he have used? Next turn I expect him to clear out the garrison. I am sending the only unit I have unfrozen, a brigade under Winder.

The CSA Navy, I'm not sure the best way to use it, but here goes.....

1. All Brigs head to Blockade Boxes
2. I am moving 2 Gunboats to the Cumberland R., and 1 to the Tennessee. They will die as soon as Ft. Henry falls, but I want to restrict raider movement accross those rivers. Smart? The TN transport is going to build a depot at Ft. Henry.

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:51 pm

June 1861

Our first action out east! Mostly, it was rapid-reaction Union troops getting the militia at Manssas and Harper's Ferry. Both units survived and retreated. I am testing screen capture, so not much to see really, but here it goes:


You can see those pesky troops. Hopefully Hooker didn't get promoted for that action at Harper's Ferry. Though, we have randomized leaders, and it is producing some interesting results:

TJ Jackson is a 6-3-3 :(
JE Johnston is a 5-3-3 :)
M. Bonham is 4-2-3; where did that come from?
A couple other previously usable generals are now complete slugs.

Overall, though, I like it! As long as Little Mac doesn't come as a 3-4-4.....

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:19 pm

Very interesting!! I am following closely and appreciate all nuances and hints. I have never played the Rebs. There was never anything such as "the CSA." Just a bunch of slave-holding planters using small farmers etc. as cannon fodder. Tag :niark: :cwboy:

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Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:08 pm

tagwyn wrote:Very interesting!! I am following closely and appreciate all nuances and hints. I have never played the Rebs. There was never anything such as "the CSA." Just a bunch of slave-holding planters using small farmers etc. as cannon fodder. Tag :niark: :cwboy:

Couldn't agree more, I am an Illinoisan and a Yankee at heart, but someone has to play the bad guys!

At any rate, it's JULY 1861

EAST: Below is the situation: A corps under Hamilton has pushed temptingly forward toward Culpepper, estimated combat value of 500 (about 18,000 men). There is an almost equal force under Shields at Manassas, not a corps. Jagger could be up to something, maybe we're walking into a trap....but oh well, you only live once. I am moving the entire NVA Army (1200 assault, about 43,000 troops) at Hamilton, and should get there in 5 days. I am moving a brigade to Fredericksburg, as a large Cav force is sighted accross the river. Let's see what happens!


Not sure what to do, I need a better clue. I have Polk's men shoved forward to Columbus, and new Divisions at Clarksville and Nashville. An extra Brigade went to Ft. Henry. I can't move on Bowling Green until KY Neutrality, but until then I probably need to sit tight and build. In the meantime, I have raiders tearing up track in KY (they should be safe), and another Cav unit cutting the railline north of Cairo (that might be a suicide run)


St. Louis Massacre did not trigger. Jagger took Rolla before I could burn the depot, and there isn't much anywhere in the state. I have a problem here.

I have a new Div of Cav, TexRangers, and TxMilitia leaving Houston to take Laredo under McCulloch.

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Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:19 am


EAST: The brilliant maneuver didn't quite work out. I did get 45K guys on Hamilton's corps, but all we got was a Cav unit destroyed, and 1+ NM. We are attacking toward Manassas, as our cohesion is excellent, maybe we get a better result vs. a couple fragments. Jagger is smart, so I don't know why he spread out his guys like that. Maybe we can take advantage......


My Cav raid north of Cairo was repulsed; bad news, they retreated, but good news, the unit survived. Raiding is tricky, against a good opponent like Jagger maybe more suicide than results. I am tearing up all kinds of track in KY, but I have supply source at Lexington. But not for long.....


I give up. I can't figure this out. If I can hold Springfield through the Winter, I will consider that a victory, because Missouri is lost. St. Louis Massacre did not happen, and in Jagger's view, that is a plus for the Union.

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Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:18 am


Not a good turn for me. In the EAST I attacked at Manassas, knowing the Union army would be there and hoping my leadership would carry the day. I suffered a minor defeat (no NM loss though), and retreated to Fredericksburg. There we will rest and lick our wounds. Meanwhile, Hooker took Winchester, so the Valley is Federal.

In the TRANS MISS, McCulloch failed to take Tuscon, and his cohesion is bad enough we have to get out of there before he melts in the desert. Springfield is about to fall to Sumner. I am getting enough guys together at Fayetteville, in hopes of holding N. Arkansas for awhile. I am hopeless out there!

Out West, just Cav Raids. I did take Columbus, IN, and it was taken back; I am hoping that unit lives, we will see.

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Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:01 pm


After the inconclusive Battle of Bull Run, the gloves are off; we are now allowing drafts. I selected FULL MOBILIZATION, because I know Jagger is.


If anyone with good advice is out there, I could use some help. I am critically short of War Supplies, such that I turned off my industrialization efforts this turn. I am producing +54, based on some builds, but that isn't enough. Blockade Runners brought in 5 this turn.

With the shortage of War Supplies, I am building alot of Militia. Some of it is beginning to train up to Regular status. Not sure if this is a good strategy, but it gets guys on the board. Other than that, I am building several brigades in TN/AL, Cavalry in TX, and 3 artillery units. Those were expensive in War Supply, but have to have artillery.


A large Cavalry Stack moved to Culpepper, I am going to try to quash them with Jackson's Corps. There is a risk it's bait for the Army behind it, and I'll be attacking into a large force....if that happens, I will sense a pattern here. That is an interesting tactic, pushing large Cav forces to spaces adjacent to my army. They are too big for a Cav Unit to move. There are two of them. Let's see what Jagger is up to, I trust Jackson to hold his own.


Here is a screenshot of the Western Theater. Advice Wanted Please!


There is now a sizable Union Force at Bowling Green, about 700 AP, maybe 25,000 troops. McClellan is the commander. I have Ruggles with 5000 men at Clarksville, and JEJohnston is at Nashville with 15,000 more. Militia Occupy Galatin, and Ft. Henry is reinforced. What to do there?
I can't see a reason to stay north of the Cumberland, if I don't intend to attack Bowling Green. I have Cavalry in his rear in KY, and they can draw supplies from Lexington at the moment, they are going to keep tearing up the L&N. Foote's fleet is sighted docked at Bowling Green. This is his main area of concentration out west.
I decided to pull Ruggles back accross the Cumberland, and abandon the North Bank. Is there a reason not to I am missing? More reinforcements are arriving at Nashville, and I just built a new Army, that will become the AoT. I don't see him attempting to cross the river before Spring. There might be a move on Ft. Henry shortly, and I regret not sending Ruggles there directly. Oh well!
In West Tenn, all is very quiet. Too quiet. I haven't seen any significant forces, a couple units at Cairo is all. Polk is at Columbus with maybe 10K guys.


A Cav unit showed up and took Dallas and Henderson, TX. We are moving Militia in the way so that doesn't get out of control there. I really screwed this theater up, I hope to stabilize at Fayetteville, and hold 'em there. I really lack decent leaders, I only have 2 out there, and not really any extras to spare.

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:25 am

Late Oct 1861

A few interesting things happened this turn, our first real action out west. Worth a mention anyway.


Sort of a stalemate, and I would like some advice on how aggressive I should be. I let the Valley and Manassas go away pretty easily, mostly because he just got to Manassas first. First Bull Run was a minor CSA defeat. I don't see a particular reason to attack, because with bad weather coming I can't sustain it, so the only point would be NM, which can go either way. So instead of getting guys killed, I'm staying put. Smart, or no? And, isn't there a special event soon that has US Newspapers calling for a Union offensive?

Anyway, a screenshot of the East:


I screwed up a reinforcement; as I was pulling back from the Cumberland, I was ordering reinforcements for Tennessee; of course, a brigade built in Gallatin! Ugh! So it was either hand them on a platter to the Union, or attempt a rescue. As it happened we did both: A force under Hurlbut stomped them for a 1 NM loss for me :( . THEN AS Johnston got accross, and we were given a victory, but it was really a draw, no NM and about 1200 losses a side. Here is the situation:
At this point, I am going to thrust to Clarksville, and stomp on the units there, then withdraw back accross the river. The only way that goes bad is if he is moving Little Mac into that hex, and so be it. We'll fight! I just don't want to go back to Nashville empty handed.

Over at Cairo, I see this guy:

He isn't over there to command the garrison. There aren't alot of units there, yet, but I see alot of ships and Grant means a move on Paducah or Island 10 shortly. Polk will be reinforced.


The raiders in Texas skedaddled, probably to beat the weather. I now have a force at Fayetteville under Hindman, not much but maybe enough to hold the place through the Spring. McCulloch is going to regroup in Dallas before another attempt on Tuscon in the Spring.

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:55 pm

QUESTION: Is anyone reading this? Or maybe reading, but not making comments? I myself could certainly use a peek at more PBEM AAR's to learn the game, but there aren't many, is this forum particularly active?

Anyway, back to the War:

DEC 1861:

The last couple turns were fairly quiet, with little to report. Early Nov. went by without a shot fired. Then, late Nov, something interesting happened.....

A number of Cav Regts. unloaded from ships in my rear, and immediate cut the rail lines between LA and TX, and also at Jackson, MS. I didn't lose any important towns because I had Militia down there, but that seemed very curious....why unload a bunch of guys down there, and get those specific rail lines? I smelled an invasion of New Orleans. I immediately ordered a Cav Div under Van Dorn, and a Inf. Div. uner Stewart toward NO, where I had maybe 3000 militia under Holmes.

...Sure enough, next turn a Division shows at New Orleans! I'm sure the place will fall next turn. I took a big risk in sending 2 more divisions; the front at Nashville is stripped very bare, I am gambling he won't move due to weather. With 3 divisions, I intended to crush that invasion force and turn it into a victory.

...Except after I went to bed, I rethought this. Jagger isn't dumb. He didn't bring alot of guys, just one division; not enough to safely hold it. There are only a couple possibilities:

1. There are more units coming on transports
2. It's a raid. He is going to take the town, burn the depot, and generally make me react to weaken other fronts.

I think now it's 2, and sending all those guys might be a mistake. We shall see!

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:42 pm

I am following your posts. A Very enjoyable AAR.

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:00 pm

Glad to hear I have an audience of at least one! Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?

Jan 1862

Didn't win any battles, but we might have won the situation around New Orleans. I'm not quite sure how I did this, but I had sent Stewart's Division from the AoT 2 turns back at the first sign something was amiss down there. I set him last turn to attack Shield's Division north of NO. I expected Wallace's Div, which was also present, to take down the fort of New Orleands, where I had Holmes leading 4 Regt. of Militia and Regulars. I was hoping a victory against Sheilds would throw him back on New Orleans.

Instead, somehow Stewart got into the thick of things at New Orleans, and carred the day:


My esteemed opponent informs me that he did not attack the City, because he could only see that there were 4 units, and so I think overestimated their strength. They happened to be weak militia. By the time Stewart got there though they were more formidable.

So, the tables have turned now. Stewart is out of ammo, so will have to recoup that in New Orleans, but I had brought JE Johnston down from Tennessee as well, so he will be attacking that Union Division stranded north of New Orleans:

He might be able to load them on transports and skeedaddle, in which case I will attack air, but we have to give it a shot. Otherwise, as you can see the place is crawling with Rebs.

Otherwise quiet, but the new year brought a TON of new Generals and new builds.

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:42 pm

Reading, enjoying. My PBEM opponent has been reading this one, too ... :)

I do think that the pull back from Manassas and the Valley was smart. Smarter than I was in my last CSA PBEM. You can form a good defensive line along the Rappahannock.

If the SL massacre never fires, I think it causes a serious game balance issue for the trans-Mississippi theater. If it does fire, I think Missourri loyalty swings too far towards the CSA, but not too serious an issue.

free advice:
DELETED : Jagger has asked that I not give his opponent such good advice. :siffle: He was obviously not aware of this post, but saw the one on the PBEM too difficult thread. I edited that, too.
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Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:20 pm

Reading as well. I am no expert on long campaigns but if you want to defend in depth as Jabberwock suggested build militia units and use them as diggers behind your frontlines. Try to use those militia to dig OUTSIDE cities. If you get pushed you fall back on prepared entrenchements and you won't get besieged in cities. Good luck!

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:44 pm

Jabberwock and Jacek: GOOD ADVICE! I didn't realize Militia could be Ditch-Diggers for me. I figured Donelson is the key, and I expect a move shortly. As soon as I can, I hope to build another Corp for the AoT for Donelson, and spread that army out along the Cumberland. But I don't think a move will come from McClellan in Bowling Green, but Grant toward Donelson. I expect that move shortly, just need a little more time to get leaders set.....
And you're right, Polk is very exposed in Columbus, that position is gone as soon as Donelson is.

Back to the action:
LATE JAN 1862:

The only action is around New Orleans. There were a series of inconclusive battles between JEJohnston's Corps (really just Hardee's Division plus a Bde), and the Federal force in Pearl, LA, a swamp north of New Orleans. Hardee is completely out of ammo and has lost all cohesion, so I imagine he has too. I am bringing Stewart's Division over, which spent the last turn replenishing ITS ammo after a similar series of small fights at N.O. last turn.

This is going to end one of two ways I feel: Either A) We wipe out those Federals, or B) they get rescued by the Navy. Entirely possible, there are Federal Ships in the Mississippi, I just can't see them. I think they are going to get rescued and run though.

Other than that, I have ALOT of units being built, and more leaders on the way!

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Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:17 pm

It is very difficult to retreat amphibiously if you are getting tag-teamed.
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Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:30 pm

JAN 1862: Strategic Maps

We are having a bug problem, hopefully it doesn't wipe out too many months. In the meantime, I am playing with PAINT, and attaching a couple Strategic Maps of my force disposition. Please note, I have ALOT of builds in the works, maybe 10 brigades or so, most of those are ticketed for the West. In the Trans Miss, I have 5,000 mixed Cav/Mil under McCulloch in Dallas, getting ready to take Tuscon. In Fayetteville, there are 11,000 Mixed Troops under Hindman and Watie. I also did not mention numerous scattered garrisons everywhere.

The East:

The West:

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Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:05 pm

Interesting read! :)

Wow, 10 brigades in the build! Where do You geht the necessary war supplies from, massive blockade running?

I've fiddled around a bit with the CSA over the weekend and quite hated it, because I couldn't seem do get any decent build-up and/or industrialization done. (Yes, I'm quite spoiled by being used to the Union and its lavish supplies:siffle :) Guess I'd better dig up some sound strategy tips before I get into the CSA in earnest... :sourcil:

A question: has Jagger tried to do any serious amphibious assaults yet, apart form the failed incursion in Louisiana? If not, that's IMH(and not yet too well informed and mainly based on past experience with other ACW-games)O a severe sin of omission on his part. Many of the east coast harbors should be easy and relatively quickly to reach meat, and even if he defends them only with small militia garrisons while moving on with his main force and loses some of them to counter-attacks, in the meanwhile he'd distract valuable CSA forces from the main theatres and boost his own blockade-efficiency, wouldn't he?
Henry D, also known as "Stauffenberg" @ Strategycon Interactive and formerly (un)known as "whatasillyname" @ Paradox Forums

"Rackers, wollt Ihr ewig leben?" (Rascals, Do You want to live forever?) - Frederick the Great, cursing at his fleeing Grenadiers at the battle of Kunersdorf

"Nee, Fritze, aber für fuffzehn Pfennije is' heute jenuch!" (No, Freddy, but for 15p let's call it a day!) - Retort of one passing Grenadier to the above :sourcil:

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Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:22 pm

Henry D. wrote:Interesting read! :)

Wow, 10 brigades in the build! Where do You geht the necessary war supplies from, massive blockade running?

I've fiddled around a bit with the CSA over the weekend and quite hated it, because I couldn't seem do get any decent build-up and/or industrialization done. (Yes, I'm quite spoiled by being used to the Union and its lavish supplies:siffle :) Guess I'd better dig up some sound strategy tips before I get into the CSA in earnest... :sourcil:

A question: has Jagger tried to do any serious amphibious assaults yet, apart form the failed incursion in Louisiana? If not, that's IMH(and not yet too well informed and mainly based on past experience with other ACW-games)O a severe sin of omission on his part. Many of the east coast harbors should be easy and relatively quickly to reach meat, and even if he defends them only with small militia garrisons while moving on with his main force and loses some of them to counter-attacks, in the meanwhile he'd distract valuable CSA forces from the main theatres and boost his own blockade-efficiency, wouldn't he?

I am not sure what the best Union strategy is for Amphib assaults. I do know that if you intend to hold something, you better bring a whole lot of guys. Jagger's initial set-up to New Orleans was well-executed, with raids cutting the rail lines; very well done, I wish I could think of that! After that it didn't go so well for him, not sure if that was because I reacted quick, or he hesitated at the gates of the city, against a pretty small force inside. Maybe he needed to clear the forts at the head of the passes.

Maybe the biggest problem with the Union sea moves is the risk-reward. Your potential reward is limited, and the risk is the total destruction of whatever you land.

PS, we are slow at the moment, and having some major problems technically. The game keeps crashing at early Feb, we have tried going backwards, and Jagger has worked on a few fixes. I hope we don't have to start this one over!

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Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:35 pm

KillCalvalry wrote:I am not sure what the best Union strategy is for Amphib assaults. I do know that if you intend to hold something, you better bring a whole lot of guys. Jagger's initial set-up to New Orleans was well-executed, with raids cutting the rail lines; very well done, I wish I could think of that! After that it didn't go so well for him, not sure if that was because I reacted quick, or he hesitated at the gates of the city, against a pretty small force inside. Maybe he needed to clear the forts at the head of the passes.

Maybe the biggest problem with the Union sea moves is the risk-reward. Your potential reward is limited, and the risk is the total destruction of whatever you land.

Frankly, in retrospect, I'm not so sure about the value of my criticism above either. :innocent: It was solely based on my experiences with the AI. A human will probably hand my my bottom on a silverplate if I try it out on him, as I soon hope to find out for myself. :niark: But still, an assault force of one or two strong divisions, Farragut with a decent fleet for support and a bunch of Militia to leave behind as garrisons while the main force continues "harbor hopping" should give Jeff Davis a headache, just like those meddlesome gray raiders behind the union lines give it to Abe Lincoln... :sourcil:

Regards, Henry
Henry D, also known as "Stauffenberg" @ Strategycon Interactive and formerly (un)known as "whatasillyname" @ Paradox Forums

"Rackers, wollt Ihr ewig leben?" (Rascals, Do You want to live forever?) - Frederick the Great, cursing at his fleeing Grenadiers at the battle of Kunersdorf

"Nee, Fritze, aber für fuffzehn Pfennije is' heute jenuch!" (No, Freddy, but for 15p let's call it a day!) - Retort of one passing Grenadier to the above :sourcil:

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Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:19 pm

I would think that a too early union amphibious campaign would leave Pennsylvania and Ohio extremely exposed to much more than a raid. :niark:

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Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:01 pm

wyrmm wrote:I would think that a too early union amphibious campaign would leave Pennsylvania and Ohio extremely exposed to much more than a raid. :niark:
Maybe time will tell! :dada: :innocent: :sourcil:
Henry D, also known as "Stauffenberg" @ Strategycon Interactive and formerly (un)known as "whatasillyname" @ Paradox Forums

"Rackers, wollt Ihr ewig leben?" (Rascals, Do You want to live forever?) - Frederick the Great, cursing at his fleeing Grenadiers at the battle of Kunersdorf

"Nee, Fritze, aber für fuffzehn Pfennije is' heute jenuch!" (No, Freddy, but for 15p let's call it a day!) - Retort of one passing Grenadier to the above :sourcil:

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:12 pm

Late FEB 1862

After a number of technical problems, we are back on track. I'm glad Jagger is hosting, because I'm sure I couldn't figure out the problem. I can barely take screenshots! The response from AGEOD was excellent for one bug fix, but I have to say the PBEM system in general needs to get to the 21st century and be more idiot-proof.

Back to the War:


The only action worth mentioning is near New Orleans, where the New Orleans invasion force is still in Pearl, LA. I need some help, because I would love to know how his troops are getting supplies! We had a series of battles there, 8 I think, none of them decisive in itself and resulting in 4800 casualties a side. My guys are very beat up, but I bet he is even worse off, so we are ordering more attacks. At least Stewart got promoted, as a 4-2-2 (leader randomization), he will be a useful corps commander at some point. I need to know where his supplies are coming from though, because if I can figure that out, I can really get a win:

I'm sure the answer is ships, but I don't know if he can trace a supply line north and back down Bayou Teche, or if there are Union Transports right there unloading ammo. At any rate, I now have 2 Ironclads (Tennessee and Mississippi), and they are going to park offshore from Pearl.

Other than that, very little happening:

*All quiet on the Potomac. In fact, I haven't seen ANY increase in AV points for the units accross the way. Clearly, he will stay on defensive. The presence of Ben Butler as a corps commander is all I need to know about his plans there. At some point I either need to a) transfer a division or two to Tennessee, or b) take the offensive. I think A is more productive, but I also think I need to do B at some point so he doesn't take us for granted. I would like to have Lee active for that though.
*Out West, we have reinforced Ft. Henry up to 13K, with more on the way. This is the next point that will be attacked, and very soon I feel. I wonder if I put enough guys there.
*The Army of Mississippi, JE Johnston commanding, has been formed in Columbus, KY. 30,000 effectives at present. They are guarding Island 10, but are close to the Tennessee R., if Jagger shows his hand there
*I can't see any Federal armies out West, other than McClellan's in Bowling Green, and I highly doubt that is the main effort. Somewhere accross the Ohio lurks Grant, and a whole bunch of guys.
*In the far west, McCulloch is moving on Tuscon with 5K men, mostly cavalry and Texas Militia. I sort of botched putting his army together, because there is no artillery, oversight on my part. But, we have a big numerical advantage, let's see if that's enough.

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:52 pm

Here you are another satisfy reader. Good job.

Like other mate, i wonder why is possible you can build so many brigades with the CSA. In my scen i'm always in the razor's edge, very sparse WS and very very very very small money...

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:59 pm

fremen wrote:Here you are another satisfy reader. Good job.

Like other mate, i wonder why is possible you can build so many brigades with the CSA. In my scen i'm always in the razor's edge, very sparse WS and very very very very small money...

Excellent questions, and I haven't unlocked any secret code:

1. I had delayed builds for awhile and accumulated War Supplies, so when I did a money and draft take, I suddenly had a large pool accross the board. 10 is definitely not a normal turn! Just my post-take rush. And, that was at that moment, 10 were training in various places on the map.
2. You can see on the last post my normal production, nothing out of the ordinary.
3. I haven't been building as much artillery, saving that for later. I think artillery is important, just seems like the CSA is short of war supplies early, so you have to prioritize infantry.

Hope that answers that, just waiting for a turn from Jagger so the seige of Pearl, LA can continue.

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:04 pm

KillCalvalry wrote:Excellent questions, and I haven't unlocked any secret code:

1. I had delayed builds for awhile and accumulated War Supplies, so when I did a money and draft take, I suddenly had a large pool accross the board. 10 is definitely not a normal turn! Just my post-take rush. And, that was at that moment, 10 were training in various places on the map.
2. You can see on the last post my normal production, nothing out of the ordinary.
3. I haven't been building as much artillery, saving that for later. I think artillery is important, just seems like the CSA is short of war supplies early, so you have to prioritize infantry.

Hope that answers that, just waiting for a turn from Jagger so the seige of Pearl, LA can continue.

May be that would be the cause, in my games build a lot of guns because i think my armies will sustain many sieges and batteries give me (or i hope to do it) a very punch against assaults.

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:38 pm

KillCalvalry wrote:I'm sure the answer is ships, but I don't know if he can trace a supply line north and back down Bayou Teche, or if there are Union Transports right there unloading ammo. At any rate, I now have 2 Ironclads (Tennessee and Mississippi), and they are going to park offshore from Pearl.

The JumpLink between 'Western Branch' and White Lake regions is broken. Any supplies or ships would have to travel through West Baton Rouge (Pierre), so unless Jagger has fixed the link on his system, that is not the answer.

BTW - that is the Atchafalaya River - Bayou Teche runs NW from Berwick towards Opelousas, approximately where the road is displayed on the map.
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