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New to This Game but Not New

Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:43 am

Long time player of Civil War II, bought Wars of Napoleon some time back but just getting into it.

How different is it to CW2? I've already noticed that you can now raise divisions instead of brigades- but I have noticed in setting up a new game divisions can't combine with smaller units to make up the 18 elements.

Or am I missing something?

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Re: New to This Game but Not New

Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:42 pm

Except for France, other factions are not building divisions in the early game. So what you see is leaders who can organize units under them. These leaders and units can be broken down, build you will not be able to recombine them.

Think of Napoleon as inventing the army organization used in the American Civil War. In Wars of Napoleon you see that evolution as other nations adopt and adapt.

Each nation has military reform, usually about 1808. Once this reform kicks in, you can form actually divisions though each faction has different limits upon which. Nations can also build divisions after reform.
As each faction is different, let me just say as a corollary to CWII, think of it the same way that no divisions can be built at first, and the number of armies is variable as armies gain expertise.

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