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Crimean War event troubles with France

Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:58 pm

Good day, everyone.

I am currently playing as France, and the year is 1853, with the Crimean War raging in all of its glory. Or it is supposed to. Unfortunately the Ottomans, in a very underwhelming manner, made a separate peace with the Russian Empire, which has left me and the British fighting alone against Russia. It also appears that S-P will not be joining our party, which is what worries me. Will the future event chains fire correctly, namely the Paris Congress and the one that deals with future wars between S-P and Austria? Should I keep fighting, or try forcing the Ottoman Empire back into the fray with a script?

Thank you, and have a nice day.

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Re: Crimean War event troubles with France

Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:43 pm


very belated response. If you have the last patch then it has a lot of changes for Russia that sorted out most of the known problems for the early events (say up to 1860). That include the problem with the ctd related to the Caucasus revolt.

after it was released i found one more, its in this thread


More generally for France, the chains work well - in part as its been a popular nation to play so had a lot of attention.

Again the last patch sorted out the German unification chains so its most likely you will be attacked by Prussia sometime 1868-72.

A few things remain - and I'm afraid can't be sorted now.

first unless a war is set by event as to 'the death' we can't stop the natural game engine AI seeking peace. So in this case, yes its feasible for the Ottomans to bail out leaving France (&/or the UK) at war. An alliance at war system would have been ideal but ... (check my old PoN Italy AAR for the vagaries of WW1 when each nation can follow its own dynamics).

The other bit if I recall (& my memory now is very hazy), the Third Empire collapses regardless around 1871-2 and France flips to a Republic. The domestic political game was never really coded (it was meant to model the US elections, favouring certain politics depending on player choices) and could have coped with ahistorical events such as the Thrid Empire surviving.

Again, off a poor memory, you can make France an Empire again by event (if that is what you want) but the government traits are set from the .exe.


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Re: Crimean War event troubles with France

Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:48 pm

just a bit more, when we reworked the events, we tried to eliminate too many of the very specific preconditions so as to avoid key events never occuring.

So Italy south of the Po will unify around 1858-9, its less scripted to seek war (the events push it that way but the AI can hold back) with Austria. Again if I recall, I deliberately created a situation where an AI Italy up against an AI Austria will tend to emerge with Lombardy and the Veneto regardless. A player (of either) has to make this happen or stop it (if they can)

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Re: Crimean War event troubles with France

Mon Jun 27, 2022 7:30 am

Paris Congress event check for Russia to be at war with Turkey, so if that condition are false it won't fire - it is actually the only strategy for Russian player to avoid scripted peace are to kick TUR out of war and not fight them until 1871.

So, if peace happened you need make peace by themselves because scripted events won't end it for you.

I also did little mod where some remaining scripting issues was fixed - for example in the last patch they broke some events which was working initially, because I fixed them by borrowing code from old version of files present in Steam game folder.

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