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1775 scenario help as Americans

Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:12 pm

Okay so I have looked around these forums and old AARs and what I don't see is very many cases at all of the Americans winning the War of Independence.

I recently failed a half-butted try against the AI after a long hiatus away from this game but want to try full-butted soon. Seems a tall order for the Patriots.

I have won the FIW as both the British and French against the AI (ages ago) but having trouble with the Americans. I got FE and was fighting in 1779 but by then the British had overrun most all of the cities and towns of importance (losing the Continental army in Philly trapped in the city and assaulted didn't help, woops).

I have tried to piece together advice for the Americans and I think it boils down to:
1. Fabian tactics (defensive posture or offensive posture with the retreat quickly ROE?). Don't go 'in' cities, better to retreat away.
2. Survive until Foreign Entry
3. Hold onto what strategic towns you can for recruitment
4. Using training leaders and training actions via EP to strengthen what I have.

Is there more to consider here? I feel like I need more advice. And I have some questions:

1. Are British reinforcements finite? Will controlling particular cities change their schedule at all?
2. When do Militia and Continental units 'go home' and disappear?
3. If militia and Continentals received training before they leave, if/when they return do they still have the training received?
4. How best to make use of small militia in the South?
5. What is the best long term strategic plan? Survive, get FE, then attack hoping to reclaim enough objectives for the VP edge by game-end?

Would appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:16 pm

I wish I could give some advice but I am currently in early 1776 in the 1775 scenario (I'm playing as rebels) and I have never played against the AI before in this scenario. So far so good - but I fear a wave of British reinforcements arriving. I'll let you know how my game goes - but it may take me some time!


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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:07 am

This is a huge question which I will answer in part for now with a focus upon your specific questions.

You do understand the key, Fabian tactics. How to do so is hard. Make sure you have at least one objective/strategic city in each of the four regions so you continue to receive reinforcements. This is not too hard to do as the Brits must garrison all, so some will have weak garrisons. Define a center of resistance for your main army. There are three good choices: New England, Pennsylvania/Maryland and North and South Carolina. I prefer the Pennsylvania area, but New England is smarter. This is the army you always keep in full supply and just one river away from the main British army.

1. Are British reinforcements finite? Will controlling particular cities change their schedule at all?
You can do little, except attack EP by keep one ship in each of the four sea zones.
2. When do Militia and Continental units 'go home' and disappear?
December, which is historical, contracts always expired Dec 31. This is easy to remember if you remember why Washington attack Trenton at Christmas in the snow.
3. If militia and Continentals received training before they leave, if/when they return do they still have the training received?
As far as I know, only militia go home. So if they are upgraded they stay. And no, they return untrained. However, do save EP to use the protect militia from deserting option in one or two regions, those with your largest forces, obviously.
4. How best to make use of small militia in the South?
Put them in Ft Moultrie as you have a good militia general there. Upon its loss, let them be bait for your partisan forces.
5. What is the best long term strategic plan? Survive, get FE, then attack hoping to reclaim enough objectives for the VP edge by game-end?
Yes, survive until the French arrive. Then find the weakest British force and eliminate it. Do not worry about objectives, except as above, enough you keep getting reinforcements. The British must be spread out to win, keep attacking them at their weak points until you gain the NM edge.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:10 am

By the way, this is why the 1776 scenario is so historically correct. 1775 is a bit of a major beast to win. The Americans win only if they play Washington's game at least as well as he did.
With the 1775 start, the Colonial major army must be in New England as New England is the key to a new America.
By the way, a mistake many players make as the Colonials is to not spread the many leaders in the main army who are not needed there to all the other very small forces. No Colonial force should be leaderless.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:46 am

Durk, firstly thank you for so diligently answering my questions!

Everything you said make sense.

Of course.... what ended up happening between my post waiting to be approved and before you commenting on it is that I did end up winning the 1775 scenario!

I just did what I could with my understanding. The big element for the win was that when Howe left Boston he went to Baltimore instead of New York. So I sent a small column to Boston to take it and sent Washington down to protect Philly.

What ended up happening is I caught Howe lower on cohesion walking to PA and followed that up with repeated attacks. He got stuck running around the Maryland geography trying to get somewhere safe but I never let him go and I effectively destroyed his entire army for not-too-bad losses. I had to duke it out in Virginia for awhile with other forces but with New York and PA safe that gave me a lot of slack to operate with safe internal lines of movement. I pursued the general strategies and had really won the war by 1778/1779. When the French entered I had already cleared most of the South. Technically had to run the clock out to 1783, as I couldn't get out to Detroit. I did take Montreal in the late game but I got too big for my britches and had to eventually fall back to Ticonderoga.

It was exhilarating! I ended up staying up all night finishing the campaign to get my desired victory screen. It was a win by points but I think I did extremely better than history. If Howe went to New York it might be a very different story.

What a great game this is.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:26 pm

I quickly scanned a few comments and then decided I didn't want to read any further as I don't want to get any insight on how to beat the AI. I thought I would have an easy time but from the few comments I saw, I'm now expecting the game to be a little more difficult than I expected. I'm in August 1776 and the British are certainly arriving in force. I've lost New York and Albany seems likely to fall as well before winter.

I did notice that you won the game though. That gives me hope. You play the scenario far more quickly than I do.

At the moment it almost feels like the Pacific War as the Japanese in as much as if there is a big battle I have to win it.
An 18th century Midway. At the moment I'm avoiding such a battle. If it comes I hope I can choose the field.

Certainly a great game so far. A lot of fun and Athena is doing very well.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:47 pm

P.S. I'm thinking of attempting to retake Boston with a naval force as Athena doesn't seem to have maintained much of a presence there. This may be suicidal but if I attempt it I will post the outcome. This is a very odd thread as I don't want to read most of it.

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Thu Sep 02, 2021 1:53 am

Indeed a direct assault upon Boston might be suicide as you must eliminate the garrison or die. Better to take Dorchester Heights and then move into Boston

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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:39 pm

Thanks Durk (although I'm trying to avoid tips :) ) I thought taking Boston might make the AI retreat to try and retake.
Winter now - not sure what I'll do come the thaw.


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Re: 1775 scenario help as Americans

Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:34 pm

Now I am trying my hand at the 1812 campaign as the Americans.

First try didn't go so well. But I was overly aggressive in some places. Also seems like i need to be investing a lot of EP in supply wagons to improve depots along the lakes.

Any other tips?

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