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Deciphering the AI logs

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:41 pm

Does anyone have a key cnn or reference to describe the terms and values used in the AI logs produced per turn? I am trying to improve performance however little I can through scripting, and I can see the effects of some of my changes. But I don't know the rationale or algorithms used by the engine when it runs procedures. BuikdNewUnits, BNU, for example, or EmergencyBuild, or why when I set a force pool ratio with ChgUnitPoolInfos that the ratio is ignored, especially when it comes to naval units.

I've used AI.SetLocalInterest to tailor a more focused response by the engine, which has seemed to help somewhat. At least the engine has stopped parking as many units in out of the way places that aren't under any logical threat. But I don't know how the meaning of some fields in the DataDump file, "Pick", or the Self or Own fields. I can see the results of the agendas in the per/turn CSVs the engine produces, but I'm kind of lost on how it used the Maps files and other resource files it used to make those decisions.

Any kind of reference at all on those files?

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