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No .exe?

Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:23 am

I purchased AACW from the Slitherine store. When I installed the game, it hung indefinitely at 99.9% every time, and the game wouldn't run on launch. In fact, I couldn't even fully uninstall the game because I couldn't delete the existing game folder, I would get the "this folder is in use by another application" error indefinitely.

I went back and forth with tech support and the furthest I got was realizing I could only uninstall/install/play the game in safe mode. I opened the file location and realized I don't have an autorun.exe file, just the AACW application file. Not sure if this is relevant, but it seemed odd to me. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Re: No .exe?

Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:51 pm

Sorry about your troubles, sounds very disappointing. You might repost with the version of your operating system, as that might help.
Most later builds require you install and run the game using the 'run as administrator' selection. Try this first, Uninstall, install as and administrator. The run as an administrator.

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Re: No .exe?

Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:02 pm

normally when a poor AV program grabs and holds a file, if your running Avast, AVG, bitdefender or F secure type rubbish, none of which are game friendly you may have to add the installer and game exe to the safe / white list

installing and running as admin normally sets up the correct file permissions for games to load and run, 3rd party poor AV and security versions do sometimes with some games, and don't with others :wacko:

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Re: No .exe?

Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:39 pm

zakblood wrote:normally when a poor AV program grabs and holds a file, if your running Avast, AVG, bitdefender or F secure type rubbish, none of which are game friendly you may have to add the installer and game exe to the safe / white list

installing and running as admin normally sets up the correct file permissions for games to load and run, 3rd party poor AV and security versions do sometimes with some games, and don't with others :wacko:

I've run Avast on my system since 2008, with few issues with AGEOD games, both developing them and playing them.

The one time it stopped a game, I simply had to add an "exception" to Avast, which took three clicks.

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