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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:02 pm

Excellent, as before, just send me the XLS file with the change and I will send it to the devs for the next patch

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Herr Doctor
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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:36 am

Some fixes to Polish-Lithuanian OOB, hope you would have some time to address them:

The overall army forces number of army without poorly equipped and anarchic mass levy was 25445 men in 1700.

The Polish (Crown) army (Armia Koronna) total: 17570 men
The detailed OOB:
Cavalry total: 10360 men
Arkebuzeria (Mounted Arquebusiers): 900
Husaria*: 1530
Pancerni* (Chain Mailed Cavalry): 4770
Lekka jazda (Light cavalry): 660
Dragonia (Dragoons): 2500
Infantry total: 7210 men
Piechota ("Foreign" infantry): 6740
Piechota węgierska (Light/Hungarian infantry/hajduks): 470
*Perhaps for the game purposes could be combined into one type.

Some regimental names :
Mounted Arquebusiers: Królewski (Life regiment), Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor. + 3 independent companies (Frejkompania)
Husaria and Pancerni: Królewski (Life regiment), Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Leszczyńskiego, Sieniawskiego, Lubomirskiego, Wisniowieckiego, Miaczynskiego, Potockiego, Sobieskiego, Jablonowskiego.
Light cavalry: Potockiego
Dragoons: Królewski (Life regiment), Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor. + 3 independent companies (Frejkompania)
Infantry: Gwardii Pieszej Koronnej (Guard), Królowej (Life regiment), Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Gröbena, d'Arquien, Koszkiela, Brandta, Berensa, Krasinskiego, Leszczyńskiego, Sieniawskiego, S.H. Lubomirskiego, H. Lubomirskiego, J. Lubomirskiego, Szczuki, Rappa, Starosty halickiego, Zaboklickiego, Czapskiego, Dzialynskiego + independent company Frejkompania gen. Nenchy
Hungarian infantry: Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Krakowska, Lublinska - not regiments, but chorągiew.

The Lithuanian army (Armia Wiel. Ks. Litewskiego) total: 7875
For OOB you could keep the same proportions of main unit types: Husaria, Pethoria (same as Pancerni), light cavalry, Dragoons, infantry. There were no mounted arquebusiers regiment in Lithuania IIRC. The only difference - the cavalry number in Lithuania in ratio to infantry was higher.
Some regimental names:
Husaria and Petyhoria: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Oginskiego, Mniszka, Gruszewskiego, Soroki
Light cavalry: Kociella, Oginskiego, Rotm. Pero
Dragoons: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Sienickiego, Kurcza, Frejkompania
Infantry: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Oginskiego, Sienickiego, Berga, Kurcza, Mniszka, Frejkompania
Hungarian infantry: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit.

Also Pospolite ruszenie should be represented for Poland-Lithuania somehow, about 10.000-15.000 cavalry noblemen of very poor quality and moral. Names could be given after the powiats of Poalnd-Lithuania.

The Army of the Duchy of Courland (Kurländische Armee) total: apr. 1000
At the moment is missing completely in game. Please add it as part of the PLC forces perhaps. The Courland's units could use Saxon unit pics.
6 mounted & 2 foot companies:
- 1 company of Leibgarde
- 2 companies of Garde-Dragoner-Regiment
- 2 mounted companies of Lehnsreiter regiment
- 1 company of Jäger zu Pferde
- 2 foot companies (in garrisons of the fortresses of Mitau and Bauske).
For the military commander Ferdinand Kettlerwould be ideal. His portrait if you'll need it.

Courland's navy (Kurländische Flotte) in 1700:
Total: 15
Frigates-class: 5 or 6
Smaller vessels: 9-10
In contrast to quite rich information on the 17th century's ships and famous big fleet of Duke Jacob (around 100 armed vessels), the sources about Courland's fleet of early 18th century is quite scarce for a good reason as the navy was in terrible state. Nevertheless I managed to collect quite a good and probably complete information on the navy of dukes Friedrich Casimir and Friedrich Wilhelm.

The detailed vessels list (all teh names are in original Baltic Low German):

1. Die Carpee (Carp) – built in 1680 in Libau, was very active as trade and convoy ship at the Baltics during 1696-1699.
2. St. Casimir - 200 lasts (about 1000 tonnes) double-decked frigate, built in Libau in 1678. Trade and convoy ship.
3. Den Engel (Angel) - since 1680, trade ship.
4. Garneele (Shrimp) - trade ship.
5. Hase (Hare) - since 1680s, active as trade vessel in 1680s-1690s.
6. Heringsfaenger (Herring Fisherman) - since second half of 1685, active as trade vessel in 1680s-1690s.
7. Die Durchlauchte Hertzogin von Churlandt (Serene Duchess of Courland) - double-decked frigate, 130 foot long (*probably German or Scandinavian foot, about 0,3 m.). Built in 1694, in 1698 was docked in Windau.
8. St. Jgnatius - since 1680, active as convoy ship.
9. Insull Tobago (Island Tobago) - convoy/trade ship active since 1689.
10. St. Sophia - double-decked frigate, built in 1678 in Libau.
11. Stadt Windau (City of Windau) - since 1688, convoy/trade ship.
12. Das Wappen von Tobago (The Shield of Tobago) - since 1687, probably a very good armed ship (frigate?) as in 1687 under command of governor Altenbockum it sailed across the ocean to West Indies in one of many unsuccessful Courlandian attempts to regain control over Tobago. It survived a very serious storm, was repaired at the Faroes and returned to Windau.
13. Der Hirschbock (Elk) - since 1691, used as trade ship. Was temporary arrested by the Swedes.
14. Stadt von Aventure (City of Adventure) - yacht/corvette/sloop, built in 1690 for the cost of 6.000 florins. Active since 1691.
15. Prins Friedrich Wilhelm (Prince Friedrich Wilhelm) - 41 meter long (the parameters: 132x32'6x14 Swedish foots), the biggest of the Courland's vessels, built somewhere in 1690s. It was quite nicely armed considering very poor state of the Courland's navy after Duke Jacob's death: it has 50 major cannons (22 x 8-pounders, 22 x 6-pounders and 6 x 4-pounders cannons), plus 20 smaller x 0,5-pounder guns (so, somewhere 70 with them). Usually such vessels were used as the convoys but during war time could be mobilised and armed for military actions. In 1702 it was captured by the Swedes, but in 1712 it was sunk (to straighten the pier) due to the fact that Sweden simply did not have any resources to repair and rearm it for any active military use.
Source: Майлит, Ю., Богатырев, И. Судостроение в Курляндии в 1638-1718 гг. (Shipbuilding in Courland, 1638-1718) // Судостроение, №10, 1989, pp. 52-55
Last edited by Herr Doctor on Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:05 pm


I would say that only guards regiments should be regular infrantry, while rest of the regiments should have statistics of musceters.

as for Piechotą Wegierska - it should be treated as light infrantry.

Definitly there should be added locked cossack units.

One general remark - i think it should be a possibility to increase and improve polish-lituanian infrantry. There were plans to do it every time parlament was meeting.

Parliaments were supossoed to be called every 2 years, yet there was a posibility to procced with the changes wit local parlimants or call special parliament.

My proposal is that Anti-Swedish Coalition player should be given a chance to introduce reform of the army as an option. Every year starting from 1701.

It should cost a lot of money, EP and War Supplies - yet it should benefict with the increase of the recruitment pool and rather fast improvemnt of the units ( mussteiers chainging in to modern infrantry on a faste paste, dragoons improving to qualitu units, hussars getting cuirassiers stastics)

Swedish player should have an option to try to block it - by securing number of polish cities and paying quite a lot of money and EP ( that action would reprsent bribing number of mebers of parliament)

such a reform was planned yet never really introduced. Yet as history shown during a polish-saxon war of Kofederacja Tarnogrodzka PLC admistration could be succeful in creating military force ( it included forming parliamnts infrantry based on some swedish prisoners....)

the other thing is that PLC army should be be locked until attacked or unlocked by parlaiment decision - intrduced as an option as well. Genneraly PLC elite seen the war as a private adventure of a king and get in tp the war slowly.

Yet all those changes would make Anti-Swedish Coation even weaker....
So to balance things i would say that Ruassians should be given much stronger army - meaning much higher number of supply trains, most of the musceters being Strelsty quality units. and chenge to moder infrantry should not be conected with creating of sank petersburg but rather with Peters Rule event.
And russians should be able to recrut regular infrantry from like 1703/1704.

Herr Doctor wrote:Some fixes to Polish-Lithuanian OOB, hope you would have some time to address them:

The overall army forces number of army without poorly equipped and anarchic mass levy was 25445 men in 1700.

The Polish (Crown) army (Armia Koronna) total: 17570 men
The detailed OOB:
Cavalry total: 10360 men
Arkebuzeria (Mounted Arquebusiers): 900
Husaria*: 1530
Pancerni* (Chain Mailed Cavalry): 4770
Lekka jazda (Light cavalry): 660
Dragonia (Dragoons): 2500
Infantry total: 7210 men
Piechota ("Foreign" infantry): 6740
Piechota węgierska (Light/Hungarian infantry/hajduks): 470
*Perhaps for the game purposes could be combined into one type.

Some regimental names :
Mounted Arquebusiers: Królewski, Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor. + 3 independent companies (Frejkompania)
Husaria and Pancerni: Królewski, Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Leszczyńskiego, Sieniawskiego, Lubomirskiego, Wisniowieckiego, Miaczynskiego, Potockiego, Sobieskiego, Jablonowskiego.
Light cavalry: Potockiego
Dragoons: Królewski, Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor. + 3 independent companies (Frejkompania)
Infantry: Gwardii Pieszej Koronnej (Guard), Królowej (Life regiment), Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Gröbena, d'Arquien, Koszkiela, Brandta, Berensa, Krasinskiego, Leszczyńskiego, Sieniawskiego, S.H. Lubomirskiego, H. Lubomirskiego, J. Lubomirskiego, Szczuki, Rappa, Starosty halickiego, Zaboklickiego, Czapskiego, Dzialynskiego + independent company Frejkompania gen. Nenchy
Hungarian infantry: Hetmana wielkiego kor., Hetmana polnego kor., Krakowska, Lublinska - not regiments, but chorągiew.

The Lithuanian army (Armia Wiel. Ks. Litewskiego) total: 7875
For OOB you could keep the same proportions of main unit types: Husaria, Pethoria (same as Pancerni), light cavalry, Dragoons, infantry. There were no mounted arquebusiers regiment in Lithuania IIRC. The only difference - the cavalry number in Lithuania in ratio to infantry was higher.
Some regimental names:
Husaria and Petyhoria: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Oginskiego, Mniszka, Gruszewskiego, Soroki
Light cavalry: Kociella, Oginskiego, Rotm. Pero
Dragoons: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Sienickiego, Kurcza, Frejkompania
Infantry: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit., Oginskiego, Sienickiego, Berga, Kurcza, Mniszka, Frejkompania
Hungarian infantry: Hetmana wielkiego lit., Hetmana polnego lit.

Also Pospolite ruszenie should be represented for Poland-Lithuania somehow, about 10.000-15.000 cavalry noblemen of very poor quality and moral. Names could be given after the powiats of Poalnd-Lithuania.

The Army of the Duchy of Courland (Kurländische Armee) total: apr. 1000
At the moment is missing completely in game. Please add it as part of the PLC forces perhaps. The Courland's units could use Saxon unit pics.
6 mounted & 2 foot companies:
- 1 company of Leibgarde
- 2 companies of Garde-Dragoner-Regiment
- 2 mounted companies of Lehnsreiter regiment
- 1 company of Jäger zu Pferde
- 2 foot companies (in garrisons of the fortresses of Mitau and Bauske).

Courland's navy (Kurländische Flotte) in 1700:
Total: 15
Frigates-class: 5 or 6
Smaller vessels: 9-10
In contrast to quite rich information on the 17th century's ships and famous big fleet of Duke Jacob (around 100 armed vessels), the sources about Courland's fleet of early 18th century is quite scarce for a good reason as the navy was in terrible state. Nevertheless I managed to collect quite a good and probably complete information on the navy of dukes Friedrich Casimir and Friedrich Wilhelm.

The detailed vessels list (all teh names are in original Baltic Low German):
1. Die Carpee (Carp) – built in 1680 in Libau, was very active as trade and convoy ship at the Baltics during 1696-1699.
2. St. Casimir - 200 lasts (about 1000 tonnes) double-decked frigate, built in Libau in 1678. Trade and convoy ship.
3. Den Engel (Angel) - since 1680, trade ship.
4. Garneele (Shrimp) - trade ship.
5. Hase (Hare) - since 1680s, active as trade vessel in 1680s-1690s.
6. Heringsfaenger (Herring Fisherman) - since second half of 1685, active as trade vessel in 1680s-1690s.
7. Die Durchlauchte Hertzogin von Churlandt (Serene Duchess of Courland) - double-decked frigate, 130 foot long (*probably German or Scandinavian foot, about 0,3 m.). Built in 1694, in 1698 was docked in Windau.
8. St. Jgnatius - since 1680, active as convoy ship.
9. Insull Tobago (Island Tobago) - convoy/trade ship active since 1689.
10. St. Sophia - double-decked frigate, built in 1678 in Libau.
11. Stadt Windau (City of Windau) - since 1688, convoy/trade ship.
12. Das Wappen von Tobago (The Shield of Tobago) - since 1687, probably a very good armed ship (frigate?) as in 1687 under command of governor Altenbockum it sailed across the ocean to West Indies in one of many unsuccessful Courlandian attempts to regain control over Tobago. It survived a very serious storm, was repaired at the Faroes and returned to Windau.
13. Der Hirschbock (Elk) - since 1691, used as trade ship. Was temporary arrested by the Swedes.
14. Stadt von Aventure (City of Adventure) - yacht/corvette/sloop, built in 1690 for the cost of 6.000 florins. Active since 1691.
15. Prins Friedrich Wilhelm (Prince Friedrich Wilhelm) - 41 meter long (the parameters: 132x32'6x14 Swedish foots), the biggest of the Courland's vessels, built somewhere in 1690s. It was quite nicely armed considering very poor state of the Courland's navy after Duke Jacob's death: it has 50 major cannons (22 x 8-pounders, 22 x 6-pounders and 6 x 4-pounders cannons), plus 20 smaller x 0,5-pounder guns (so, somewhere 70 with them). Usually such vessels were used as the convoys but during war time could be mobilised and armed for military actions. In 1702 it was captured by the Swedes, but in 1712 it was sunk (to straighten the pier) due to the fact that Sweden simply did not have any resources to repair and rearm it for any active military use.
Source: Майлит, Ю., Богатырев, И. Судостроение в Курляндии в 1638-1718 гг. (Shipbuilding in Courland, 1638-1718) // Судостроение, №10, 1989, pp. 52-55

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Herr Doctor
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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:03 pm

marek1978 wrote:SUPERB WORK!!!!!

I would say that only guards regiments should be regular infrantry, while rest of the regiments should have statistics of musceters.

as for Piechotą Wegierska - it should be treated as light infrantry.

Definitly there should be added locked cossack units.

Good remarks. Thanks.
Making guard and "leib" (King's and Queen's ones) regiments as modern regular infantry is totally justified, in comparison to somewhat weaker other infantry regiments. Especially prior the 1717 reform.

marek1978 wrote:One general remark - i think it should be a possibility to increase and improve polish-lituanian infrantry. There were plans to do it every time parlament was meeting.

Parliaments were supossoed to be called every 2 years, yet there was a posibility to procced with the changes wit local parlimants or call special parliament.

My proposal is that Anti-Swedish Coalition player should be given a chance to introduce reform of the army as an option. Every year starting from 1701.

It should cost a lot of money, EP and War Supplies - yet it should benefict with the increase of the recruitment pool and rather fast improvemnt of the units ( mussteiers chainging in to modern infrantry on a faste paste, dragoons improving to qualitu units, hussars getting cuirassiers stastics)

Swedish player should have an option to try to block it - by securing number of polish cities and paying quite a lot of money and EP ( that action would reprsent bribing number of mebers of parliament)

such a reform was planned yet never really introduced. Yet as history shown during a polish-saxon war of Kofederacja Tarnogrodzka PLC admistration could be succeful in creating military force ( it included forming parliamnts infrantry based on some swedish prisoners....)

I like the idea, but the main problems for those plans of August II were local opposition backed by the Russians. rather then the Swedes alone. The question is how to represent it in game terms, considering you don't play PLC+Saxony alone, but the whole alliance leaded by Peter the Great who was against any major reforms like this in Poland-Lithuania. Won't be a bit too unrealistic if we don't take in account various factions interests? Could it lead to another civil conflict potentially if pushed by the player? Russian intervention? The break of alliance with Russia? Would it make PLC even more unstable? :)

marek1978 wrote:the other thing is that PLC army should be be locked until attacked or unlocked by parlaiment decision - intrduced as an option as well. Genneraly PLC elite seen the war as a private adventure of a king and get in tp the war slowly.

THIS indeed. I totally agree. This would be way more historical than PLC forces used in early stages of the war. Perhaps the player could have some space for political manoeuvrers here and some minor chance to push PLC into the conflict earlier as both August II and Peter worked hard for this. But at last until 1704 it shouldn't be granted that the PLC forces are activated at all.

marek1978 wrote:Yet all those changes would make Anti-Swedish Coation even weaker....
So to balance things i would say that Ruassians should be given much stronger army - meaning much higher number of supply trains, most of the musceters being Strelsty quality units. and chenge to moder infrantry should not be conected with creating of sank petersburg but rather with Peters Rule event.
And russians should be able to recrut regular infrantry from like 1703/1704.

Great idea and simple to represent in game. Realistically I think it should be as historically: giving anti-Swedish coalition (Russia) lots of resources to build up new modern army based on Russian units.

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:24 pm

Suggestions Swedish Livonia ...

RegionName2529 Riga
RegionName2530 Kirkholm
RegionName2531 Lennewarden
RegionName2532 Kokenhusen
RegionName2533 Sigulden
RegionName2534 Lemburg
RegionName2535 Treyden
RegionName2536 Lemsal
RegionName2537 Wenden
RegionName2538 Rönneburg
RegionName2539 Modohn
RegionName2540 Nitau
RegionName2541 Kreutzburg
RegionName2542 Lubahn
RegionName2543 Lievenhof
RegionName2544 Dünaburg
RegionName2545 Kraslau
RegionName2546 Braslau
RegionName2547 Lettgallen
RegionName2548 Rosenau
RegionName2549 Rositten
RegionName2550 Ludsen
RegionName2551 Gulbene
RegionName2552 Schwanenburg

Next Courland :D

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Mon May 07, 2018 11:37 am

Suggestion: Replace the faction name "Kingdom of Austria" with "Habsburg Monarchy" (which is the term modern historians use to describe it) or maybe "House of Austria" (to refer to the dynasty rather than the name of a territory).

For those interested: A kingdom of Austria never existed. An "Empire of Austria" existed after 1804. Before that, there is only the Habsburg Monarchy: an agglomeration of titles/territories ruled in personal union by the Habsburg rulers. Austria (to be more precise: the Archduchy of Austria) was but one of those territories, along with the kingdom of Bohemia, the kingdom (one could argue: Empire) of Hungary, the duchies of Styria and Corinthia (part of modern day Austria) and many many more. All these territories had their own laws and (noble) parliaments.

PS. I will keep collecting my region-suggestions here (editing this post continously). Once I consider them finished, I will enter them in the excel sheet. I list them by their correct areas (historical territories):

Archduchy of Austria / Österreich (part of the HRE)
Note: Could be split up into Upper and Lower Austria
Wien --> OK [=capital]
Moedling --> Baden
Wr. Neustadt --> OK (Wiener Neustadt)
Stockerau --> Eggenburg
Korneuburg --> Zwettl
Melk --> OK
St. Poelten --> OK
Linz --> OK
Parndorf --> Bruck/Leitha
Ilz --> Leonfelden
Hammersdorf --> Aschbach
Ried --> Wels
Gmunden --> OK
Steyr --> OK
Amstetten --> Waidhofen/Ybbs
Bad Ischl --> Ischl [it was not a health spa ("Bad") yet]

Stain --> pending

Duchy of Styria / Steiermark (part of the HRE)
Graz --> OK [= capital]
Kapfenberg --> Friedberg
Koeflach --> Leoben
Leoben --> Judenburg
Klagenfurt --> Windisch Grätz [Slovenj Gradec]
Leibnitz --> OK
Launsdorf --> Voitsberg
Maria Zell --> OK
Eisenerz --> OK

Duchy of Corinthia / Kärnten (part of the HRE)
Velden --> Klagenfurt [=capital]

Duchy of Carniola / Krain [slov. Kranjska] (part of the HRE)
Laibach --> OK [Ljubljana] [=capital]
Trbvolje --> Zilli [Celje] - not 100% correct, a compromise

Kingdom of Hungary (NOT part of the HRE)
Pressburg --> OK [Bratislava] [=capital of Habsburg Hungary at that time]
Eisenstadt --> Ödenburg [Sopron]
Sopron --> Pápa, Veszprém
Szombathely --> OK

Marggraviate of Moravia / Mähren [czech Morava] - belongs to the crown of Bohemia (part of the HRE)
Brünn --> OK [Brno] [=capital]
Wagram --> Nikolsburg [Mikulov]
Tischnowitz --> Iglau [Jihlava]
Welsen --> Neustadt [Nové Mesto na Morave]

Kingdom of Bohemia (part of the HRE)
Prague --> OK [Praha] [=capital]
Krems --> Budweis [Budejovice] - this is indeed the origin of "Budweiser" beer
Dienstadt --> Neuhaus [Jindrichuv Hradec]
Neuhaus --> Pilgram [Pelhrimov]
Tabor --> OK
Iglau --> Chotieborz [Chotebor]
Jens --> Beneschau [Benesov]
Melnik --> Kollin
Kolin --> Pardubitz [Pardubice]
Pardubice --> Königgrätz [Hradec Králové]
Trebitsch --> Gewitz [Jevicko]
Crudin --> Hohenmauth [Vysoké Mýto]
Königgrätz --> Jaromirz [Jaromer]

Trebitsch: pending

Electorate of Bavaria / Bayern (part of the HRE)
Braunau --> OK

Archbishoprtic of Salzburg (part of the HRE)
Salzburg --> OK [=capital]
Mondsee --> OK, Fuschl?

Problems with names written on the map:
  • At the bohemian/saxon border (Pirna region), the river Elbe [czech Labe] is wrongly labeled Jizera.
  • The name of Corinthia (Kärnten) is misspelled ('Kärntern') and not placed correctly. It would be better to add the name of the Duchy of Styria (Steiermark) instead as it is bigger. Styria's capital is Graz.
  • The Archbishopric of "Salzburg" should be shifted westwards - right now it is written in the center of Upper Austria. You might also get rid of it alltogether.
  • Ideally, "Österreich" should be written on a line in between Linz and Wien.
  • The river running from Vienna northwards towards Brünn is labeled "Russbach". It is actually the river "March" [czech: Morava], from which Mähren/Moravia has its name (labeled correctly further to the north). I don't know of any Russbach - the name "-bach" suggests it might be a tiny rivulet.

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Fri May 11, 2018 12:41 pm

Please do something about map icons (overlays of the map).
They are under all those general plates and are hardly (or completly not) visible.

Maybe moving general's plates to right side of game would do the job (as in ACW1 game).
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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Fri May 11, 2018 12:44 pm

Khanti wrote:Please do something about map icons (overlays of the map).
They are under all those general plates and are hardly (or completly not) visible.

Maybe moving general's plates to right side of game would do the job (as in ACW1 game).

Will check but it is not possible IMHO...ACW1 uses a different engine than WSS.

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Sat May 12, 2018 9:37 am

I do not know much about engines, but you seem to building new one.
Please consider keeping commanders-leaders plates-badges on the right side (like ACW1, RUS) because if map is on the left side it will always collide with generals.

When I play Northern War Coalition side - it does not interfere that much.
And with Swedish - it is nearly not interfering.
But when I tried lately Bourbons grand campaign - it hurts much.

see this: arrow points to better place for map layers (one of not used crown symbols)


and the only moment one can view layers nowadays

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Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Fri May 18, 2018 9:42 pm

Herr Doctor wrote:Some fixes to Polish-Lithuanian OOB, hope you would have some time to address them:

The overall army forces number of army without poorly equipped and anarchic mass levy was 25445 men in 1700.

The Polish (Crown) army (Armia Koronna) total: 17570 men
The detailed OOB:
Cavalry total: 10360 men
Arkebuzeria (Mounted Arquebusiers): 900
Husaria*: 1530
Pancerni* (Chain Mailed Cavalry): 4770
Lekka jazda (Light cavalry): 660
Dragonia (Dragoons): 2500
Infantry total: 7210 men
Piechota ("Foreign" infantry): 6740
Piechota węgierska (Light/Hungarian infantry/hajduks): 470
*Perhaps for the game purposes could be combined into one type.

As Herr Doctor wrote it is:
P I E C H O T A not Pechiota
so Pulk P I E C H O T Y not Pulk Pechioty

But in new patch 1.01 there are still incorrect names (Pulk Pechioty).

I've fixed it to put directly into files to easy your work:

520POLInfantry Regiment.uni
970POLMusketeer Regiment.uni

CustomNames = 1 Pulk Piechoty|2 Pulk Piechoty|3 Pulk Piechoty|4 Pulk Piechoty|5 Pulk Piechoty|6 Pulk Piechoty|7 Pulk Piechoty|8 Pulk Piechoty|9 Pulk Piechoty|10 Pulk Piechoty|11 Pulk Piechoty|12 Pulk Piechoty|13 Pulk Piechoty|14 Pulk Piechoty|15 Pulk Piechoty|16 Pulk Piechoty|17 Pulk Piechoty|18 Pulk Piechoty|19 Pulk Piechoty|20 Pulk Piechoty|21 Pulk Piechoty|22 Pulk Piechoty|23 Pulk Piechoty|24 Pulk Piechoty|25 Pulk Piechoty|26 Pulk Piechoty|27 Pulk Piechoty|28 Pulk Piechoty|29 Pulk Piechoty|29 Pulk Piechoty|30 Pulk Piechoty|31 Pulk Piechoty|32 Pulk Piechoty|33 Pulk Piechoty|34 Pulk Piechoty|35 Pulk Piechoty|36 Pulk Piechoty|37 Pulk Piechoty|38 Pulk Piechoty|39 Pulk Piechoty|40 Pulk Piechoty

and Polish Cossacks regiments:

529POLCossack Regiment.uni

CustomNames = 1 Kozacki|2 Kozacki|3 Kozacki|4 Kozacki|5 Kozacki|6 Kozacki|7 Kozacki|8 Kozacki|9 Kozacki|10 Kozacki|11 Kozacki|12 Kozacki|13 Kozacki|14 Kozacki|15 Kozacki|16 Kozacki|17 Kozacki|18 Kozacki|19 Kozacki|20 Kozacki|21 Kozacki|22 Kozacki|23 Kozacki|24 Kozacki|25 Kozacki

Much better than "1 Kazakya" (it means nothing in Polish).

The other Polish names can be corrected also. And there are some units on map when scenario starts with strange "Polish" names (should be changed in 1700 Great Northern War.scn directly).
Meteoryt-like user. Strikes and disappears.

Brigadier General
Posts: 483
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:38 pm

Re: Ideas, suggestions & questions

Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:08 am

I've been playing GNW solo with the newest patch, and wrote down many observations. Some of these I've already reported, but I'll repeat them with the hope that they'll be fixed/included :)

-The scenario still ends in January 1716, which seems completely arbitrary. The war lasted until September 1721.
-I'd really like to see more objectives (the ones that affect NM and are listed in F11(?) . Currently Sweden has none in Saxony, only a few in the PLC and Russia. Helsingfors should be changed to Åbo for both sides. Helsingfors was a really small town (village) at the time, and Åbo was the main city in Finland together with Viipuri (Vyborg). Why not also have a few objectives in Swedish Germany and one in Holstein? Further, I wonder if the AI would get an incentive to advance to Neva if the future province of St.Petersburg was added as an objective?
-I still think that the Patkul event is completely OP, especially since the Altranstädt event was improved. Now Sweden gets a massive NM bonus from those two. Furthermore, historically the execution was met with dismay or even outrage internationally, as Patkul was a diplomat. Maybe Sweden should get some negative effects from the event as well?
-Many Swedish regular regiments start the game seriously understrength, which is just plain wrong. The Swedish allotment system meant that the trained manpower already existed, it was just a matter of mobilizing. Most of the units start locked, doesn't this simulate the mobilization properly?
-The English and Dutch blockade fleets get spawned already in February, which is both ahistorical and bad for gameplay. They suffer for many months in the wintery Baltic, losing strength and cohesion. I would suggest spawning them in May so that they'll be able to blockade the Danish fleet. Further, the Dutch fleet can be seen by the ASC, but it isn't controlled by Sweden. Is it mistakenly set as neutral?
-In February 1700 all of a sudden the Danish stack "Norge Bergen" teleported all the way to Arkhangelsk! Maybe bad weather caused this, but shouldn't they stay within Norway?
-The Dutch land stack spawned in Swedish Bremen has no general, leading to massive CP penalties.
-Most Polish forces get unlocked in March 1700, even though historically it took them a long tme to start committing to the war. There have been multiple posts about this previously. Would be great if the game portrayed the PLC's reluctance to participate in the war which they regarded as August's private affair.
-The "Path into Silesia" option for the ASC seems unneeded at the moment, because for some reason the regions it's supposed to open are already accessible for the coalition. In fact, all of HRE seems to be open for them.
-The Treaty of Travendal takes away all resources and EP from the ASC, is this WAD? Further, provinces in mainland Sweden taken by Denmark remain controlled by the coalition. Also the event locks Karl and his stack for 2 turns, shouldn't 1 account for the free transportation? Time is of the essence if one wants to even try to replicate the historical movements. After Denmark leaves the war their garrison units are still available for recruitment. Finally, after the treaty the province Husum in Holstein becomes locked.
-The "Raise More Taxes" option should definitely mention the cost of -1 NM. Many other tooltips also lack correct information.
-Holstein's Friedrich only has 6 CP, meaning that he cannot command his own forces efficiently, which seems illogical. Raise his rank or add a trait that gives CP?
-"Peasant Uprising in Russia" is bugged. First time clicking on the line in the message log took me to Vilnius, and the next time it happened I was taken to Swedish Ingria. Shouldn't it only target Russian provinces?
-The "WSU to Money" description text in the message log is missing.
-Long after the Travendal Treaty had been fired (Sep 1701) the ASC got heavy warship replacements from Copenhagen.
-The combined income of Saxony, the PLC and Russia is hundreds less than Sweden's. At the time Sweden was quite efficiently administered (which I would imagine that Russia and the PLC were not), but it was also quite small and sparsely populated. Shouldn't the coalition's (even without Denmark) income be at least equal to Sweden, maybe even more? And please don't take this as a suggestion to lower Sweden's income :D
-The "garrison surrenders peacefully" event claims that it gives +300 conscripts as the troops are allowed to leave (I would assume to the surrendering side), but I have a strong feeling that this doesn't work at the moment. Haven't seen any increase, and the tooltip in the manpower resource doesn't display it.
-Why do the siege cards require the target to be a city? Shouldn't it be enough that there's a fort in the target province?
-The ASC can use requisition and draft cards in Austrian territory, at least in Lausitz and Neumark.
-Currently Sweden can only recruit supply trains from Sweden and Finland. I suggest adding at least the Baltic possessions to the list, as they were an integral part of the realm.
-I was repeatedly unable to order a stack to march from Priozersk to neighbouring (hostile) St.Petersburg. The game always calculated the path through Taipale, regardless of the weather. A single cavalry regiment was able to go directly. Is there something wrong with the map?
-Kexholm currently only has a fort, it should be a small town as well.
-The recruitable Russian cossacks only show with "all units", not with cavalry in the recruitment screen.
-The "Peter rules" event costs 300 EP, but immediately gives 200 EP, which IIRC is unmentioned by the description. And it definitely doesn't mention the +5 NM. The event gives +10 to loyalty in "Russia", why does this currently include also Swedish Ingria and especially Sweden's Baltic provinces?
-Could the upper side of the atlas be made transparent (like in TEAW), so that one would be able to see the resources when buying replacements? I'm playing on a laptop with 1366 x 768 resolution, and it's a little challenging to make buys without seeing your resources.
-When the "Call for Cossack Help" event unlocks the message log mistakenly claims that the event has been activated.

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Colonial/Overseas Boxes

Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:01 am

Dear All,

First, my sympathies to the AGEOD team re: health issues- I wish all concerned a speedy recovery!

Second, I was just curious about which overseas regions in the Americas, Africa, and Asia will unlock as the game progresses? Work & RL commitments have been heavy the last 6 month, so I'm still in the earlier stages of the Spanish Succession Grand Campaign.

If none of them unlock, perhaps this could be something for an eventual patch, mod, or update? It would be marvelous if we could simulate e.g. Queen Anne's war, Wager's action in the Caribbean, the Cassard Expedition, or Woods Rogers' capture of the Manila Galleons in the Pacific...


All the Best,

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