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Novice help - in structure or not?

Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:09 pm

Can anyone help me, please? This is no doubt a really novice question (or questions). How can I tell whether a unit or stack is actually inside a structure or outside it? I have used the order to 'enter structure' but cant see any indicator to suggest the unit is in or out?

And a connected question, sort of - if it's a harsh cold winter (playing GNW) and I want the units to do nothing but defend if necessary, do I need to go round ordering them into structures in order to stop any wastage from cold during the winter months? Or does that not happen (that kind of attrition)? Or will they encamp in structures automatically when it gets colder?

I'm thinking the first turn of the GNW, for example - I might just want to get them to go into the various forts and wait for warmer campaigning weather, I thought. Do I have to manually place them in the forts?

Many thanks.

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Re: Novice help - in structure or not?

Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:21 pm

Recalling from my memory, I usually right click off the unit in question after I place it over the structure and if it disappears from the region, it's in the structure.

What I do:
1. Place the unit over the town/city.
2. Right click on the unit.
3. It should be in the town/city now and the number beside the town/city should indicate the unit is there.

This example is taken from my game with The Thirty Year's War after I placed my force in the city:

When holding the unit over the town/city, the town window that open may also flash at the top "Release mouse button to enter the structure"

I usually manually place my units inside the structures whenever cold does hit the region. Unless of course I am about to make them ready for movement.

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Re: Novice help - in structure or not?

Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:38 pm

Ok. Thanks for the quick reply. So it's not enough to give the 'enter structure' order, it seems. You have to actually pick up the units and put them over the structure, then release them? (Then, I note, also that it says at the bottom 'inside Stade' or wherever, near the stack detail display - but that only seems to work if you actually pick them up and put them in...assuming they're not moving to a new region, I mean...). Thanks.

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Re: Novice help - in structure or not?

Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:53 pm

phoenix wrote:Ok. Thanks for the quick reply. So it's not enough to give the 'enter structure' order, it seems. You have to actually pick up the units and put them over the structure, then release them?

That's what I do just to make sure if the unit is shown on the map and I want it inside the structure in the same region. In other words, move from the rural area into the town/city.

But if you see the little number beside the structure showing the force inside the city as my screenshot shows, you can safely say your force is inside the city and not worry.

When I move a force from region A to region B and tell it to Enter the Structure (with the button) once it reaches region B, it almost always enters the structure on its own and I don't need to do anything else.

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