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Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:25 pm

A few gripes I'm afraid: 1 what's going on with war supplies? The game I'm playing they never go above -1
2 Recruiting new units is impossible for the above reason.
3 How come armies never recover losses? I've had Cromwell in Norwich for 8 turns and he still only has 25 men.
4 Why can't we have the battle tactics screen for all battles? Just had Waller and 4 units+Artillery get beaten by 2 units of Royalist cavalry.
5 Armies constantly out of supply even though they are in areas with good supply.
6 The constant lacked assets to pay admin costs.....what assets? plenty of gold in my treasury.
And yes I have read the manual and played the tutorials.

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Re: Infuriating

Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:03 pm

1 I think you might have the automated replacements option set to on, put this slider all the way to the left so that you are buying the replacements that you can afford and need. At the moment I think the game might be spending all your WS on un needed replacements.
2 See 1
3 See 1, the game might be buying replacements that are not needed at present, or are all that it can afford. If it is spending all the WS each turn it will only have a few to spend on the next turn, it will probably buy what it can afford which will be infantry each turn as they use less WS. It will never save enough WS to buy cavalry replacements.
4 Battles depend on a lot of factors. Check the postures in the battle report, numbers of men, etc. It might give some answers as to why you lost.
5 Units only gather supply from the region they are in or from adjacent regions. As a rule of thumb supply points produced by a region are roughly 5 times what the supply level is. If it says that a region gives 5 supply, then this equates to 25 supply points. Check how much your stack needs each turn by holding your mouse over the pot icon that appears in the bottom right hand corner of the screen when you have the stack selected.
6 Not sure on this one, but in the release version there was a bug to do with group forming that was giving this message. This has been fixed in the latest beta patch.

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Re: Infuriating

Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:18 am

Ebbingford covers most of your concerns very well, but a few additional thoughts.

Supply is very different in this game than most games which players may be familiar. It is not enough to have a line of supply to some capital, instead it is only the regions you are in and adjacent to which provide supply. Supply is a major challenge in this game. It is an element counting challenge, does your supply equal or exceed the elements you are trying to support.

One major challenge of this game is managing the few war supplies if you are playing as the Royals or limited money if you are playing as the Parliamentary forces.

There are many other challenges than those you raise, part of the fun of this game.

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Re: Infuriating

Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:04 am

Thank you both for the replies....I turned automated replacements off and bingo....I got war supplies :)
Putting troops on passive helps with recovering losses too and the lacked assets messages have dried up as well so thanks again.

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Re: Infuriating

Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:32 pm

I think the problem is 25 hits of cavalery units. Each chit replace 10 hits, chit (10 hits) is a little bit cheaper then buings new unit (25 chit)s. So paying actually 2,5 times for full hit replacement of cavalery units will drain your resources quickly.
I turned automatic replacement off and I actually dont replace cavalery looses. I only buy new cavalery units.

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Re: Infuriating

Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:30 pm

Purchase of 3 replacement elements of PEA cavalry cost 66 pounds 15 WSU.
Where as new fresh cavalry unit of PEA cost 76 and 15 WSU.

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Re: Infuriating

Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:13 pm

Baris wrote:Purchase of 3 replacement elements of PEA cavalry cost 66 pounds 15 WSU.
Where as new fresh cavalry unit of PEA cost 76 and 15 WSU.

This fresh cavalry unit has 3 elements, but with 2,5 replacements you replace (heal) just one cavalry element.

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Re: Infuriating

Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:06 pm

Finally got the hang of this game after turning auto replacements off :)

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