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How does Battle Planning work?

Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:03 pm

I have just installed TYW and I am playing HRE. Engaging the Protestant forces of Thurn at Budweis got me into the first battle. But to be honest, I can't imagine how the Battle Planning works. There are two phases Initial Deployment and the Battle Plan. I can choose a deployment but when I try to set a battle plan then the initial deployment is changed to look like the battle plan. So when I chose a single line initial deployment and want to go for a battle plan which heads for a flank attack or a strong center it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Or is it because of Bucquoy because he is a bad commander? I hope you can help a newbie...
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Re: How does Battle Planning work?

Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:30 am

I am not an expert on Battle Planning as I rarely play against AI. However, it is a two step as you say, when you choose the specific deployment after choosing the general deployment it seems to play as I have chosen.
I have not seen the game change my selection.
Perhaps you could illustrate?

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