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James W. Starnes
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What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:13 pm

Some people can disagree with me on this but I think the capturing of these states can be very valuable, so you can get unblockaded ports, as well as a lot of money. Any suggestions on units that can travel over rough terrain at a quick pace but deliver the firepower I need to capture federal strongholds? Rangers are useful, but there a limited number of them and most cavalry doesn't fare well against defending infantry. I want to capture all of the territory by late 1862. I don't care at what cost, hell, I'll even send a good 3 star general over there.

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:27 pm

The key is not which troops you send, but supplies. Supplies, supplies, and more supplies. If you can't feel your force, it doesn't matter what you send.

Only move through the desert and mountains in the best of weather. When moving through the OMB's (Off Map Boxes) if the region ahead is empty, set your moving units to PP (Passive Posture) to reduce overall cohesion loss. In fact, it you know the move will take more than one turn, the first turn you can be in PP too, because it doesn't matter until the turn you arrive.

And don't forget... Supplies!!

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:05 pm

If cost is not an issue then I would recommend a CSA naval invasion of California.

Yup...No joke.

I have experimented with a naval invasion of Cali a bit. I once tried it in a PBEM, but my opponent quit the turn I landed so I didn't get to see how disastrous the plan was.

I think you would need at least two divisions, probably three, to assault the Cali forts. I've tried to sail there asap to beat the spawning of units from the early Union events, but it can't be done. An assault would be necessary, I don't think starving the fort is practical because of your own supplies and the difficulty of blockading the ports.

Getting the gold mines in Colorado and Nevada should be doable with just rangers. If you build them all as soon they show up in the build pool you will end up with more than if you waited (events will create rangers and remove them from the build pool.) A pack of 8-10 rangers led by someone like Shelby will rip through any of those small western militias. You'll also never get a better chance at effectively using the ambush special order, so, it can be pretty fun. Though, the ranger strategy relies on using your demonstration cards to flip loyalty in regions you want to capture.

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:28 am

Thanks all. I've noticed South Park is loyal to the CSA. Was this random or manually put in? I'm well aware there have been Southern mining communities in the territories that show'd their support to the CSA, such as Virginia City. Sometimes I'll be real sneaky about it, I recruit copperheads in the region, then once it's captured I recruit volunteers, then you have a substantial force to take CO. Only problem is that the force doesn't have any supplies, so you are only limited to hauling it during summer to Denver, which even then can make you lose a bit of cohesion. Plus it takes a while to get the option to produce copperheads.

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:53 am

I've sent an invasion force to Southern California several times. 2 divisions with
at least 6 supply wagons or more. Never got intercepted. Realistically such an
invasion force would have been noticed and the Union Navy would have been
patrolling heavily any Southern Port they plan on putting out from. It's a bit of
a gamy thing to do. Now, I have taken Southern California and built a couple of
flatboats to turn into depots. I've also sent supply wagons via shipping to help
out. That's a little less gamy.
"Ludus non nisi sanguineus"


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Cardinal Ape
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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:27 pm

Ya, it is a bit gamey... Though, if my general forgot his California invasion orders under a shady tree and the orders were discovered by a Union soldier... would he believe them, or would he laugh and enjoy his new toilet paper?

The craziest part is that there is a locked Union fleet in Cali that just watches the CS land troops without a care. Nor do they unlock while being besieged. Only when the city is lost do they unlock, maybe something ought to be done about that.

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:30 pm

Most tactics focus on moving from El Paso.

Forget that.

Stand Watie can take every fort from Arkansas to Denver in a summer season. If you're serious, back that up with a full size division under a quick mover. Like Shelby. You'll need a chain of supplies and garrisons through the forts, which costs way more resources than I'd be comfortable with, but you'll be in Colorado with overwhelming force by the end of 62.

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Re: What's the best way to capture Colorado and California?

Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:50 am

Never gone for California though have taken Nevada and Colorado in Multiplayer. It was a little bit of a let down cause the supplies and resources necessary cost me coastal cities which I did the math. They're the gold of the south. Those 2 Divisions and Supplies would have held a port likely a full year and until I could rush a reactionary Corp to the area. Though once the Union gets a port it can dig in like a tick and fortify it's situation indefinitely!

I believe I used New Mexico to inch my way up...

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