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GuileMike's Union Campaign AAR - Blue mixed with Gray makes Red

Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:20 pm

Hello all, welcome to my AAR playing as the Union. I have way more expierence palying this game from the southern point of view, but the North really won the War so how hard could this really be? :confused:

I am going to paint you an AAR from my style of posting many pictures, a few videos and a narrative of my planning or explaining why things happen. If you are a paradox fan you can check out a few of my other AAR I have posted on their forums located below in the links.

Chapter 1 - So you want to leave our country?
CW2 2016-02-06 10-53-35-21.jpg

Ole Abe, our Fearless Leader

To prepare for the incoming storm, I need to decide what holdings I have in the south that must be maintained throughout the conflict.

Ft. Sumter is in immediate threat of attack and with the current situation looks hopeless to hold.

Ft. Pickens will be a great avenue of approach to shake things up in the deep south.

Norfolk and Ft. Monroe will be cruicial to keep heat on Richmond from the east.

Lets get this war machine pumping!

To keep the Brits at bay and not get to friendly with the Rebs, I will whip this out for now.

Our initial recruitment.
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Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:33 pm

Montgomery MD will be a good place to put the Army of the Potomac to create our right flank for our operations into Virginia. Putting an outpost here looks realistic to support defenses of Baltimore in time.

Beefing up defenses of Fairfax Va. If this falls, Washington is wide open.

To get the upper-hand in the far West, we will build forces and sweep through New Mexico and into El Paso which is a strategic hold. Tuscon is also a possible city to invade in the near future.

Sending Brig Gen Howe up to support the Army of the Potomac.

Redeploying these Generals to gain the upper-hand in the Mid West
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Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:17 pm

Why do you invoke "print money," "raise taxes," and "issue bonds"?

I've only used the issue bonds option and am able to field sufficient numbers to all theaters. However, I'm open to trying new ideas. Doesn't the inflation (cost) of purchases somewhat negate the value of having initially, more money?

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Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:20 pm

LCcmdr wrote:Why do you invoke "print money," "raise taxes," and "issue bonds"?

I've only used the issue bonds option and am able to field sufficient numbers to all theaters. However, I'm open to trying new ideas. Doesn't the inflation (cost) of purchases somewhat negate the value of having initially, more money?

When I have played the past few games and I remind you I am a novice still at this game, having vast amounts of resources available to buy and build have paid off having greater numbers against the enemy early on.

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Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:56 pm

Placing Shields in command in WV to hand the threat near the PA border.

Building an outpost in the Maryland Frontier.

Commander of the Army of the Potomac. If his army falls in the foothills of MD, Baltimore will face enemy threats.

Recruiting HQ support to enlarge my armies command.
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Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:12 pm

Heavy recruiting to create divisions from CT and NY.

Sending Wood to NY NY to help command the army mobilizing there. Plans will be to move this force to hold and show a presence in Norfolk Va by Marine landing.

Milroy Will command the CT and NY division when they complete their mobilization.
I hope you have what it takes to lead these men, our Union is depending on you!

My irregulars are all set to head south in NM. Our first target is East Dona NM.

Farnam KS will be the rally-point for my Cavalry in the Missouri Valley Area of Operations.

Sending another brigade from Maryland to reinforce the Army of the Potomac.

Patterson's Union Army from PA will deploy by train to Take Harper's Ferry VA. This will also create a stronger wing of our right flank against rebel positions in Norther Va.

I am sending Hamilton from Illinois to MO to tackle growing hostilities in the river valley.

A look at current mobilization of troops in progress.
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Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:21 pm

We have the means, lets keep feeding the industry monster. They can have their cotton.

A geographic SITEP of the war. I am very surprised Ft. Sumter is still in our hands. We are currently under siege in our SC fort.

Moving parts of my Boston Navy to NY NY to support the Marine landing in Norfolk Va.

Silly Rebels, trying to go against our blockade.

Harper's Ferry was taken without a fight. Plans are to hold for now and see what the Confederates bring up the road. I need to build up this right wing to be a closing door from the west in Northern Va.
CW2 2016-02-06 15-46-14-33.jpg

Gen Paterson, we are counting on you to hold Harper's Ferry. The state of Maryland is depending on you.
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:56 pm

Dispatching Hunter to take London Va

Sending our raiding cavalry to take Springfield Mo

Lyon's strong force is traveling to take Jefferson Mo, by Flotilla.

Crossing the Mississippi to take Scott Mo. I am taking as much of MO and NM as I can to put pressure on the rebs in the western theater.

I got the jump on East Dona Ana NM just when Baylor's force came into theater. The rebs are under fire from the start by my fast moving irregulars.

Recruiting Kansas militia to occupy forts in Kansas and Missouri towns.

We got the jump on them and we wont let down in NM
CW2 2016-02-06 22-15-06-90.jpg

Our irregulars looking pretty irregular
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:20 pm

Springfield and Scott MO were taken with no casualties and was London VA. Our descent into the south has done well thus far in the western theater being very aggressive and being cautious in the Virginian lines. Lets hope our men keep their spirits high.
The attachment 1200x577xJulian-Scott-1200.jpg.pagespeed.ic.5QMVt4fnN5.jpg is no longer available

Our men are doing great thus far. Lets keep the momentum!

We are massing troops in WV. Daring the south to assault us in our defensive positions. In time, once mobilization is done, we will rush them if they stay in place at Clarks WV.

Wood's troops are in route to Norfolk VA from NY NY traveling by sea. I am also moving Butler from Ft. Monroe to Norfolk to help support the defenses and eventual offensive.

Sending Stone's men to Stafford VA to see how the enemy responds to an attack near the Potomac River

With Baylor's men pinned down, we are going all out recruiting a large amount of volunteers from the west. Soon General Carson will be ready to deploy and once we crush Baylor we will rush into Texas.

Fresh PA artillery order heading to the Army of the Potomac

We want to keep our vols happy, here is some green for you!

Ft. Pickens has confederates in the outskirts. I hope to renforce this fort soon and land men into Florida. Having an invasion into TX, FL, and LA in time will divert many rebs to repel our invasions.

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Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:08 pm

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The attack on Ft. Sumter begins. We don't expect to hold it much longer.

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The view of our fort under fire by the enemy.

We hope to crush Baylor within the coming months.
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We are coming for you! Defeat is in your future.
CW2 2016-02-06 22-34-20-17.jpg

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Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:05 pm

Chapter 2 - Time for the flood gates to open!

Kentucky neutrality is now a thing of the past. Just like NM and MO, I am going to funnel troops through the state to rush Tennessee.
CW2 2016-02-07 14-49-10-15.jpg

My scouts will find the enemy soon enough.

Munfordville will be my rally point in KY enemy territory.

Suffolk bound. I expect the rebs to meet me sooner than later.

Well since the CSA did nothing to my invasrion across the Potomac, I will leave behind a guard force and move on Westmoreland VA.

Below are battle stats that happened in this recent turn.
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:47 pm

CW2 2016-02-07 16-41-59-34.jpg

My troops on the approach to Ft. Bliss

Operations in the Missouri River Valley

Since the confederates are ignoring, lest go a bit further south with Stone. His force is shrinking leaving behind guard force at each captured town.

Beauregard occupies Suffolk, so Butler will remain to defend Norfolk.

My plan has worked to draw Beauregard away from Mananas so the Army of NE Virginia will move out.

We now have a new army in the west led by Fremont. First thing to do is link up with forces in central MO.

My reinforcements arrive and we press an attack on Ft. Bliss El Paso.

Other action out west
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:55 pm


Lets hope this does not come to truth. Progress in MO is going well.


Our men will finish off the rest of the confederate troops in Springfield in the coming days.
CW2 2016-02-07 16-42-17-80.jpg

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Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:35 pm

The Rebs look like they are getting a little restless in VA. I am waiting for them in towns like Harper's Ferry.
CW2 2016-02-07 19-16-35-98.jpg

I am ready for a large scale attack.
My defenses are enforce heavily at Harper's Ferry. I am daring the CSA to attack me.

Here are results from our operations. I am still pleased with our progress.
Ft. Sumter is holding out.
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:49 pm

CW2 2016-02-07 19-26-02-32.jpg

Charleston is a nest of defenses held by the CSA. I sent the bulk of my navy to the area to harras their naval strong hold.

Milroy arrives in Alexandria VA with fresh troops from CT and NY. This will back up McDowell in Mananas.

Well Johnston Chose to head SE to Mananas, so I will send Mansfield to take Winchester.
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I am ready for you where ever to attack me.
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The real question is where did you go off to with your army? Last seen in Suffolk VA.

At this rate I will have the CSA fall to their knees.
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:15 pm

CW2 2016-02-07 20-04-08-92.jpg

After being victorious and showing my naval dominance, I am moving my navy back out of Charleston harbor to the Mason Dixon Line.
As you can see my navy returning north. We took Suffolk, and Stonewall is sitting in the swamps of NC. Beauregard is still some where in VA. I fear i]his presence is near.

My three pronged flank advancing in VA. My goal is to encircle Johnston if Butler can keep Beauregard busy.

The CSA is sending deep recon in remote parts of KY, I will dispatch this immediately.

A SITREP of the restless conflict

Tallys of action this turn
[ATTACH]37411[/ATTACH][ATTACH]37412[/ATTACH][ATTACH]37413[/ATTACH]He has resurfaced[ATTACH]37414[/ATTACH][ATTACH]37415[/ATTACH]
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Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:52 pm

Baylor's force has completely collapsed at EL Paso, nothing is stopping us from invading Texas and sweeping east.
CW2 2016-02-07 20-25-32-01.jpg

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Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:58 pm

Butler is now under siege at Suffolk VA. Lets see if we can distract Beauregard to come towards Richmond.
CW2 2016-02-07 20-41-51-81.jpg

Can Butler's defenses hold up?

The siege of Springfield lasted way longer than we wanted. Now Leo Polk's army is coming at us to lift the siege. This is looking grim.

Sumner will come from Iowa by flotilla and land in Jefferson to support MO operations.

Once Popular Bluff falls, I will sweep East to help Grant in Cairo. I hope Scott MO can hold out for now.

CW2 2016-02-07 20-41-51-81.jpg

Winchester is ours. Gen Mansfield is doing a great job pushing SW.

We take Springfield MO, now the Polk storms comes on to us, how will we fair after this long siege?

General Hamilton's troops stand brave and hold of Polk's advance. Now it is time to hold Springfield until reinforcements arrive.
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Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:11 am

Hi GuileMike, thanks for sharing.

You got some weird things going on in your game that I have never seen before. :blink:

Fort Sumter wasn't attacked till June?

The 25th New Mexico militia - wow! - is that from the extended build pool option? Are you having any trouble feeding them?

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Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:40 am

Cardinal Ape wrote:Hi GuileMike, thanks for sharing.

You got some weird things going on in your game that I have never seen before. :blink:

Fort Sumter wasn't attacked till June?

The 25th New Mexico militia - wow! - is that from the extended build pool option? Are you having any trouble feeding them?

Yes, I am very shocked about Sumter. It usually is taken within the first few turns.

Yes that is from the extended pool. So far supply has been ok. I expect my my invasion of Texas will be the true test to see if beans and bullets will be available to them.

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Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:35 pm

He has rose up from his swampy habitat and is no laying siege on Norfolk.
Butler will head East to lift the siege. Lets hope Beauregard does not come out of the shadows and take a defenseless Suffolk.
CW2 2016-02-08 10-18-17-12.jpg

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Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:51 pm

Chapter 3 - The South Finally Stands Up
CW2 2016-02-08 20-02-06-04.jpg

The Rebs finally have a few wins under their belt and the lines are very clear where things will get interesting

Moving reinforcements to Manasas. As you can see Beauregard as shown up in Fredricksburg VA and Milroy will have to do his best to defend.

[ATTACH]37441[/ATTACH]No surprise with Burnside being incompetent [ATTACH]37442[/ATTACH]Not a bad showing [ATTACH]37443[/ATTACH]Lets keep this miracle going! [ATTACH]37444[/ATTACH]We crossed the Ohio River and will not be looking back [ATTACH]37445[/ATTACH]We are shaving Stonewall down
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Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:57 pm

Grant has something to work with finally so lets lay some havoc across the river.

Keeping the heat on the Rebs KY line

Time for the battle blotter

Even though we have had a few setbacks, things are going my way. The TX forts are falling one by one and soon I hope to capture Austin within the next few months.
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Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:14 pm

CW2 2016-02-09 19-43-20-85.jpg

The Mississippi River is heating up
A look at operational plans in the Tri State Area

We need reinforcements here pronto

Skirmishes in the wilderness of MO

Jackson withdrew back to the swamps, so let us pursue and see how this goes.

Louisville needs to be under our control, physically and Loyalty to crush southern morale.

Punishing this Calvary recon

Gen Grant is doing well attacking towns and rebel resistance.

A look at things in late DEC in the tri state area

We pursued Jackson into the swamps but lost him. We suspect he is in defensive positions in Graysburg NC
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Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:32 pm

Our cautious advance against Johnston does well. Now we have to worry about Beauregard where ever he is. Bee and Milroy are in a standoff in our left flank.

Reinforcements arrive to Ft. Ward. We hope to take it soon.

Despite the fact that we won, for the last few months McClellan did nothing until another officer showed up in force in Mundfordville. I will redeploy him to somewhere elseand take him out of the offensive. Maybe Norfolk will be a good spot for him to sit and defend.


Dear General, you have been relived of command. Stand fast to await orders to your new assignment.

Ft. Ward has been holding out, now we have more troops knocking at their door I expect it to fall soon.
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Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:03 pm

CW2 2016-02-12 21-02-20-35.jpg

1862 is here and that means more resources to destroy my enemy. We will sporadically land sailors in parts of the south to disrupt their everyday operations.
Our first landing took place just south of Charleston SC

We have been taking an aggressive stance since our landing in Norfolk with Butler. Lets head to NC to see what lies ahead of us.

Redirecting more leadership to the midwest

Can't wait for your orders to come through to get you out of the midwest

Halleck has produced solid results with his command thus far.

Low and Behold our advance in NC is stopped at the VA line by Gen Longstreet. Considering how the numbers stacked up, Butler held his own.

We saw some enemy naval activity around the Chesapeake area so we dispatched some war ships to search and destroy.
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Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:26 pm

CW2 2016-02-12 21-28-56-26.jpg

Our rangers are ripping through the Texas Frontier
Laredo is the next city we will lay siege to.

We have partisans in Indian Territory ready to raid

It was a big decision weather to go south or east, so we chose south to pursue Johnston in Charlottesville. Bee in Fredricksburg I think will sit tight becuase I left an army to cover my rear in Culpeper VA.

Sailors landed, Beaufort and Jasper are our target.

The Army south of Stone's position has always been a mystery and they have been waiting for my advance, so I sent spies to see what I am facing.

We pay our soldiers becuase we love them and want them to stay happy.
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Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:30 pm

A look at the lines

General knowledge of the war to share

Our next landing will be in the Tampa Bay Area

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We will try to take as much of FLA as we can using our landings from our navy.
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Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:50 pm

Chapter 4 - The Status Quo
CW2 2016-02-13 13-28-53-73.jpg

The South is still crumbling but they put up a big stand now that Corps are able to be formed.

We hold El Paso, just that the population is unruly to us, so we will instate martial law to persuade the locals to behave.

A look at the situation heading to the TN border.

Our spies failed to get any intel on what lies ahead in Williamsburg, so we will chance it and cross on to the other peninsula and see who is waiting for a fight.

We are doing some aggressive mobilizing to wear down the Confederate spirits.

Laredo is putting up a fight.

I have the Rebs right where I want them in New Madrid.

Ft. Sumter is still alive!

Though we are taking some loses in TX we are still sweeping through the state.
Ft. Chadbourne will fall into Union hands soon!
Fort Chadbourne, 1854.jpg
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Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:06 pm

Stone continues his campaign in winning style rushing into Williamsburg.

Probing into TN proves futile for our men.

Tuscon is the last outpost in the far west the CSA holds. Once it falls into our hands we will have their last strategic city in the far west.

Clarksville TN falls. You can see the CSA in the foothills waiting on us to head south.

The tributaries of the MS River must be cleansed.

When Williamsburg falls, this is a direct shot to the outskirts of Richmond. Lets see what the Rebs do to counter Stone if they even pay attention to him.

With Johnston and Ewell on both my flanks in Charlottesville, I will dig in and enlarge my defenses. They will have to come to me.

My sailors have raided 3 town now. We will sit tight in Sylvania GA until more orders come through. Attacking defenseless towns seem like the best option with this light force.

Gen Floyd of the CSA was beaten badly in WV, now that trend continues in KY by the same adversary he faced back east.
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