Doctor Haider
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Incorrect Russian naming for Armies

Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:07 pm

I noticed that all russian armies are named something like "1-ya Armeyskii" which is wrong, very wrong from the native speaker point of view. I presume, this is the result of some auto-translation.

The correct form is Armia (Армия ;) . 1-ya Armia, 2-ya Armia and so on.

I've noticed also some other discrepancies in the Russian 1914 OOB, will try to point these out later.

The most notable error is the using of Vyacheslav's von Pleve photo instead the actual general Pavel Pleve photo

Vyacheslav von Pleve (minister of Internal Affairs, killed in 1904)

Pavel Pleve (general, the commander of 5th Army)

Also the general Martos surname is the "Martos", not Matros:,_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87

Sorry for the russian wikipedia link, only Italian version of the page is present in other languages.

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Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:55 pm

Doctor Haider wrote:...
I've noticed also some other discrepancies in the Russian 1914 OOB, will try to point these out later...

Oh yes, please do that.
Hoping that takes someone who matter and corrects the errors.

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Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:34 pm

The biggest discrepancy in the Russian OOB is still the large number of completely fictional Finnish formations. There are whole corps of Finnish troops in Russian service, which didn't exist in real life.

It's unfortunate that there are such serious mistakes in an Ageod title. Sadly, I don't think these will ever get fixed. This game has lots of potential, but IMO it never quite made it.

Doctor Haider
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Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:09 pm

So let's continue.

Now: Correct form: Translation:
Gvardi Diviziya Gvardeyskaya Diviziya Guard Division
Grenaderski Diviziya Grenaderskaya Diviziya Grenadier Division
Rezervnye Diviziya Rezervnaya Diviziya Reserve Division
Opolchenie Diviziya Diviziya Opolcheniya Division of Militia (the order of words is reverse in this case because "Opolcheniya" is a noun not an adjective as above)
1-ya Opolchenie Orkug 1-i Orkug Opolcheniya 1-st District of Militia (1-i stands for "pervyi" instead of "pervaya" because "okrug" is a male form)
Morskoi Brigada Morskaya Brigada Marine Brigade
Pehotnoi Brigada Pehotnaya Brigada Infantry Brigade (this is from the stormtroops file, so it could be named the Udarnaya Brigada or Assault Brigade, but historically there weren't separate assault brigades in the Russian Army, the assault squads were formed within regular divisions)
1-ya Osadni Art. Parki 1-i Osadnyi Art.Park 1-st Siege Art. Depot
Voennye Gospitali Voennyi Gospital Military Hospital (alternatively "Polevoy Gospital" or Field Hospital)
Iskrovaya Bat Iskrovoy Bat. literally "Spark Batallion" (though historically there were only Spark Companies but batallions were named simply Telegraph Batallion or Telegraphnyi Batalion (male, so 1-i, 2-i and so on)
Pontonnyi Brigada Pontonnaya Brigada Pontoon Brigade
Sapernyi Brigada Sapernaya Brigada Sapper Brigade
Opolchenie Brigada Brigada Opolcheniya Brigade of Militia
Tankovogo Polk Tankovyi Polk Tank Regiment (this is strange, but armoured car brigades are also "tank" in the game! Hitorically for armoured cars the trerm "Bronedivision" were used in the Russian Army. 1-i Bronedivision, 2-i Bronedivision and so on.
1-i Aviatsionnaya Bat 1-i Aviatsionnyi Bat. 1-st Aviation Bat.
Brigady Lineyni Korablei Brigada Lineynikh Korablei Battleship Brigade
Brigady Krejserov Brigada Krejserov Cruiser Brigade
1-ya Otdelenie Razrushitelia This is totally incorrect both from the historical and linguistical points of view. Historically the Russian Navy used the term "Division Esmintsev" for its destroyer units. 1-i Division Esmintsev, 2-i, 3-i etc.
Otdelenie Lodki Torpedy Again totally incorrect. "Division minonostsev" is correct. 1-i, 2-i, 3-i etc.
Brigady Zarezerviruite Ehhh... Nope. "1-ya Brigada Beregovoy Oboroni" (Coastal Defense Brigade). "1-i Division Podvodnykh Lodok" for submarine squadrons.
1st Seaplane Flot. 1-i Otryad Gidroavianostzev 1-st Squadron of seaplane carriers
1-ya Otdelenie Moisloia 1-i Otryad tralshikov 1-st squadron of minesweepers
1-ya Brigady Transportni 1-ya Transportnaya Brigada 1-st Troopship Brigade
1-ya Finski Strelk. Diviziya 1-ya Finskaya Strelk. Diviziya there weren't any finnish divisions in the Russian Army, only "Finnish" brigades which were named after the place of peacetime location and were in fact Russian. All the units of Finnish nationality should be removed from the game.
Turkestanski Diviziya Turkestanskaya Diviziya
Sibirski Strelk. Diviziya Sibirskaya Strelk. Diviziya

Doctor Haider
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Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:17 pm

Now Generals:

Name = Nikolaya Nikolaevicha Should be Name = Nikolai Nikolaevich Romanov
Name = Pavel Plehve (incorrect photo of other Pleve who was killed 10 years prior the war and even weren't in military)
Name = Fedor Marston Should be Fedor Martos
Name = Vladimir Gorbatovskaya Should be Name = Vladimir Gorbatovskii ( Gorbatovskaya is a female wurname form :) )

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Sir Garnet
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Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:02 pm

Playing Eastern Entente, correct nomenclature is something I'll be pleased to see.

There is a rationale that Finnish-manned units could have been fielded. Not going to argue the point, but I do like having Finns to play with.

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Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:18 pm

Is it the fact that they are Finnish that is wrong, but did the corps still exist, or do the Russians have a whole corps that never existed at all, Finnish or not?

Franz Ferdinand
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Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:02 pm

bob. wrote:Is it the fact that they are Finnish that is wrong, but did the corps still exist, or do the Russians have a whole corps that never existed at all, Finnish or not?

There was no Finnish units in the Russian Army in the WWI. There were three "Finnish" rifle brigades, but these were made up of Russians stationed in Finland. Finish people were exempt from service in the Army by Law, and they were instead required to pay military tax to support the Army. The same was true for the Caucasus people, while on the other hand Kirgizs were exempt for any military service and military tax. Simply, Russians did not trust these ethnic groups enough to put them in Army units.

Also, Turkmen units or any other regional units (Baltic for example), had at most 1/3 of minority ethnic group and 2/3 of Russians. The rule was that at least 2/3 of Russians should be in every division or rifle brigade, to keep the order and prevent mutinies. So, Finnish and Baltic units are ahistorical. Ukrainian units too, as well as Siberian in a way because they were made up from Russians. The only units that should be in the game are Russian units and Cossacks. And yes, Russian names in the game are horribly transliterated and actually improperly translated (I speak Russian). Any chance we can see a patch anytime soon? I would be more than glad to help if the devs want, I focus heavily on the WWI in my research, especially the Eastern Front (I had to read all the books written in English on this front for my research).

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Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:23 pm

Sir Garnet wrote:There is a rationale that Finnish-manned units could have been fielded. Not going to argue the point, but I do like having Finns to play with.

In a what-if fantasy scenario, sure. But in a game that is trying to be historically accurate with a realistic OOB, no. It's like imagining the British having a massive conscription-based army ready to deploy to the continent in August 1914 or Austria-Hungary having no trouble at all with all its different nationalities. The Russians considered Finland to be a bothersome grand duchy with a population that was becoming dangerously restive and disloyal. It would have been foolish of them to even consider giving arms and military training to maybe hundreds of thousands of Finns of questionable loyalty.

What-ifs can be fun to play, but the start dates and game mechanics in TEAW scenarios are supposed to reflect the historical reality.

I'd love to play as Eastern Entente, but I'm bothered by the OOB inaccuracies, and having terribly misspelled unit names isn't helping with the immersion either.

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