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PON2-scripting Turning points -Effect of common alliances

Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:56 am

I'll write a few scripts to take into account effect of common alliances

present AI reaction is to hinder alliances - in an excessive way - if an open conflict with a current ally was clearly a no-go for an alliance, actually things happen rather differently

that is conflicting allies coexisted, but alliance with a common partner had a patching effect on their relations, their conflict being put "in the fridge"

before developing more in detail AI wishes and accurate expected behaviour, in diplomacy, strategy and crisis, in this thread I'll develop simple scripts to condition improvement of relations to basic diplomatic conditions :
Bismarckian system[/color]
Effect of common German ally on Austrian-Russian relationships
Effect of common German ally on Austrian-Italian relationships (where we have another look on triplice)
double crossing between Russia and Austria/Britain
isolation policy and caution (naval, colonial, and limited objectives and moderate methods - intimidation but not beyond)

[color="#2F4F4F"]Wilhelmian" system[/color]

Criteria of choice between Russia and Britain for Germany
Criteria of choice between Russia and Austria for Germany
Colonial and naval expansion (Naval race, Venezuela crisis, Morocco)

[color="#40E0D0"] "Delcassé" system[/color]

Effect of common ally or "supported friend" between Russia and Britain
Criteria of distanciation from Triplice from Italy (objectives, rivalry, effect of Britain)
French arbitration between colonial expansion and home security (distraction, preparaction, conflict management - Fashoda - Egypt)

[color="#FF0000"]Splendid isolation system[/color]

great appeasement criteria between USA and Britain
Criteria of possible alliance (fleet , BOP, colonial rivalry - great game - africa)) between France and Germany
colonial crisis gestion management
effects of Boer war
naval interests (japan alliance, support of italian rivals in tunisia)

[color="#008000"]Russian priorities management[/color]

Criteria of choice between Germany and France (relation with Austria, britain, ottoman, balance of power)
Priorization of theaters : Balkans/central asia/far east
relation with austria (common ally, offensive or reinforcement phase)

[color="#FF0000"]Austrian priorities management[/color]

effect of German war and Historical compromise
effect of Italian war outcome
priorisation of theaters and criteria of alliance (FRA GER RUS, besides GBR)
effect of pangermanism, panslavism and balkan rivalry
offensive or reinforcement phase

soon to be developed
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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