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Shift Key Functionality with Selected Units

Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:13 pm

I've just played the first 50 or so turns of my first attempt at the full Grand Campaign scenario (as Prussia), and reached the point where the Russians turned up in force around Kolberg and Stettin (and what a lot of them there are!). I'm going to be restarting shortly, as I've inevitably learned lots of things over my first 50 turns that I wish I had applied properly from the beginning. One of the things I realised I had not been applying at all, was command structure above and beyond Corps level, so I decided to run the 2nd tutorial scenario again, which deals with building an army structure from scratch, as a refresher.

Quite straight forward, and the Shift key highlights, in blue, the command radius of a selected army commander (something I had completely forgotten to consider). However, I also discovered that if I select a Corps, or seemingly any non army leader unit, and then press the Shift key, I get a different type of display, with lines radiating out from the unit to each of it's neighbouring zones, in either blue or (more commonly) red. I've had a read through the manual, and can't seem to find any reference to this display. Could anyone shed any light on this - I have a feeling it might be important :blink:

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Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:24 pm

This is movement types to get to the bordering regions. Blue means you have to cross rivers, straits etc, to get to the next region. I don't see any red only brown, and brown means it is all land.
"Umbrellas will not be opened in the presence of the enemy." Duke of Wellington before the Battle of Waterloo, 1815.

"Top hats will not be worn in the Eighth Army" Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein K.G.


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Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:48 pm

Ebbingford wrote:This is movement types to get to the bordering regions. Blue means you have to cross rivers, straits etc, to get to the next region. I don't see any red only brown, and brown means it is all land.

Aha, thanks Ebbingford - much appreciated!

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