AGEod Guard of Honor
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Is local support bugged?

Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:18 am

I have been using the diplomatic action local support with Britain and Sardinia Piedmont for some time now. I am France. My relations with both countries have improved substantially. But, after the action had run its course, my relations with everyone else in Europe, including Prussia and Austria, who previously hated France, also improved substantially.

Somehow, I do not think this is the way it was designed.

It appears that the local support option may improve relations with everybody, not just the target of the action.

What do the Devs think about this?

von Sachsen
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Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:13 am

Are you sure they are not just leveling out? I am in the exact same situation, GB loves me(52), SP likes me(32) and the US is warmish as I haven't been using local support (16). Prussia and Austria have both at one time hated me after two crises, but have improved over the last few years, but have leveled out at low negative (around -10). The rest are slightly negative.

Though just another question without starting a new thread, is the Prussian AI supposed to get support for Germany through decisions like the player? It is early 1857 and they have not done it once.

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Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:50 am

I think it depends on various factors and it's not that simple. I have seen many times the score of relations fluctuate. I believe one of the most important cryptic factors is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Perhaps the workings of other nations influence your scores. Also trade should play a role.

Nevertheless, are small fluctuations in scores critical? I only pay serious attention when relations move to friendly or worrying territory although, admittedly, it is a good gauge to watch the change. :p ouet:

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Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:19 am

Some nations can resent you are supporting their enemy, also relationship can sometime progress toward 0 with enough time.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:11 pm

Pocus wrote:Some nations can resent you are supporting their enemy, also relationship can sometime progress toward 0 with enough time.

I should have been more precise.

My relationship with every single nation in the entire world is now 55 or better.

In most cases, it is better than 60, in many, it is better than 70.

The only exceptions are those nations that are actually at war with me., and Mexico, who I have a short term casus belli against.

In many cases, this represents an increase of 70 or more points.

This is not a small fluctuation. Now that I have clarified things a bit, I still have the question, Is this a bug?

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