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Attachment- and command-radius

Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:31 pm

The manual and the "Austerlitz Walk-Through Tutorial" say there is a different attachment- and command-radius concerning corps2army attachment and army2corps boni.

Is this still true or is there only one radius (shown with the shift-key) for both ??

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Two Radii

Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:44 pm

There are most definitely two different radii for attachment and command. The radius for attachment is rather large so that far flung corps can be placed into an army. The command radius is rather short and flexible dependent upon leader ratings. You'll see that when you move the cursor over the Army icon the corp is attached to when you have the corp in the unit panel. Sometimes it shows no command bonus from the army commander and sometimes it does, though sometimes that bonus can be a minus from a really poor army commander. It also looks like command radius can be affected by weather as I've seen less corps get the command bonus unless they're really close.

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:03 pm

Thank you Omnius.
Omnius wrote:You'll see that when you move the cursor over the Army icon the corp is attached to when you have the corp in the unit panel.

Yes, I know, but you see it only the next turn !
And that confuses me often. Because I have to remember where exactly was the army and where the corps and what was the command-radius, to check if the bonus is somehow valid ;)

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Guessing Game

Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:55 pm

Unfortunately it is something of a guessing game as to how far an army HQ's command radius is. I guess with practice one gets the hang of how far command radius extends for each army HQ's leader. I think that the command radius being much smaller than the attachment radius is realistic. Remember that communications between army and corp commanders was reliant upon how fast horse-borne couriers could make the trip or even if they could make the trip without being intercepted.

Good army leaders like Napoleon seem to go at most two regions away but the poor army leaders seem to only have a range of the same region. I find that with the really poor army leaders, like the Prussian ones in 1806, it's better to move them way out of command range so they don't pass along negative ratings to their corps.

It certainly would be a nice player aid if there was a function to show us command radius for each army leader the same way that the one that shows us attachment radius. Hopefully that might come about in future releases like NCP2. :cool:

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