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New Artillery Mod

Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:56 pm

Hi all
Hear I put the ideas I have for an artillery mod, basically to make artillery units more historical and to redress some unbalances in the models as they stand now, but before I implement the mod I would like to hear some feedback from the forum members.


1. Union Horse Arty represents 3in guns, however as the model is famLightArty, Horse arty batteries receive the cheap Light arty replacements, I want to change that to famMedArty. Furthermore, the costs are not adjusted either, so that the Horse Arty battery cost in Money is 18, while that of a 10pdr Parrot battery is 27. Basically, while the fighting statistics of Union Horse Arty have been updated to those of the 10lb Parrot, the rest of the statistics are those of a light battery of 6 pieces, giving to the Union side a real bargain and unbalancing the game.
2. CSA Horse Arty represents light batteries, I know Jagger wanted to implement a techup for the unit to 3in guns, but so far I have not been able to find detailed composition of CSA Horse Arty units, except for a Stuart´s cavalry battery that in 1864 deployed 4x20pdr Mountain Howitzers, so for the moment I leave it like it is now except for the defensive improvement in light batteries (see below) and an additional 1 point in %assault to hit

They represent 6pdrs only, but I have found more than enough evidence to suggest that in most of the cases the 6pdr guns were coupled with 2x12pdr Howitzers, so I will boost the defensive fire of the light batteries by 4 points and the AssltCohDmgDone by other 4 points.

Range reduced to 6, the same as the 10lb Parrot. Movement Ratio reduced to 85%, they were heavy pieces difficult to move, as has been explained in the Columbiad and Rodman batteries thread

Rifle had longer range and accuracy, furthermore they were lighter and required smaller calibers. OTOH smoothbores had an advantage firing cannister basically because of their larger calibers, for instance the 6pdr gun had a 3.67 in bore, the same as the 20pdr Parrot. This differences need to be enhanced in the game satistics.

They are not only non historical, but they are also the most powerful field artillery in the game, and potentially unbalancing as Union has a much larger pool of Rodmans than CSA of Columbiads.(18 vs 8)
There is only one Rodman unit in the Historical scenarios, that of the 5th US Battery in the XII Corps in the Gettysburg scenario, that according to the OOB in Wiki actually had Napoleons, so no big problem there.
So, my idea is to change them for other historical guns.
Columbiad would be replaced by Whitworth gun, similar statistics as a 10pdr Parrot but with increased range from 6 to 8, but to a higher Money cost.
Rodman Would be replaced by Wiard guns, basically light rifle batteries with low cost.

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:31 pm

This is just a link to basic stuff but does contain a nice table of the various types.

This is an interesting link that shows surviving pieces at various battlefields. While not conclusive it does reveal a lot of things going on regarding who had what and of what quality. One of which is the heavy Union adoption of the 3" wrought iron gun which outclassed other pieces. There is some quote which I've now forgotten by a rebel soldier in Tennessee about the accuracy and improvement of union artillery based on these guns.

This link is an index of all guns by bore diameter.

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:46 pm

Maqver wrote:

This is just a link to basic stuff but does contain a nice table of the various types.

This is an interesting link that shows surviving pieces at various battlefields. While not conclusive it does reveal a lot of things going on regarding who had what and of what quality. One of which is the heavy Union adoption of the 3" wrought iron gun which outclassed other pieces. There is some quote which I've now forgotten by a rebel soldier in Tennessee about the accuracy and improvement of union artillery based on these guns.

This link is an index of all guns by bore diameter.

Thanks for the links. In the game the 10lb Parrot represents also the 3" ordnance, if we were to make a different model for the 3" all the OOBs of the historical scenarios should have been heavily reworked, a huge task.

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:01 pm


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Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:37 pm

Gray_Lensman wrote:Which game are you talking about? A modded game or a vanilla game? If you are talking about the vanilla game, the 10lb Parrot is supposed to be representing the 10 lb Parrot not a 3 inch ordnance rifle (a deficiency for sure).

Well, I thought that in the vanilla game the 10lb Parrot represented also the 3inch Ordnance and other rifled guns of similar caliber because in the OOBs in the Historical scenarios units with those other rifled guns have 10lb Parrots.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:46 pm


Love to see this in vanilla or as a mod. Those RODMAN AND COLUMBIAD are mot historical in there numbers. If they remain they should have an extrem cost to purchase them in numbers, thus refelcting thier rarity.

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