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Barksdale vs soundoff

Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:22 am

Barksdale: CSA
soundoff: USA

We will be using 1.11 with no modifications. Here are the settings:

First some background. Soundoff and I played around a month ago and I ended up winning around the summer of '62. He ran a fairly aggressive strategy which I was able to exoloit. From this experience I imagine he will play a more conservative game this time around.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."
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Early July

Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:53 pm

McDowell's NVA looks to be sitting idle. Excellent!

Pattersons force looks to be headed in one of two directions. His first option is Harpers Ferry. An alternative may bring his men closer to the Washington area. In any case I have ordered cavalry to torch the depot and retreat down the valley to refit around Strasburg.

Raiding detachments have been ordered rip up rails in WV and to gather information about any enemy forces gathering in the area.

Soundoff is taking a page from my book by scouting with cavalry in middle VA. Several regiments have been ordered to take it out as quickly as possible. I can't afford to be repairing rails.


Around KN, IL, IN cavalry are serving a dual purpose of wrecking rails and locating any enemy forces massing for invasions into TN.


Several regiments of Federal cavalry have been spotted in IT. They seem to massacring the indian villagers and torching their homes, however, they may also be scouting for possible attack routes. McColluch intercepted one such detachment probably hoping to take out the depot at Ft. Smith. Price's Missourians are still building up strength in the southern portion of the state.

Given my assumption about soundoffs 1st year strategy I will adopt a wait and see attitude. Cavalry will destroy as much rolling stock as possible while my main armies build strength well out of sight of the Federals. I want to keep him busy defending depots and rail junctions so I can concetrate on getting blockade runners to bring in supplies.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late July

Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:05 am

One of the first things I noticed was the presence of a Federal fleet in the gulf off LA's Fort Jackson. Im wondering if they be attempting something in Berwick\New Orleans area.

Looks to be divisions forming up in Salem and Cairo. I've ordered units to begin entrenching the area in western TN and middle TN in expectation of an attack. Possible targets are Island no. 10 and Fts henry and Donelson.
I want to place batteries on the approaches to the forts. Polk is massing troops in Memphis for more direct defensive operations. More troops are gathering in Pulsaki and will support Polk when enemy intetions become more clear.

The enemy made for Harpers Ferry. After trashing the depot the region was pillaged by his troops so they may become short on supplies. I'm dispatching Jackson with a division under Smith and a bde under Magruder. I may be able to catch the out of supply and take firm control of the valley. If the battle goes well if could mean promotions for Magruder or Smith.

I'll hold Manassas with JJ and two divisions as well as move a new division under Winder to join up with Bory's HQ just to the south.

With the enemy fleet just off LA I've decided to play it safe and order up some heavy taxes. I've invested heavily in rail transport. If he goes after LA in force I'll hit McDowell at Alexandria. If its a token force I may ignore it and concentrate on building up mroe coastal defense.
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Early August

Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:24 pm

Looks like Farragut was actually heading to the blockade box! I'd rather have him there then dropping of troops.

The federals are definately short on supply in Harper's Ferry. There is a relief force headnig that way with supplies. I don't know their strength, however, I've Jackson has orders to attack anyway as I don't think the force could be that large. Over on the peninsula I've ordered Huger to sit tight and watch the Yankees at Ft. Monroe. Soon as the fleet there leaves to resupply I hope to snatch up the garrison and those big guns!

More raiding in the west. I'm trying to really mess up the rails in IL to slow any reinforcements. Scouts report the depot at Vincennes has only a lone militia defending. I've ordered McCulloch to north middle TN in preparation for a little raid on the city. The burning of this depot will further isolate the forces in central IL.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late August

Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:44 pm

There was a rear guard action at Harper's Ferry. The Yankees were able to pull out just as Jackson was coming up. They are now NW of Washington. Jackson will clear out any federal cavalry patrols in nothern VA and link up with JJ at Manassas for a possible stab at Alexandria. I've left only two bdes and some cavalry to hold the valley.

All raiding parties have been ordered to Missouri to refit. I'm unsure what to do with them next. I may try to penetrate further into MO or continue to raid along the Ohio river. McCulloch will attempt to take out the depot at Vincennes, however, the information about it's weak garrison will be a month old by the time his forces get there. It's worth the risk.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early September

Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:53 pm

Scouts report yet another yankee division forming in Louisville. There is also a federal cavalry regiment on the outskirts of Lexington. I will try to force them to engage the KY militia and hopefully trigger the yankee invasion.


Fresh forces mass at Montgomery and prepare to seize Ft. Pickens.

Bluebelly cavalry are targeting the tri-state area. Several detachments of cavalry and militia are responding in force.

Well Butler has appeared with 4 strong divisions at Harper's Ferry. There are now only 3 yankee divisions under Hamilton at Alexandria. McDowell's NVA has HQ's in Washington with an undetermined number of troops. I am hoping they won't be organised and will be unable to move in support of their comrades across the Potomac.

I plan to hit Hamilton's corps with 4 divisions under Jackson and 2 divisions under JJ. Just my luck, JJ is inactive this turn, but I'll order him to move into the area anyway. One bde has been left to hold the entrenchments at Manassas to be joined by Bory's HQ and supporting artillery. These troops will act as a reserve once Jackson breaks Hamilton.

That Yankee fleet is aggravating.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late Sept

Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:52 pm

In Virginia, the AotP withdrew to Washington before Jackson and JJ arrived at Alexandria. I seized the city with it's small garrison along with some guns which I have sent south to be used for coastal defence.
JJ will have a token force at Alexandria while the main army refits around Manassas.

Milroy's force was able to seize Charleston, MO. They weren't able to engage my cavalry patrols. All units have been ordered across the river to refit. ASJ has set up HQ of the Army of TN in Nashville.

There has been no action in central MO. As such I've ordered Price's small division to seize the capital. I have no intention of holding it for more than two weeks, however, I do want to see the yankee reaction to the move!

My cavalry patrols were unable to track down the yankees marauding through the Carolinas.


"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Ealy October

Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:02 pm

The little federal cavalry raid is almost extinguished. I've decided to do a minor late season raid to cut the Baltimore and Ohio line in two places. Hopefully I can capitalize on the break and take out some Yankees in the Shenandoah.

All is still relatively quiet in TN. There are more yankee cavalry probing the area so I've spread out my cavalry to try and catch those basards.

Price will withdraw back to Springfield. Irregular troops have scouted the Federals around St. Louis and they report only a small garrison. I may be able to draw troops away from KY\TN.

On the gulf coast Bragg has taken command of the division, along with Longstreet, and are to assault fort Pickens. Yankee cavalry and fleets have been sighted on the Atlantic coast. After Pickens falls the division will move to the Charleston area in case the Yankees decide to try something.
Citizens loyal to the cause have reported a Yankee force in Delaware. They seem to be commanded by Meagher. This may be a force for Amphibious operations.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late October

Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:14 am

God damned yankees.



Hallack has arrived in DE with two more bdes. I believe they will be used in amphibious operations somewhere along my coast. The area around ft. Pickens is a big option at the moment.

Bragg issued conflicting orders and reverted to defensive posture. Now he's inactive. I need Bragg promoted so he will rest and refit and attempt to take the fort next month.

With federal cavalry scouting SC and GA this may be another option. They may also be destined for the area around Ft Monroe and the Norfolk area.

In any case, units have begun entrenching the approaches to the major cities and waterways especially around Richmond. Another thing I want to prevent is the last yankee cavalry raid. Those people got away in ships on the Carolina coast. Very frustrating!

Out west Missouri is looking really quiet. I want to start more active operations to draw resources away from the inevitable invasion of TN. Cavalry have been sent to Rolla to toast the rails and check up on St. Louis.
Price's division is ready for operations, however, with foul weather already being seen in other parts of the area, the campaign may need to wait until Spring.

I'm trying to maintain my cavalry screen in TN. McCullock has been ordered to take out the federal patrol before it can give any more information to the yankees.

Runners are running well and I should start to see nice gains over the next few turns if things remain quiet. There are still 2 runners held up by ft. Pickens.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early November

Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:32 am

Things in Virginia seem to be quieting down. I've lost track of Halleck's force in DE, however, they may just be getting into winter quarters in the city. My only plans are to hold the current positions and clear out yankee scouting parties. Once this is accomplished I may pull back for winter leaving only screening forces.

I think I've got a good screen going in TN. The federal cavalry were unable to penetrate deeper into the state. McCulloch will try again to dislodge them.
Also on the west side of the Mississippi the federals have left only cavalry to defend Charleston, MO. There are now 2 yankee divisions at Paducah, KY under Milroy.

There are now 3 federal divisions of unknown strength in MO. 2 at St. Louis under Fremont and the third down river at Lexinton under blenker. I've ordered reconnaisance to report on their strength.

Bragg will (hopefully) storm ft. Pickens and seize the fort. With the disappearance of Halleck I am a little concerned they may be destined for this area. This assignment is taking up too much time as Bragg and Longstreet are needed elsewhere.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late November

Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:44 pm

Just when I thought things were quieting down for the winter Grant took command of 3 divisions in the valley and moved into Loudoun, VA. After much thought I decided to hit those 3 divisions with everything I have. 4 divisions under Jackson and 3 under JJ will attack. The weather is still fair in the area and anywhere Grant moves is mud or snow. There are no federal reinforcements to march to the guns in the area. If I can take out those 3 divisions I can really even the odds a little bit! I`ve pulled up as many reserve forces as I could from southern VA\NC. I don't want to be caugh out of position even in winter with McDowell.

Over in TN I`ve ordered all cavalry forces that are not holding key positions to attack the lone federal cavalry. It must be getting short on supply and should be easy to take out.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early December

Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:12 pm

There was a sharp fight at Loudoun, VA. Jackson and JJ took nearly 8000casualties while inflicting just over 3000. I did, however, seize a depot that Grant was constructing in the area. I am going to burn everything and withdraw back to Manassas. I may move even farther south to the area around Fredericksburg if the yankees show any more aggressive actions.

Unfortunately, Grant's stack still has a ton of supply so they will most likely be able to winter in the valley without too much trouble. I really don't mind 4 federal divisions in the valley anyway. I hope they stay there until independence.

McCulloch tracked down the yankee raiders all the way to Memphis. There were probably hoping to cut the rails and scout out my strength and positions. Luckily no information will reach federal HQs.

I have ordered up 8% bonds and called for volunteers. I really need these reinforcemnts!

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late December

Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:42 pm


Well Hallecks stack has been found off the coast of Georgia. It looks like Savannah is their target. There are 3 divisions in the invasion force. The only forces in the immediate area are miltia and cavalry.

Bragg has one division under Longstreet at Montgomery. They are ordered to Augusta to await reinforcements. I have also detached Jackson with his two best divisions, under Magruder and Smith, to counter the move in Georgia. He will join Bragg's forces in a months time. An additional bde will make it's way from Alabama. Meanwhile I am blocking many of the rivers in and around Savannah as I am almost certain the enemy will move on the place.

I expect Jackson to be gone for several months. Reinforcements will be needed in VA while he is gone. I have dispatched forces from TN, and ordered up 3 divisions from the VA\NC area. This will only give me a +2 gain, however, with the foul weather and Bory and JJ's tricky tactics I should be able to fend off whatever Grant and McDowell can throw at me.

I plan to retreat behind the Rappahannock cutting rails, and burning the depot at Manssas at the same time. I have ordered up lots of artillery for the army in anticipation of a strong attack by Grant and McDowell if they realize Jackson has disappeared. About half the forces will be at Fredericksburg, the other half are still forming, and may take up to a month longer.

In TN\KY\MO things are looking fairly quiet, although, this sometimes means action is going to heat up quickly. Approaches to the forts guarding my major rivers are increasing entrenchment lvls everyday. McCulloch has been ordered to join the garrison and New Madrid with artillery and to be better positioned for a stab at Charleston, MO on the west side of the river.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early January, 1862

Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:03 am

With Jackson gone, and many of the reinforcements a month or more away, I am definately electing to withdraw behind the Rappahannock. Holmes Corps is to move south to the valley around Culpepper. Johnson is currently in Stafford and will hold there, and repail the rails, while waiting for Bory's HQ to join up. Once the rails are fixed it will be much easier to move the heavy guns to Fredericksburg.

Van Dorn and the 1st VA cavalry are toasting the depot at Manassas. As soon as assignment is complete he will join Bory and JJ at Stafford.

Down at Savannah, meanwhile, the yankees were pretty tired lugging their gear through the mud. With Halleck in the stack this oppurtunity may not last long. I've ordered Jackson to make a probing attack in and around the city. Bragg has orders to join him with another division en route.

Several units are also making their way to counties neighboring Savannah and have orders to entrench. I want to contain this invasion as much as possible.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late January, 1862

Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:05 am


There was a brawl at Stafford, VA. Unfortunately, Holmes corps had already made their way to Culpepper, and was unable to support JJ and Bory. The yankees, 4 divisions under Hamilton, were repulsed and remain in Stafford county. General Grant has moved with an undetermined number of forces to Mannassas.

I've given Smith command of JJ's corps. JJ is going to receive another assignment as soon as his HQ is finished. Bory's HQ and Smith's corps are ordered to cross the Rappahannock, and join Bonham's entrenchments. Hopefully, Hamilton's corps will be too busy to cut the rails before I can get across the river. Holme's corps is ordered to Charlottesville where reinforcements are massing.

Down around Savannah, Jackson's probing attack was a complete success. The yankees were regrouping inside the city while Jackson was coming up. They are now hold up inside the city. With only equal forces I've ruled out storming the place. soundoff has quite a srong fleet Wassage sound so it is possible they may pull out. I am trying to trap them, however, with small naval forces of my own, as well as setting up artillery covering the approaches to the city.

Over in TN, I am massing 3 divisions at Corinth. Two more are still holding entrenchments at Island no.10 and Fts Henry and Donelson. This theatre has been unusually quiet and I want to cause a little trouble as soon as the weather permits.

Economically, the federal move on Savannah may turn out to be good. Farragut's fleet has left the BB. The BB % now stands at only 10%! If Jackson can take care of Halleck's force over in GA I would get my full fleet of runners going to brign in some very badly supplies!
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early February, 1862

Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:24 pm

Well it was close but I think that Bory was able to get his army across the Rappahannock to excellent defensive positions. Smith's and Bonham's corps' are firmly entrenched around Spotsylvania. Holme's corps is refitting at Charlottesville and will join Bory in a few weeks.

Meanwhile I've dispatched Walker's division, from Holme's corps, to Richmond to meet incoming artillery reinforcements from NC. It will be evenly distributed in each of the 3 corps.

I'm planning an invasion of MO for the spring. For now I'm trying to take and fortify the MO side of the Mississippi river around Charleston and New Madrid.
Artillery batteries are making their way to New Madrid to free McCulloch for direct operations into MO. Forrest is moving to Memphis to pick up more artillery. Price is still sitting in Springfield waiting to get his turn at the yankees.

Butler and Halleck have managed to escape Jackson's encirclement of Savannah. I just didn't have enough soldiers in place. Yankee ships have penetrated the mouth of the savannah river. I'm unsure whether they mean to fight or are attempting to get away.

Reinforcements, under JJ, are gathering at Augusta just in case this situation turns ugly.

This invasion really caught me off guard. soundoff really stole the initiative with this mid-winter move. Although, if it wasn't winter, I most likely couldnot have detached Jackson from the Virginia theatre.

I've started fortifying the approaches to other major cities in the gulf. I want to more prepared if soundoff tries something similar here.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late February, 1862

Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:26 pm


There are yankees all over Northern VA. Luckily most of the reinforcements are in the area. Holme's corps has been ordered to Abermale VA. This will put his corps and Bory's reserve in supporting distance of Smith and Bonham's corps. All corps have received substantial artillery to support their positions in case of attack.

The yankee invaders in GA have borded ships and I think they may be pulling out. Luckily Jackson's forces have fortified the approaches to the Atlantic and will give any yankee ships moving through the area a tough time.

Given this development I've diverted some of the reinforcements bound for Augusta towards Richmond. I hope to have Jackson's forces move north as quickly as possible. Several new bdes will take over Jackson's positions, as well as Charleston, as soon as he leaves.

Yankee cavalry in KY are showing increased activity in teh area south of Louisville.

Runner's are now bringing in a steady stream of income. I think that I may have forgot to call for conscription in '61 as I'm nearly out of conscription points. Most resources, until June, will go to increasing my transport assets.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early March, 1862

Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:17 pm

Things in Virginia are getting very tight. I've received quiete a bit of artillery to beef up the infantry positions around Spotsylvania and Abermale. At the moment I am counting 11 federal division. Grant has 4 divisions at Stafford. Whipple has another 4 around Manassas. Berry's corps with 3 divisions is at Culpepper. One of them is not at full strength. I am expecting an attack on Holme's corps in Abermale or a flanking move to get better position.

Luckily Jackson will be returning to the theatre with 4 divisions and additional reinforcements in a months time. In addition to throwing back the invasion of GA they have been training intensively with Bragg. I'm not sure what their objective will be as it totally depends on soundoffs move this turn.

In KY, yankee cavalry are repairing rails along the line running from Louisville to Bowling Green. I am sending my own partisan raiders into IN to cause some trouble.

In MO, Forrest will join McCulloch with reinforcements at Charleston. More scouts are will be checking the St. Louis defenses. Still more cavalry are ordered to check the strength of federal forces at Lexington.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late March, 1862

Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:11 pm

Jackson should arrive in VA in a week! His arrival will add more than a third more troops and some hard hitting veteran divisions to the area!. An additional division, under AP Stuart, and more artillery are orderd to join Bonham's corps at Spotsylvania.

I want to keep Jackson hidden for as long as possible so that I'm able to steal the initiative as soon as an oppurtunity presents itself. With all this extra artillery I am praying taht soundoff will attack. If he does not attack I may send Jackson to the valley in order to disrupt yankee communications and force a withdrawal.

There is increased federal activity KY. McClellan has moved to Louisville and more infantry are making their way south. Their objective may be to reinforce Bowling Green. ASJ and the Army of Tennessee are ready for whatever soundoff has in store.

I'm seeing some juicy targets for raids in IN. Forrest and McCulloch will make their way to New Madrid and eventualyl on to Memphis. A large scale raid into IN\IL should help support operations in farther west by diverting federal resources to this area.

In MO, there is a weak yankee division at Lexington. More substantial forces are at St. Louis under Fremont. As soon as the weather clears Price will hit the smaller force with every available unit. Johnston is gathering forces at Little Rock in anticipation of the invasion.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Early April, 1862

Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:14 am


The yankees are makign a very strong push in VA. Whipple's corps seized Charlottesville so they are definately attempting to outflank my position in the wilderness and around Fredericksburg.

General Jackson has arrived in the area and is poised to support Holme's corps at Abermale as well as Smith's and Bonham's corps at Spotsylvania.
To top it all off General Lee is active. His HQ is moving forward to Jackson's position with heavy guns.

Unforunately I don't believe soundoff means to attack here. Bragg is ordered to Petersburg to pick up a fresh division from SC. A reserve corps of two divisions and lots of artillery is positioned in Richmond jsut in case soundoff wants to be bold.

Jeb and Van Dorn are makign their way to Lyncburg to deal with any threats to my TN reinforcement highway.

In KY federals show increased activity again. Scouts will be ordered to check up on Federal strength. I'm going to start toasting the rails in Clarksville and Gallatin.

Over in AR a new division, under Pemberton, will make it's way toawrd Missouri to support Price's operations in the state. JJ will remain at Little Rock to await the last batch of reinforcements.

Bory has been given an HQ in MS. I plan on shifting ASJ's HQ to Knoxville and Bory's department will take over defense of Island no. 10 and fts. Henry and Donelson.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Late April, 1862

Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:33 pm


The yankees are continuing their flanking move and have cavalry detachments all over. They are definately trying to cut my east-west line. I've orderd Jackson corps to join up with Jeb's cavalry at Lynchburg. I may be able to pick off that division at Covington then make my way up the valley.

If anything maybe the sight of Jackson's corps around Lynchburg will push soundoff to attack my positions farther north. Van Dorn's cavalry will ride along teh rails between Richmond and Lynchburg to clear out any raiders soundoff may be sending out.

McCulloch and Forrest are moving their command to Knoxville to start raiding into WV, OH, and KY, as well as to support Jackson's move into the valley.

Bonham has been transferred to Nashville to take command of a new corps massing there. I hope that my invasion of MO in the next few weeks will force soundoff's hand in KY. Polk's corps is moving to occupy Covington MO and set up some guns on the west side of river (again). He will support Price as soon as he receives some wagon trains. A new division is forming in MO, half with Price, the other half at Covington. This will give me 4 divisions on the west side. This better pay off!

The blocade box sits now at 5% and is bringing in some serious cash and WS. Too bad I still need to wait 6 turns to call for volunteers.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:51 am

Got a few brigs there I see, good lord. :)
Official Queen's Ambassador to the South

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Early May, 1862

Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:56 am


First thing that got me was that Jackson ran smack into a federal corps at Lynchburg. They messed up the yankees good but were still cut up bad. Smith got a second star, however! So much for stealing the initiative with a cut into the valley.

With Jackson on the radar to the south its obvious soundoff will make a move. Jackson's corps is ordered Richmond asap! Van Dorn was unable to scatter all the yankee cavalry on Jackson's rail link to Richmond. Jackson should only lose a few days in the event of a break.

One place he may hit is Abermale. Grant's, Whipple's, and Hamilton's corps are all adjacent. Franklin's corps holds a depot at Stafford and is definately within marching distance. There is, however, an open route to richmond via Amherst and Buckingham.

I need to concentrate quickly. As said above Jackson is on his way to Richmond to refit. Holme's corp's is ordered to join Bragg and Lee at Louisa. Evan's bde, commanded by Bee, will cut the rails and move to Hanover, just north of Richmond.

If he decides to hit Richmond, Jackson's and Forney's corps will nearly 2000 pwr units in entrenchments. Bragg's and Holme's corps, as well as Lee's HQ heavy guns, will be in supporting distance.

If he hits Abermale I will have pulled out already. It will be a nice place to counter attack with all those yankee divisions to the south.

McCulloch and Forrest are still making their way east. I am not running into significant resistance in WV\OH back country!

Bory is moving his HQ to Memphis with reinforcements. Depense of the forts will now be in this department.

Price's forces are increasing every turn! JJ is moving his HQ to Ft. Smith. All reinforcements are no more than a month away from Price, however, with mud still covering the ground I am content to wait as reinforcements show up and the land dries.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:57 am

Great game and AAR.
Thank you very much.
Nice victory by Stonewall. '62 CSA troops are really own.

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:07 pm

acme wrote:Great game and AAR.
Thank you very much.

Seconded :coeurs:
Forrest said something about killing a Yankee for each of his horses that they shot. In the last days of the war, Forrest had killed 30 of the enemy and had 30 horses shot from under him. In a brief but savage conflict, a Yankee soldier "saw glory for himself" with an opportunity to kill the famous Confederate General... Forrest killed the fellow. Making 31 Yankees personally killed, and 30 horses lost...

He remarked, "I ended the war a horse ahead."

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AGEod Grognard
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Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:51 pm

Thank you, gentlemen! This AAR is almost as fun as playing the game!
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Late May, 1862

Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:48 pm

Well, as expected, soundoff made a move. Fortunately for me, it was made by only half his army and they attacked piecemeal, coming at Richmond 5 days apart!

Now would be the perfect time for a counter-stroke, however, I just don't think that I have the strength to do it without heavy losses. Lee was able to inflict some pretty serious on Grant's and Whipple's corps, however, many of my own divisions are at half strength and half cohesion. I don't think they will be ready to fight.

Smith's corps at Fredericksburg is the only corps not yet engaged. He has 3 fresh divisions, however, soundoff has 8. 4 at Culpepper and 4 at Stafford so I am reluctant to throw them at Grant when some of these are bound to head for Charlotttesville.

Since the last a battle for Richmond took place near the end of the turn I don't think Bragg, Holme's, and Lee had time to march back to Louisa, so I am ordered Bragg and Lee There by rail. Holme's corps has been consolidated into Kirby Smith's new corps with 2 of his divisions going to Jackson. These are the worst shot up of the engaged troops and so they will stay put in Richmond for a few weeks to refit. Van Dorn is moving to Petersburg where his cavalry corps is massing.

A federal fleet tried to run the gauntlet of guns I've been massing along the James River. They made it in, however, I don't think they will make it out. They were hit by batteries at Norfolk, Suffolk, James City and Prince George! They are well under half-strength.

I am setting Smith's corps at Fredericksburg on defend and retreat since I don't think 1300 pwr is enough to hold off 8 Federal divisions in case of attack. I really need these troops as I am sure that there are federal reinforcements rushing to VA. In any case, Bragg and Lee, who are moving to Louisa, will be able to support in the case of another half-hearted attack.

3 cavalry raiders are making their way to delaware to cut rails on the eastern seaboard. Hopefully this will slow reinforcements and cause some additional annoyance.

Over in KY, Thomas has appeared at Bowling Green with 2 divisions. Holme's was transferred to TN and given command of a corps at Nashville. I've cut the rails at Clarksville and Gallatin (sorry sis!) and ordered Holme's new corps to move to Humphreys TN, along with ASJ to support Johnson's corps at forts Henry and Donelson. Bonham's corps will remain at Nashville.

I really wish soundoff attacks somewhere in KY! If he had done so already this would be a perfect time to smash Thomas' two divisions sitting at Bowling Green.

Bory is moving his HQ to Humbolt to protect some artillery forming there.
Polk's corps is now firmly entrenched at Charleston MO with two divisions. Small reinforcements will head toward Bory to make another small corps to support the two bde's at Island, no 10. I just need another ** general!

This is where Price and Pemberton come in. Fremont is on the move in MO. I am praying that soundoff does not sniff the trouble brewing at Springfield.
Pemberton's division is only two weeks away. I plan to hit Davis' command at Lexington with those two divisions, holding springfield with the new division who's artillery is nearly done as well! After they smash the small division I can turn on Fremont and work on getting Jefferson City and St. Louis!!!

soundoff has sent more ships back to BB. My brigs were able to mess them up real good, however, several have had to return to port for repairs after the encounter. I am still earning quite a nice profit in any case.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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AGEod Grognard
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Early June, 1862

Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:10 am


Well relatively quiet turn considering the buildup of the last two. Grant's corps retreated to Charlottesville. Unforunately I don't have any scouts in the area to get exact strength, however, since my units are still med\high cohesion after resting a turn with a medic I have to imagine that Grant's corps is rather low on cohesion.

Jackson's and Kirby Smith's corps will move through Amherst to approach Charlottesville from the SE. Bragg will attack from the east through Abermale. Van Dorn's cavalry corps at Petersburg will move to Fredericksburg entrenchments to help delay any attack. Smith's corps will leave a division entrenched at Fredericksburg and join Lee to move to Abermale to be in supporting distance of both Van Dorn and Jackson's columns.

Jackson and Bragg will reach Charlottesville eta 8 days while Kirby Smith will hit it on day 9. Hopefully I can catch the tail of the column. If not then Charlottesville is a nice place to hold. I'm hoping to cut off Roussea's corps, in which case he will need to retreat into WV, effectively taking him out of the game for a month or two!

Additionally I have ordered cavalry to Culpepper, Manassas, and Alexandria hoping to cut the rails and hinder yankee reinforcements\retreat path. 3 cavalry regiments were also dropped off in DE to break the lines around Wilmington.

The most serious issue, intentional or not, was soundoffs attack of Lexington, KY! Since its miltia was hit by cavalry with horse artillery, I imagine it may been chasing one of my own cavalry who was heading to the city to refit. In any case it has taken me a little offguard, however, I did want this to happen eventually!

Forrest is ordered to take out a federal cavalry patrol at Christianburg. This will be a nice spot to jump into KY and OH to harass the federal rear.

JJ and the army of TN will hold positions between the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. Bory's army of Mississippi will meet Polk's corps at Dyer, TN, south of Forney's corps at Island no. 10. This federal move came a little early for my liking but I need to make due.

Over in MO, Pemberton's division arrived, however, he is STILL inactive and his troops need rest. I can't afford to wait any longer due to the situation in KY. Price will hit Jefferson City with the intent of holding it. JJ will reach Springfield in 12 days with reinforcements.

EDIT: After some though I have decided to make the following changes to the MO\KY west situation:

Polk's two divisions, under Hardee and Cheatham, will join Forney's corps around Island no. 10. Bory will move his HQ to Dyer, TN. Polk is being tranferred to MO to take command of a corps in the JJ's West HQ. The attack will wait two more weeks while JJ brings up the rest of the troops and Pembertons division is able to refit.

"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:28 am

The Federals suffered serious defeats. Considering the losses, and the FI value, it seems it wont be a long campaign...
What are your plans now? Will u keep up the defense and counterattacks, or are u planning overall offensive in VA to retake former positions?
And how about your economic? Inflation?
im newbie, why is it good to have marine regt in your army?
thx in advance

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AGEod Grognard
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Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:28 pm

Yeah there has been two bloodbaths in VA. So far I have 53k losses and soundoff 93k. However, he can replace these losses much more easily than I.
Not only that, his NM is still at a very respectable 97 to my 114, despite these losses.

Ideally I would like to take back all of VA if I can, however, I just don't think that will be possible. It took my army a full two weeks to recover to acceptable levels. I think a limited offensive, only to gain better defensive position, is doable.

Maybe soundoff will leave me an opening, however, he is getting real good at keeping everyone in supporting distance and defending his main depots adequately.

Brigs are bringing in lots of $ and WS. I am short on consripts. Inflation sits at 26%.

That marine unit is for Forney's corps around Island no. 10. With all the little rivers in the area, if soundoff makes a sudden drive south, I want to have every possible advantage with regards to movement. They provide a 50% speed bonus to the whole stack when crossing a river.
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."

-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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