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A bloody battle at Shiloh

Tue May 12, 2009 3:32 am

By request of her gracious majesty, Doomwalker and I have started into a friendly joust over the possibilities of a little place called Pittsburg Landing. We have taken up the this most arduous challenge, and will attempt to beat each other senseless (well that not hard for my opponent, as I have little sense to begin with - ah, but I digress). We decided to try a short scenario to warm us both up to PBEM (I think her majesty knew about the grand tourney, and wanted us prepared). I will be in the footsteps of AS Johnston, and Doomwalker will be following the exploits on one US Grant. I forget the options choosen for us by our wonderful host Redeemer. But here we go.
I will start at the beginning, and end at the end.

Onwards to adventure!!!


Here is an overview of the first round as seen from my lofty vantage point. Sorry for the [SIZE="5"]large[/size] black box over my main army. My goals are simple. Crush Grant. The first thing to do is get rid of those pesky command penalties (See picture below). I have a 5% penalty in Wharton's command, and a 20% penalty in Breckinridge's Corps. I have moved around some units to allow my units to fight with utmost efficiency (the names have been changed to protect the guilty, and so I don't give away too much information if we play this scenario in the grand tourney) :mdr:

Everyone starts together in a large pile hanging out at Tippecanoe, MS (I must do something about that), so I have moved a lone cavalry unit to Gibeon, TN to gain a more MC (before I move other units into). I have decided to move Bragg's Corps to assault Grant at Henry TN. I have ordered Hardee's Corps to Gibeon TN (to support Bragg's assault). Breckinridge's Corps has moved to Memphis (to dig in - just in case). Polk's corps will be moved on the east side of the river to threaten both Nashville and Fort Donaldson. Wharton and Forrest's command has been railed southeast of Carthage (for a special purpose :D ).

Here's the rub, I only have 100 CS points to spend. So I must spend them wisely on replacements. So I have decided to purchase 2 inf replacements, 1 cav replacement, and 1 Lt. Art replacement.

1st turn command penalties.JPG
1st turn overview.JPG
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Tue May 12, 2009 10:19 pm

That is a bold move against Grant. Of course, everything about the battle of Shiloh is bold. I wish you luck, sir.

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On Hold

Wed May 13, 2009 12:56 am

After conferring with legal counsel, and reading the tea leaves, I shall have to hold on this AAR (until after the Tournament 1st round scenario is choosen). This way, I will not be giving anything away if Shiloh is determined to be it.

Why give away a perfectly good strategy (I may use on someone else). [SIZE="2"]evil cackling laughter in background[/size]
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Tue May 19, 2009 5:31 am


You got me wanting to do one now also. :D I will hold off for now though, like you said I may use this against someone in the tourney. ;)
[color="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]“We may be annihilated, but we cannot be conquered.”

- General Albert Sidney Johnston[/size][/color]


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2nd Turn

Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:39 am

As the tournament has moved on to other battles, I thought it high time to continue the little AAR. On to battle! When we last left our heroes, the 1st turn had just occurred, and Gen Bragg had just opened a can of whup butt on them their union folk types. Due to an error in the game, I do not have the replay for my turns. This will make it hard to determine my opponents actions and what happened during the turn. I can say that Polk was stopped by ships, and that 2 battles were fought. Here is the 1st:
A nice little tussle, costing the union more than it cost me. I do know that Hardee's Corps MTSG at Decaturville, and that Wallace took an extra 37 hits attempting to retreat.

After Bragg nailed Wallace in Decaturville, he marched behind Wallace into Ft. Henry. The following battle occured. From the results, it looks like Wallace fled at the 2nd hour, and took an extra 17 hits for it. It does not look like there was any MTSG during this battle.

If you look at the 2 battles, Wallace has taken 54 hits during retreats, and 145 from the actual fighting. This speaks volumes about retreating during a battle, and why you should avoid it if possible.

On to orders:
We start in the left side of the map (where most of the action is!)
I have color coded the moves. Beauregard ([color="Red"]in red[/color])will move to Memphis to take over the Corps (I plan on making a division with Breckinridge). The Hindeman Brigade will march to Memphis to join old Bory (in [color="Yellow"]yellow[/color]/black). Polk with a Militia unit(who is not a good leader in my opinion, is moving to the AOM to assist AS Johnston ([color="Navy"]in blue)[/color]. Brewer's Cav will move to Ft. Henry to help hold it (it is a strategic city after all). Hardee's Corps will hold position (due to Grant being there). Bragg will hold position to recover Cohesion and help Hardee (via MTSG). A note: I have moved Bory to Memphis, as this is the union objective, and I really need to hold it.


Here we have Wharton's move. I am planing on causing my enemy supply problems, by capturing Bowling Green. I hope this ends the scenario with my victory. I am pretty sure Doomwalker doesn't see it coming, as my hide value (in the red box) is 5, and his detection value for Nashville is a 4 (which makes it a 2 or so where I am located).

On the home front, I have had to be sparing on my replacements. As can be seen from below, I have purchased some replacements. The biggest issue is the CS points (I only started with 100, and can not increase the pool by any means). So CS will be my limiting factor.

As this is a short scenario, I must watch my VP and NM totals.
battle of ft henry.JPG
battle of decaturville.JPG
Wharton's move.JPG
everyone else.JPG
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:41 am

Well, most everything went the way I expected this turn. Let's review the results from last round's moves:
1. Some maneuver
2. 2 Battles
3. Huge supply change
4. Guesses as to what is going on

Roll the footage.
The first battle says a man with a flourish:[SIZE="5"]HUMBOLDT[/size] (horns blare at the mention of the this name)


As you can see, a rather bloody engagement resulting in a victory for me. I was correct in my assessment of Grant attacking poor Hardee, and Bragg MTSG to help (and the crowd goes wild). Huzzah! The bad news is that I did not inflict any hits during his retreat (bummer dude). Ah well. This is where the lack of a replay (as mentioned earlier, I don't have one) hurts. I am not sure whether Grant intended to move to the west, or was forced by the retreat (and then did not move for 14 days)?

A man says with a bigger flourish and confetti, Dunddunda "the battle of [color="Lime"][SIZE="6"]BOWLING GREEN[/size][/color]. (a string band plays ruffles and flourishes).


Here we see a great victory against overwhelming odds (kinda of). If you look at the report, you see that Wharton had fewer troops (about 2,000 less men). But, as my opponent has 8 supply wagons, his "men" on the report is inflated by the supply soldiers (who do poorly in a fight). I want to draw your attention to a detail. I "only" inflicted 13 hits on the unit (6 ranged, and 7 assault). But I got in 8. that's right, 8 hits during the retreat (or 50% of the original).

On to orders for this turn. Unfortunately, a round of mostly inaction (as I must recover cohesion after the battles). I hate to allow my enemy the chance to dictate my actions (as reactions to his moves), but I must. This really grates on my nerves. I will leave Bory entrenching at Memphis, the AOM entrenching at Corinth, Bragg and Hardee recovering cohesion. This is necessary, as Hardee for example went from over 800 power last turn to 389 this turn (a huge loss). My offensive move on this picture is the yellow rectangle (a calvary unit moving to Paducah - to capture the supply there). This will help to put Grant in a supply bind.

Here is the eastern front, where this is much action. After capturing Bowling Green, Wharton needs a rest. I would love to hold Bowling Green, but can't. Also I thought I would get a bigger NM or VP gain for taking Bowling Green. And I can't let Wharton rest. My force is dangerously weak (it lost 50 power during the battle), and Buell is sitting there with 2 corps (they are weak, but are fresh, and could get me). So I have ordered Wharton to blow the depot, and retreat NE. It will take me 9 days in total (I hope the union moves slow). If you look in the circle, you see that I will be getting rid of a huge amount of Union supply in this (over 1,000 points of provisions, and 400 points of ammo). This should ensure that the union has a supply problem (hopefully early enough to effect the outcome of the scenario).


We shall see what happens to Wharton. We shall have to see what happens to the rest of the Army of Mississippi.
Wharton's move.JPG
everyone else.JPG
battle of humbolt.JPG
battle of bowling green.JPG
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:38 am

Hi Jim,

I'm impressed with the bold moves right from the start. I didn't realize the CSA could be so aggressive. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

It looks like a "hit" is 1/10 of a casualty. If you hover above the red casualties of a battle report, the extra information lists how many hits each side took.

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Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:11 pm

Meagher wrote:Hi Jim,

I'm impressed with the bold moves right from the start. I didn't realize the CSA could be so aggressive. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

It looks like a "hit" is 1/10 of a casualty. If you hover above the red casualties of a battle report, the extra information lists how many hits each side took.

The CSA has to be somewhat aggressive in these short scenarios. You can not simply sit back and allow your enemy to dictate the battle. You will note, that to win, I must hold Bowling Green, while keeping Memphis. If I simply sit back and defend Memphis, I can never win.

The hits are the damage to the unit. If you want more information, look at the attached link.

I want to show how much more damaging retreating can be than the actual battle. I have hit my opponent for "hits" during battles I won (and caused damage during the retreat), but a whopping 62 during retreats. That's just under 4 times as many. If you look at the flavor numbers, I have managed to inflict approximately 4,800 causalties (in men). That would mean approximately 1,000 more casualties were taken during retreats.

edit - reconfigured my numbers due to a misunderstanding of the hits calculation.
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Round 4 - Fight!

Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:39 pm

Well, not a good turn for me, but things could be worse. I really miss the replay (it wouldn't generate correctly, and I can't see my opponents moves :( :( :( ). Somehow, he got around behind me. It didn't help that Bragg sat in his tent and did not MTSG to help Hardee. Let me show you the sadness. I am not showing the destruction of my little militia in Jackson? (the locked unit just south of Humboldt). I was able to blow the depot at Bowling Green.

As a point, this is why I was so upset last round about giving up the initiative to my enemy. It was upsetting that my units had to rest (how dare they!), and it appears that my enemy's did not rest. Arrgh.

Here is the battle of Humboldt (lots of crying and wailing in the background as this is viewed).

Once again, the retreat was the worst part. I suffered slightly over a lot of hits during the retreat. [SIZE="5"][color="Indigo"]OUCH[/color][/size]. I much prefer to be the abuser, and not the abused.

A moment of silence for the departed please.

Let's move on. Here we see the eastern edge of the battle field. Was I correct or what on the movement of the union. It appears that Crittenden's Corps moved into Bowling Green (after I blew the depot and skedaddled out of town). And just look at the size of his Corps, 4 times as big as Wharton. Wharton is going to slide south to threaten Nashville or Bowling Green as opportunity merits (and going to hide in the hills to be invisible).


Now to my moves in the western edge.

Here is Cheatham's move (really lack thereof). As you can see, he took a severe beating during the battle of Humboldt. I am having his rest to get reinforcements. He also will hold Ft. Henry (it's worth a VP). The lone Calvary unit is going to cross the river so as to be able to join Wharton's command.

Here is everyone else's moves. As you can see, Grant is behind me (and closer to Corinth). The AOM will blow the depot, and march to join Bory at Memphis. Bragg will move to Humboldt and then south to engage the union. Hardee will travel south to be available for MTSG (he is not very powerful, but every bit helps).

A note about the power levels:
Last turn, Bragg was at 417. By defending (and not moving), he is now at 713. Whereas Hardee was at 389, but after combat, he is at 278 (his 235 + Cheatham's 43). Wharton has gone from 75 to 90 by just moving.

And last but not least, the current victory scenario:

Those killed during the retreat do not show in the total column. If you add up the battle screens I have shown, you get abut 12,800 (plus the 90 I killed when Grant squashed my militia unit) gives about 12,900. From my earlier post, you know that I killed an extra couple of thousand or so during retreats. So the total casualties only reflects those killed during the actual battle.
Wharton's move.JPG
Cheatham on hold.JPG
everyone else.JPG
Battle of Humboldt.JPG
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:20 pm


My point about the casualties and hits is that you are underestimating battle damage relative to retreats. If you see 4 little red casualty silhouettes, this represents about 40 hits. If you put the cursor over one of these red men, it will list how many hits each side has take from combat. I would post a screen shot to demonstrate, but I don't want to confuse your thread.

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Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:38 pm

I believe Meagher is right about this. But Jim still makes a valid point, retreating can inflict serious extra casualties and what appears to be a one sided battle can be offset by casuaties taken from retreating.

Edit- I've also always calculated casualties taken from retreating by multiplying the amount of hits taken by 30.

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Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:17 pm

You are correct. The red men on the after battle report is equal to 10 hits. So I have recalculated my posts.
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Turn 5

Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:05 am

Well not really a good turn for me. I had several things go wrong at the same time. For example, I had the AOM attempting to blow the depot at Corinth (they did not before they fled). I lost Corinth, and am out of position. See below for the low down.

Battle of Corinth (ouch). Actually only my milita unit fought, and the results show it.

Enough about abuse, on to my orders.
Here we see Wharton's command. It appears that he was followed into to the NE of Bowling Green. But I had moved away in time. No I am going to Carthage for food. I have placed myself in green so as to recover cohesion.

Here is the western orders. Cheatham is moving to defend Memphis (it is very important to me). Bory is moving to support Bragg (via MTSG). Bragg has orders to attack Corinth (before Grant can really dig in). Hopefully Hardee will also MTSG to help Bragg. I see Grant having 600 power, with 2 corps with 456 & 385 power (a total of approximately 1500 power). I have about 1600 power attacking (only starting with 700, everyone else must MTSG). I realize this is risky (not having 2 to 1 odds or better), but I hope to catch Grant before he can really dig in. I am sending the lone Calvary unit to scout for Thomas' Corps.

Last, but not least, I want to show my replacements screen. I am left with only 2 CS. All other CS points (that is 98) have been spent. I have used up most of my line inf and calvary replacements. The artillery replacements (I have purchased 1 of each type) may have been a waste, but Cheatham had taken some artillery damage last round.
Wharton's move.JPG
battle of corinth.JPG
everyone else.JPG
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Turn 6

Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:55 pm

Aargh. I hate cowardly generals. No battles this round :( . Maybe next. A lot of maneuver however. Lets see the moves.

Here we have Grant's army. He is now dug in at Corinth with a sizable force (approx. 1900 power). If you look at my units I have the double arrow icon circled. This time, no MTSG, everyone is moving in sync (one hopes). I really need to get him out of Corinth. I am gambling that he will not attack Memphis.

Here are my moves for the western half of the battle. I will send all 3 of my corps against Grant. I have approximately 1700 power vs. his 1900 (but I have superior generalship. Cheatham is going to attack Thomas' weak corp in Ft. Henry (I should have not left it undefended). Oh well. Gambles all around today.

Here are my moves for the eastern half of the battle. My plan is to remove the union's supply. The last major supply depot is at Ft. Donelson. I will send Wharton to investigate (not attack), but check it out (I hate to charge into a large corps). The lone Calvary unit is going to check out the view across the river. You may be asking yourself what's with the [SIZE="5"][color="Lime"]X[/color][/size] on the battle field? They are union towns without significant supply. (I see no brown barrels in the town). So the union will be forced to survive on what it produces each turn (if I capture the Fort). I am avoiding Nashville as Buell is too tough for Wharton. Also, where is the extra Union Corps? He is not under Buell. So I can't see him (worrisome).
Wharton's move.JPG
everyone else.JPG
Grant's Army.JPG
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Turn 7

Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:17 pm

Here we have turn 7. What a hoot. And remember, it's all fun and games until someone loses a virtual eyeball. 2 minor battles, and 1 major did not happen battle :( . On the bright side, I did not lose my entire army, on the not so bright side, I did not dislodge Grant. Roll the tape.

As you remember, I was marching my 3 Corps to attack Grant. I had them use the synchronize move order even. But dang it all if they didn't go all wise on me and retreat before battle. Double AARRGGHH!!!!!!!. Well, I can't trust to luck that Grant will just sit there the whole time, so I will not attack this round. I fought a small engagement at Humboldt (what a shame about Cheatham's weakened division). And a Calvary unit engaged a militia unit and retreated to Bowling Green? I miss not having the replay.

Here you see my calvary unit that retreated from the battle at Clarksville. Apparently, it retreated northwards, then moved to Bowling Green???? I have the unit in assault to capture Bowling Green, and have it moving to Gallatin.

Next up, the Battle of Humboldt, where Cheatham got mauled by Thomas' waiting Corps. I suffered 2 to 1 casualties, and on top of that, got an extra 7 hits during the retreat. What a mess I made with him. Now look at lines 10,11,12, and 15. I kept retreating from Grant.

[SIZE="5"]Now to Orders[/size]
Below is the moves of Bragg and Wharton. I am pivoting Bragg to attack the weak corps of Thomas and Crittenden. I will have 2 to 1 advantages in both battles (I have Hardee's Corps moving to support Bragg for the 1st battle via MTSG). Wharton is sitting next to Ft. Donaldson, and I am going to take it, and cause huge supply problems for my foe. I have a power of 136, and the garrison has a power of 36. Should be no problem. Afterwards, Wharton will cross the river, and attack the Clarksville Garrison.

Here is the rest of the orders. Sorry for the spaghetti version of the map, but my units are stacked on top of each other and everyone is moving this turn. I have given up on attacking on Grant, and am moving to softer targets/ going on the defensive. I plan on having 800+ power defending Memphis (Bory's Corps and Cheatham's div). The rest of the army is shifting west to help cover the approach to Memphis. I am moving Hindeman to Bory's Corps to help with the CP issues I expect to have. I hope I get there before Grant does with his 2,000 power.

And of course, the victory point scenario:

I am slightly ahead, but in 1 round he will make enough points to pull even. I need more points.

SO, will Grant attack? will Bragg's assault on the 2 weak Corps work? Can I take Ft. Donaldson? Can I win?
everyone else.JPG
Wharton and Bragg.JPG
Victory of shiloh.JPG
Battle of Humboldt.JPG
Battle of Clarksville and aftermath.JPG
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Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:32 pm

Great Job Guys!!! :p apy:

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Turn 8 - Lots of Blood

Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:45 am

The following posts are not for the faint of heart. There was a lot of blood on the ground.
[color="Red"][SIZE="4"]YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!![/size][/color]

Now then, on to the carnage. I have split this turn into 2 posts (as I am not that good with attachments). 1st we have the battles.

We start with the small skirmish at Ft. Donelson. I can't believe I lost. I have slightly men it's true, but most of his are supply pukes who wouldn't know a gun if it bit them. Oh well. The real kicker is that Wharton retreated westward (across the river that is guarded by boats)????? I can not figure out what happened.

Next up the slightly more important battle of Humboldt. Somehow Crittenden moved up, and got whacked by Bragg's Corps. Once again, the retreat got ugly for the union. He took 42 hits during combat, and then 18 more during the retreat. I think he retreated back to Ft. Henry, but cannot tell due to the lack of a replay.

Bragg has gotten his anger up, and charged the fleeing federals. This results in a small skirmish that turns into a complete rout by the enemy. If you look at the casualties, you will see 171 men dead (I scored 13 hits). But look below, and you see that I got in 19 hits (several more than during the battle) during the retreat. Ain't pursuing a defeated foe grand???

And now for the piece de resistance. You can see my joy from the following screen. Somehow, Thomas' Corps went via the river, and attacked Memphis. Luckily I had moved Bory back to cover that important city. This was a huge disaster for the Union. Look at those hits. Almost 12 to 1 in my favor. And I captured 7 subunits. I destroyed 15 subunits during the abuse session. There is jubilation in the streets of Memphis, as the prisoners are marched through the town.
Battle of Memphis (Ft. Bragg).JPG
Battle of Ft. Henry.JPG
Battle of Humboldt.JPG
Battle of Ft. Donelson.JPG
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And Now for Orders

Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:21 am

After the blood, comes the moves. 1st in the east. The calvary unit captured Bowling Green, but then moved away. Good thing too, as the union attempted to chase them down. Wharton is now to the west side of the river. I must get him back across. Therefore, he will move south, and end up just north of Lawrence TN (where 2 supply units should be waiting. The USA ships are blocking a direct path back to the east.

And now for the other moves. Hardee is going to cross the river and meet with the 2 union supply units I just captured (I don't care if they get caught). Bragg is going to march to Hardee 's old territory (smacking Crittenden on the way). Bory and the AOM are going to hold position and dig in. I am going for the jugular by moving Hardee to the east to attack Nashville. I will leave Gladden's brigade to defend Ft. Henry.

Let me show you what is transpiring in Corinth. In this picture, I have the supply filter on, and what does it show, but Grant running out of supplies. It's not effecting his power yet, but soon will be (I hope). The 2 units inside Corinth proper are Thomas and McCook (from the failed assault on Memphis).

Last, but not least, lets look at the victory screen. Common sense tells me I shouldn't mention this but, look how many VPs I gained for destroying Thomas' corps. I have moved into a sizable lead. If you look at last turn, I was in danger of being passed up by my opponent in VPs, but not anymore. I have plenty and to spare.
everyone else.JPG
Victory of shiloh.JPG
Wharton and Bragg.JPG
Grant's supply problem.JPG
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Last turn - kill'em if you can

Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:10 pm

Ah, the last round of orders. Can I defeat my union opponent? Let's take a look shall we?

First results from last turn's action. There was 1 battle, and some movement. With a few flourishes, here is the battle of Humboldt. What a performance, what a victory for me. Look at those casualties for the Union. He took more hits during the retreat. A total of 73 hits were inflicted upon him for the small price of 14 hits. I always enjoy a 5 to 1 advantage in damage dealt. Crittenden's force is spent, and in no shape for any more fighting. He started with 17 units with 7876 men, and now has 17?? units with approximately 3,800 men (or half his force is a casualty. I hope to finish him off this turn.

Next up is orders for my various units. Since it is the last turn, I have decided to be a bit agressive with Wharton's command. You can see in the picture below. Wharton is supposed to be on the east side of the river, but those dang ships have blocked me from getting my troops across the river. I will attempt to force the issue with Wharton. His power level is 104, while Johnson (the defender) is at 80. This is not 2-1, but hey it is the last turn. I need Bowling Green to win. I still want to capture Ft. Donelson, and have tasked Gladden's Bde to the task. The union only has a power 0f 35, and Gladden's bde is 57, almost 2 to 1.

Now to everyone else's moves. Look below, and you will see a lot of movement. I am still worried about Grant's inaction at Corinth, and will rush back to defend Memphis from the coming assault. Following this line of logic, leads me to take Bragg and his 430 power to join with Bory and his 920 power (that should stop Grant cold). I wish to help defend Memphis, so the AOM is moving SW to Hardeman TN. I belive that Grant will leave Corinth, and therefore have ordered the Calvary on Red/Green to assault it this turn. And last, but certainly not least, I have ordered Hardee to assault Crittenden's command, then move to Humboldt.

Now let me show you about Grant, and why I am so worried. Look below, he is in the red for supply, but his troops are still at peak power. Maybe next round he will start losing power levels, but not quite yet. He has over 2,300 power in that location, and it can put a real hurt on me.

And now for the VP screen.
Grant's supply issue.JPG
Victory of shiloh.JPG
Wharton's move.JPG
Everyone else.JPG
Battle of Humboldt.JPG
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Victory! or maybe not

Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:26 am

I have won a great victory, but in playing the tournament, I have seen where the CSA shows a victory, but the USA shows a draw. I will let you decide. Attached is the victory screen that popped up for me. I will admit, that I was unable to engage Crittenden's corps last turn (he was able to sneak away). Also, my fears around Memphis were apparently unfounded.

There were also 2 battles. I noticed that my opponent did not move Grant this time.

1st battle - Corinth. My calvary unit met the entire army of Grant, with predictable results. See below.

Here is where I attacked Ft. Donelson, and lost. Due to his high entrenchments, he took no damage whatsoever.

I was able to capture Bowling Green this time (without a fight no less).

And last but not least, the victory screen.

So, did I win? Or is this a case of my screen shows victory, and my opponents shows a draw? You must decide for yourself, as I personally am claiming ignorance at this point. I hope you enjoyed this telling of a bloody set of battles at a small place called Pittsburg Landing.
Battle of Ft. Donelson.JPG
Battle of Corinth.JPG
Taking of Bowling Green.JPG
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Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:33 am

Jim-NC wrote:Here we have Grant's army. He is now dug in at Corinth with a sizable force (approx. 1900 power). If you look at my units I have the double arrow icon circled. This time, no MTSG, everyone is moving in sync (one hopes). I really need to get him out of Corinth. I am gambling that he will not attack Memphis.

Hi, Jim.
I´m reading now your aar and for your knowing the double arrow only works if both forces begin the turn at same zone (I say to you for self experience :bonk :)

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Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:03 am

thanks jim was a good read, glad u pulled the cat out of the bag as it were.

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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:32 pm

Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:08 pm

nice mini-AAR. Great work. :hat:

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