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Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:15 pm

January 62

Okay soo since nothing has changed since last turn regarding fronts etc, this will be a brief update.
Most important thing ive decided too do is use Jackson's division in assocation with a division from the TN front , under A.P Stewart too remove Ft. Pickens from the game.
Will take till the end of Febuary to launch the strike, and April for him to be back in his Zone, but i feel thats acceptable in order to remove this ever present threat to my rear area.

The coastal defence division will also take part in the assault, it final has a leader in Robert Hooke a gentleman who is capeable of holding his own against those yankee dogs.


Now too the main focus of the turn. Troops.
As you may recall ive 669 lovely conscripts just dieing to literally do that for there country.
So ive called in the Taxes, and sent them out to form the regiments.


As you can see ive the basis of a good 4-5 new divisions here bringing me upto 20 divisions strength, which is quite pleasing and leaves me feeling well prepared to face the challanges of a new campaigning season.


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Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:09 pm

Late January '62

Looks like this will be a long summer folks. The war has started again, Hooker has just been spotted off our coast, at the moment we are unsure were he will land, Coastal Division has had it marching orders cancelled, and will now will full speed progress to the defence of Charleston, SC.
Meanwhile another division under the ever depressed General Holmes has been order to rail into Wilmington, NC. However i am doubtful that he could make it too there before Hooker himself does, so ive only issued defensive orders for him.
Once ive worked out the landfall location i will divert Jackson from his assault on Ft. Pickens to lead the counter offensive against the Union General Hooker.


Light blue is potential Landing spots that ive circled. Unless.... hes other plans. But given that its 1 division, id expect it too be a hit and run, perhaps even a fort buster assault.. lets wait and see.

Biggest problem is from last turn you saw that i invested in a lot of NC replacements, hope he doesnt roll all those up, that would call for a day of national morning.

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:02 pm

Early Febuary 62

Virgina/Northern Carolina

The situation is okay, Hooker is mearly on a fort buster to gain those extra premotional points needed to make him a Corps leader.
He can bust all day and soon as he goes home Holmes will simply de-bust the forts for me. The problem is.. i cant replace the coast artillery that is lost everytime he busts a fort. Swine!
The red line indicates the route i would expect him to take all things been normal, the green route would be a bit more annoying,, as it takes my troops really a considerable amount of time to make it too swan city, unless i want launch a water assault upon him, which is highly doubtful. Argh why cant the south build a better infostructure!


[SIZE="4"]Far West[/size]

Nothing of note happening here in the moment, I say in the moment because ive just found an intrestingly large amount of enemy troops in Jefferson City, now the question is are they for this front or are they going to head towards Grant and island no10? I hope the latter because hes still the wrong side of the missi, which as always makes me feel like a shining light is glowing within me.
However i dont expect this year to pass without several attempts from Barksdale to either cross or outflank my defenses further down stream. Only time will tell.


Also i used my embargo roll this turn will report with the results when i have them, along with a update on moral, vp, and FI.

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:48 pm

Keep up the excellent reporting MrT, really enjoying it. You guys are moving at a very impressive pace, too.

One thing you mentioned I thought I would comment on: you said your casualties were higher partly because of the ~3k troops under Hindman who starved. Well if they actually died from lack of supply and not a battle I don't think they will be reflected in the casualty report. My understanding has always been that those are the added up numbers from actual battle reports only.

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Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 am

Ah okay Mike i never realised they counted as a seperate tally. Im doing worse than I thought then.

Late Feb '62

Generally I would say things are beginning to heat up now, Barksdale appears to have decided this will be a long campaigning season for me, and rightly so considering the soft ride he gave me in the first year of the war, basically allowing me to take the key victory location in KY, however come the years end i expect to be safely back in either Bowling Green or in the worse case Nashville. Kentucky for me was never a long term objective and if you've been following from the start you'll have read that i only ever intend that zone to serve as a buffer creating me 2-3 months worth of safe time in the Tennessee theater of operations. All that been said, if he let me keep hold of it another year, i would not utter a word of complaint.

[SIZE="4"]Virgina/'North Carolina[/size]

It appears the war in Virgina has come with an vengence to the state that proudly hosts the rebel capital, Virgina. In the moment as far as I can tell I am under threat of attack from 3 different locations in Virgina and 1 location in Northern Carolina, although admittedly I do not consider Hookers apparent attempts at busting forts too be critical to the survival chances of my bleloved Confederacy.
The situation is dire, and its my own making. For some reason in Fredricksburg I feel comfortable leaving Beauregard with only 1 division under Walker to defend it. Now that the union has advanced into the gap between Longstreet and Beauregard, I can only presume he means too attack, which means he must be active, otherwise hes quite exposed there with his low chance of activation roll (1). So for the moment i will presume that an event has fired, forcing his activation. Now if im Barksdale, who do I attack when my general is active, Longstreet with a similar number of troops, or Beau who is weak-end by the departure of Holmes to deal with the threat of Hooker.
Yes ive come to the same conculsion also, poor old Beau is in for a world of hurt. However ive decided to try and rush a half divisions too his aid, one from Longstreet under Bee. That should give him enough power when coupled with his entrenchment bonus to block the assault from lil Mac, and if Mac strikes at Longstreet, well Old Pete will chew him up and spit him out like used Virginian baccy.
Onto the second Virginian problem, the Army of the James under Butler seems to have grown in PW to around 400 strength, discount the fixed power of Ft. Monroe which is about 400, 800 strength seems a lot to defend against Rubbles poor division of 240 strength, So i would expect an attack in that direction in the nearish future, meaning strengthing time for Rubbles lies ahead.
The third and Final problem in Virgina is this, see those ships nicely ringed in sky blue, on there is 2 divisions of troops. I have no idea were they are going, unless its a extremely cheeky attempt to steal Richmond from under my nose, Well... if so good luck sir, ive 700 power rating in Richmond with all those lovely new troopers i order two turns previously, rushing there like children towards a free candy give away.
Finally as a side but unlikely thought, Hamilton might make an attack towards Longstreet just to ensure that i hold his full force in place, or am too weakened to launch a counter attack against a successful little mac assault.
On a none related point it appears that either Barksdale hasnt noticed Jackson is away, or is soo worried about his location that he dare not move his 3 divisions out of the mountains, Which for me, is a good result. I couldnt fight off this current attack plus the mountian divisions coming down.


Jackson will launch his assault on Ft. Pickens next turn.. then rail straight back too VA, with all the troops under his command, so that will mean 3 fresh divisions into the fight there, under the command of captain agression himself Jackson.

Also this turn i took a bad roll on the FI, but he still has to make his roll yet, so am hoping for a good result from that, FI is still a real possibility if i can keep my NM higher than his.


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Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:22 pm

Hi Mr T,

Very entertaining AAR, keep up the good work. Now I could make a number of observations except for one I won't....the games yours to win or lose not mine ;)

The single observation I will make is that once Corps kick in its a luxury you cannot afford to have two armies in Virginia......then again you probably know that :love:

Go for it Johnny Reb....just hang on to Richmond for 62.

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Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:08 pm

Hello Soundoff, glad to be able to please such an esteemed reader as yourself.
Yes there is errors that I have made, for example earlier on I should of kicked Hamilton out of Alexadria with Jackson, and secondly, why did i send Holmes to the coast too chase Hooker.. when i made a division just for that job... shot myself in the foot there.
Just got the mail from my opponent and his words are

Battle at Fredericksburg...

good or bad i wonder, well time to look. Will be back with an update later tonight or on the morrow.

Also Soundoff and this applies to other readers... if when Barksdale has spanked me.. you can inform me of were i went wrong, i would be greatful to know.

Your respectful writer,


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Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:12 am

Early March '62

[SIZE="4"]Virginia/North Carolina[/size]

Singing and dancing in the streets of Richmond, the Yankee invaders have been crushed. Unprecedent scenes of jubilation can not even be supressed the possible of anililation of Old man Ruggles division (screenshot no.2) before the end of the month.
Now finally we have Corps.. which is good and bad. Good because finally I can fully use the CSA generals to maximal effect in support of each other, bad because... I cant till Jackson gets home... at least 3 turns from now.
Okay so too explain all the beautiful colours on the pictures below, Pink round Joe Johnstons command means, that as soon as Jackson is back old Joes going West to take charge of those idiots, Price and Hardee, but more on that situation a little bit.
The light blue flecks indicate my safe zone round manassas were the defensive rock Longstreet is sitting tight, and wont be moved till hes outflanked, or 4-1 against.
The blue line is Hills division coming out of Richmond to help Baeu defend against the expected second attempt of lil Mac. who seems to have received another 1000pw in reinforcement, giving him over 1000 pw more than beau. Thus hills division sent to even things up.
The long red line, indicates were i would expect Milroy to arrive when he feels like it, also you will note i blew the depot at Strassburg, as I didnt want to risk losing it, and manassas can feed the region well enough, and when manassass is gone I dont want to be leaving anyone out there on a limb anyhow.
The final thing on the beautiful picturegram i have produced for you lucky readers is the yellow circle. This is Culpepper and im sure most of you are aware of its defensive bonus, when you have a corps in there it can support a whole lot of regions because of its highly unusual shape.
Vital Jackson gets back soon to take command there. Vital.
Ah and Johnson's corps in Richmond is been formed to drive the invaders from the Fort Monroe penisular, hopefully ;) .


Now onto poor old man Ruggles, who has 3 choices ahead of him as I can tell it, prepare to die, prepare too spend a long spell in hospital or thirdly, enjoy sometime eating northern food.
His position frankly is hopeless, he had just enough power to make sure Butler stayed put in his Ivory tower, but now the cunning Barksdale has landed a 2 division corps in his rear area, frankly he is done for.
What I expect to happen, which is then obviously what wont happen, is that Thomas and Butler will corps up together. Then Butler will attack Ruggles and Thomas will mtsg, or visa versa. Then together they will march to Thomas's current starting location to threaten Richmond as much as possible.


Remember all those loose units previously forming in the Far West without a leader, well now they have a leader, Mr. W.T. Sherman. Frankly i wish they'd go back to been damn leaderless! Thats why dear old Joe Johnston will come over here and take command as soon as Jackson gets back too his position in VA.


Finally a little word on the situation in the trans-miss, ive finally started recruiting milita for the defence of New Orleans, and a General is on route. By the middle of year i hope to have a division dug in complete with art for the destruction of enemy troopers upon the beaches.

Also last turn it appears my opponent is a little short of cash and took the chance to print money... meaning hes recruiting like its going out of fashion, or hes short on rail points, which i doubt.

Well next update will be shortly, Im a turn behind atm was busy yesterday.

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Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:25 am

Late March '62

So Jackson after his victorious strike upon Fort Pickens, is railing home to sweet VA, he has detacted a division under Holk too mop up the survivors that are currently hiding out in Florida. Shameful of them not to stand and fight like men.


The battle was more expensive than i would of liked.. but at least now he has to fight his way back too land in the deep south.



Nothing has happened here, Ruggles is still alive, but i suspect this is his last turn, now the command under Thomas has regained cohesion and thus its PW, it will be goodnight Ruggles. Or hes planning on starving ruggles command to death, well Ruggles has his supply wagon and has food for 5 more turns, by which time FT. Norfolk will have kicked the enemy fleet out of the river. Per turn that fort is inflicting 100 points worth of damage on the fleet in the middle James estuary. Nice eh?
Oh and because im luckier than Lucifer himself, Lee is unlocked. So hes now in charge Beau was fired, which is okay, Lee has more senority, so no moral hit. Beau himself was sent to take command of fort Norfolk, his fort command bonus will be valuable there later on I believe.

[SIZE="4"]Tennessee/Kentucky [/size]

Launching my final offensive here, trying too reclaim the conscript town of Lexington, for at least a round or so.
Should be possible 450pw against 1385 power. Only possible whoopy cushion on the seat in Buell, sat in Cincinnati with an unknown power, bad scouting by me. I've also abandoned more or less Louisville, I dont have the troops to defend both approaches against the masses than he can field, so ive let just a single milita unit in the city to mantain control until he Barksdale decides too snatch it from my grasp.
As you can see i expect Grant and Sherman to appear from the left of Louisville anytime now, since ive lost sight of both of them. Therefore the main defence of this theater will come from Bowling Green which can be attack mainly from just 1 side.


Also this turn I have begun ordering everything that i can recruit out of KY, dont want too lose access to those troops like i have those in MO.
Thats the 2 inf 1 12lb brigade in KY, and the 2 inf 1 cav brigade in VA.


also used my call for enthuastic men and boys the confederacy does not discrimenate by age or height, mearly by colour. Due to my high NM 113, that was a successful option raised a further 371 troopers for the cost only 2000 $ per company, cant match the north for men, but that surely helps. Also Barksdale yet againt printed money... by my reckoning his inflation is now around 14% not counting for sunrises. As long as mine stays within 20% of his.. I am happy enough.


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Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:55 am

good updates!
waiting outcomes!!
runn jackson run!

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Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:57 pm

Early April '62

Well while reviewing this turn I am searching for positives, and frankly I have found one. Yes it was that bad. Also I have learnt a new annoying tatic the union can use, board cavs onto ships, park ship in deep south river unload cav, reload cav, cav gains new food, repeat. Thats quite gamey Barksdale quite gamey.
Okay the whinge over with, lets review the disaster, i mean turn.


Well if it wasnt for Longstreet been an exceptional General things could of been a lot worse here, appears that the normal hero of the confederacy Lil Mac, decided to activate this turn and launch frankly a brutal assault with what appears too be two corps of over 1000 pw each. Cunning move by my opponent, he split his forces in alexandria and assigned them too a new corps. Then with his MTSG he was able to produce about 3000 pw against Longstreets 900 instead of 1800 against 900. 1800 against 900 is okay for me, when the 900 Longstreet power against 1800 Mac power.


Consequencely, my whole frontier in VA is unbalanced at the moment. Meaning now, running like as startled deer in car headlights, is Joe Johnston, exposed as he and Magaruder are in Harpers Ferry, they have orders to blow the rail then forcemarch to Longstreets location, they should be there by day 8, hopefully before any further attack from the AoTP with the genius lil Mac at the head can strike.
The only good news of this whole episode is this, I still have Culpepper which is what i consider the anchor stone too my defence in VA.


On the right side of the VA front things are still looking grim for Division Rubbles, hes 3 divisions behind him and 2 divisions infront of him. Hooker appears to have arrived in Ft. Nolfork in sharp order after blowing the seaside fort Clark in North Carolina. This means the instant return from coastal operations of Holmes division, to reinforce the capital prior to Jackson's (3 turns...) return from the south, when we shall launch an offensive against the divisions on the Ruggles penisular.



Well you know they say great minds think alike, heres hoping thats true, both me and Barksdale spotted the weakness in Lexington, however he was able to get his troops there first. Casualties were took, and we failed too take the town despite vicious hand to hand combat.


Therefore I have order Albert Johnson to retire to Louisville and recouperate for the next two turns. I feel safe doing that as Grant has finally appeared on the map in the Far West area just next too Rolla. However looking at his dispositions I would expect him not to sit on garrision duty in Rolla, unless Barksdale is planning something devilish even for him. I expect a crossing to be forced over the missi, or for him to forcemarch down towards Memphis and turn my flank like the dog he is, or thirdly and personally this is the worse outcome of the 3, take little rock and cut off Hardee and Price. However at the moment i expect them too link up with Pope opposite Polks position and thenceforth begin probing assaults upon the confederate banks of the missi. Therefore I have abandoned what i had previously labeled fort 11 infront of fort H & D and sent the most of the units too form a new division under Polk, while sending the remainder to strengthen the garrison of fort H & D.


Recruitment and rail points[/size]

At the moment I am vexed with recruitment.. last turn you saw me order.. 4 infantry units and 3 cannons. Yet in my recruitment list I have only recruited 1 unit, a cannon. Now i expected with the 2% inflation to suffer some price varation, so i left 10,000 confederate dollars behind to account for that. But to have lost, 4 line units and 1 cannon unit, and have no extra money leftover... well im preety annoyed too say the least.
So this turn ive printed money, and recruited everything that I can get out KY, the big 4 inf 1 cav 1 cannon brigades, the 2 inf 1 cannon bridages and 2 inf 1 cav brigades. I have also recruited the remaining 3 cannons.


Since ive 4% price varation this time I have left 100,000$ too cover the difference, if that isnt enough, I shall complain too the cowards who wont join there companies!
Also this turn I purchased 120 rail point and 20 water points.. rail is tight at the moment with Jackson hogging it all with 2 divisions, and now im trying to rail the 3 division under hooke north also for the counter attack, so frankly i need the rail points just to shift supplies around.

Last TN picture comes later sorry all.

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Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:17 pm

Wow. Lexington was brutal, Manassas was tough, and inflation killed your recruiting. I hate when that happens, so I make sure always to leave tons of money to deal with inflation, or I do the money thing one turn and the drafting the next to avoid such unpleasant surprises.

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Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:38 pm

enf91 wrote:Wow. Lexington was brutal <snip>

Lexington was brutal for mainly one reason. Just look at that defensive entrenchment bonus of Buell....a whopping 400. That indicates (assuming Mr T's previous turns picture of Porters power strength at Lexington is accurate) that Barksdale joined Buells troops to Porters....thus retaining the entrenchment bonuses. IMHO one of the weaknesses of AACW1. Not a game breaker but something to always bear in mind. ;)

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Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:53 pm

soundoff wrote:Lexington was brutal for mainly one reason. Just look at that defensive entrenchment bonus of Buell....a whopping 400. That indicates (assuming Mr T's previous turns picture of Porters power strength at Lexington is accurate) that Barksdale joined Buells troops to Porters....thus retaining the entrenchment bonuses. IMHO one of the weaknesses of AACW1. Not a game breaker but something to always bear in mind. ;)


Not for nothin', but there really does not seem to be any trick/exploit that Barksdale is unwilling to use.

Ah well, everyone plays their own way.
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Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:14 am

Yep it appears that Barksdale joined another division onto Porters, and thus gave me a smacked bottom.
However it wasnt as bad as it could of been, was considering assault status to make sure he didnt retreat into the town.. am only glad I didnt.

n.b. I only post the strength ratings when my scouts have shown me them.. i assume they are always accurate or does the deciever ability effect this? But having said that the union has no early deceiver generals anyway I think.



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Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:51 pm

MrT wrote:n.b. I only post the strength ratings when my scouts have shown me them.. i assume they are always accurate or does the deciever ability effect this? But having said that the union has no early deceiver generals anyway I think.

From the wiki:


* This element or general is adept at establishing dummy positions (Quaker guns and such), camouflaging to the enemy the real strength of his Force. +1 to the Hide Value of the Stack, if entrenched.
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Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:17 pm

gchristie wrote:From the wiki:


* This element or general is adept at establishing dummy positions (Quaker guns and such), camouflaging to the enemy the real strength of his Force. +1 to the Hide Value of the Stack, if entrenched.

Except from my experience, the ability increases the HV of the individual elements rather than the whole stack.

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Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:40 am

Late April 62

In the history of the confederacy this spring will go down as the spring of eternal torment. Sometimes i have the feeling the union is predestined to win the war, not because of there manpower or any other factor than they appear too be luckier. Maybe our bid for freedom is nothing more than a simpledream... a dream that you can hold for a fleeting moment before it vanishes in a puff of smoke...


Lets start with Division Ruggles this time, the poor gentlemen seems to have been a target of a vicious union spring offensive. I only ask, isn't been bald enough punishment, leave him alone you union devils. Luckily for the Confederacy Ruggles division held against the first, pathetic assault with consumate ease.


The problem then occured when his victory irked the union juggernaught, which then launched a second more powerful offensive, which really caused Ruggles too feel like hes been the victim of the lunch time bully stealing his small change.


All of this means that frankly Ruggles is "up creek without paddle" as my gran would say.

The other suprise in the VA theater was this.. remember i ordered Joe Johnstons miniture army to force march towards Longstreets position, using the evade order, well he and Magruder, walked straight into a union corps that had freshly arrived there. Damn. Casualties were roughly even when you take into account that I suffered 25 hits during the retreat, which for me is a good result. Although I think that may have been infulenced by Fosters assault status.. not sure why he was in assault status... considering he stayed in the region after the battle, unless he was heading to Harpers and then after fighting refused to move further...


The rest stands the same as before, an overview update will appear next time.


Let me be frank this is what inspired the first sentences of this post, have a look at the following news articles. Not once but twice just imagine how gloating i could of been had I managed to take those gentlment down. For me that was quite careless from Barksdale and not somthing I would of expected from such a consumate player of the game


And now his fleet is parked in the middle of the missi just waiting too receive a smacked bottom from my river guns. Lets hope they can oblige this time. Quite an intresting situation at the moment, im preety sure there is some exploit for launching a river assault on island no 10.. buf for the life of me I cant remember what it is. Therefore im considering moving a division into the fort next turn... I think its doubtful that Barksdale will assault this turn, given his low cohesion levels, or hes started building weak pw divisions, i expect it too come next turn earliest.
The green river is the stretch that he cant cross because its controlled by my fleet... unless he wants too fight me out it, which looking at his navy hes welcome too try and do that. I would like another corps commander in Island no10 just to ensure that they also receive MTSG support like Polk and Forney do currently... Maybe it could be a job for my friend Holmes in the not to distance future (gamey yes, but this appears to be total war - and the side that try's to be honorable just increases its chances to loose).

Well this time everything I ordered arrived in KY... and it nearly all arrived in Louisville, which is good and bad. He wont attack me there now.. I have the equivilant of 5 divisions in Louisville by the end of this turn lol. Nice but a little bit out of balance... otherwise quiet front and not worth a piccie.

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Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:24 pm

[SIZE="4"]Early May '62[/size]

Well the Confederacy is still stand tall and proud, infact a giant among men would be a adept term. We are hoping to survive the year out without any further loss of territory to the Yankee aggressor, but we can never be sure. So onto the review of the steps taken to ensure the survival of my beloved nation.


We now have two army groups operating in the area, the army of the Mississippi and the army of Tennessee.
Joe Johnston had become bored of his lowly status in VA as a secondary army commander and has decided to spend his air-miles going too take charge of the Confederate bank of the Mississippi. Holmes also came to join him, as I feel Grant could launch his attack soon as, stated in the previous turns post. I do not want too be caught short here, any foothold he gains on this side of the Mississippi is one that I will struggle too remove, given the gulf in commanders, he has Grant and Sherman.. I have Polk and Forney. Although given my control of the river I would consider it a fools errand to attack across the water and risk having your ships sunk like ones below. Also I was tempted to order Buchanan to attack up the river with his fleet, but frankly its a even battle and I don't want to have to have fight that fight, mearly to gain possession of the river under his dug in forces on the far bank.


So now the Army of the Mississippi is there, we can successful launch a MTSG manoeuvre on our side of the bank, covering all 3 regions. That's the cornerstone of my defence here given that I don't have enough divisions too be able to match him division for division. Also see the yellow square, thats a new supply depot.


Now too Kentucky were the army of Tennessee under Albert Johnston, finds itself in the middle of a rock and a hard place. A new Army HQ has arrived with Banks, a weird choice for a commander, but neverless must indicate the start of an offensive in this area.


Now Barksdale been the cunning dog that he is, would like nothing better than too bottle me up in Louisville and starve me to death, so im retreating, he can have it. The army of Tennessee under Albert will retreat back to bowling green and there link up with forests command that has previously prepared the earthworks for such a move.
The division under W. Lee, will remain in Louisville till next turn to finish training, the immediately high tail it out of there back to Bowling Green, before the Yanks arrive to take the abandoned city.


Lets start with the sad news, Ruggles has been annihilated by those Yankee rascals. He fought bravely to the end, but sadly didn't have time to burn his supply wagon before the killed him, meaning the enemy has taken it hostage and doubtlessly forcing it too work for them.
Soon It will be time to wreck revenge on those Yanks remaining on my peninsular. Jackson with 3 divisions arrive in Richmond this turn. Then with over double the strength of Hooker he will evict him from his lair, and free up an extra 5 divisions to defend the main point of enemy aggression. Or that's the plan in the moment.
At the end of the turn Longstreet will have 4 divisions under him, and Lee 3 divisions, meaning I can assemble 7 full divisions too defend the frontier.


The enemy appears to have abandoned Manassas (orange circle), which is interesting, he's left two cavalry units to hold his entrenchment level but the rest of the army is in Alexandria. I have no idea what he's think there, because Manassas is a depot meaning if he wanted too he can replenish his divisions troops there. Unless its a trap, he wants too move into the Manassas area then been out of the range of MTSG, it would be Longstreet along against what appears to be 4000 power. I am reluctant to move Longstreet out of his trenches and into such a forward location without MTSG, and of course I would loose my defensive entrenchment bonus as well. I think we'll leave that this turn and see what appears in the next turn regarding Manassas.
Also grouping my cavalry units in the Culpepper region to form a Cavalry division under the able command of Stuart...

And finally the objectives booklet for your viewing pleasure.


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Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:01 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late May '62[/size]

Well if this turn was a member of the starwars film line, it would be called ''The Confederacy Strikes Back". From a purely baised point of view a wonderful moral boosting turn. Few little negative points within it, but generally not a bad bag of chips.

Nothing here has changed. The front is the same as previously, apart from the enemy has decided to re-occupy Manassas. Jackson with his 3 divisions have arrived in Richmond, However they need a turn too recover cohesion so nothing shall be happening there before next turn at the earliest.


So, my friends this is were the action was happening, lets start with the most important piece of news in my opinion, Grant crossing the missi. Barksdale obviously has not learnt yet, that the river is under the control of my guns and thus forced a crossing, with Grant and 2 divisions. However joyful to behold I gave him what can only be described as a spanking while crossing the river.


Meaning now on my side of the Missi, he has only 380 power... the troops are gathering for a forced marched into the island 10 region were hopefully they can destroy Grant and Sherman in 1 magnificent turn.
Joe Johnston will force march what formely was Polks Corps into the region while Polk awaits reinforcements. Now hopefully if I did this right, and I think I did, Polks reinforcments arrive on day 8 and day 10, Joe Johnston arrives in Island 10 region on day 13.. meaning Polk and his new men can MTSG.. basically im able to bring about 1800 power to bare on Grants 380.. which given the Marshy terrain of the region wont be a bad thing at all. Of course if it doesnt work, its still Joe's 800 power+350 power from Island 10 itself.thats still 3-1 and should be just enough for a marsh enviroment.


Over on the far side of TN Albert Johnson had a field day, his troops were walking alone the wrecked rail tracks back towards Bowling Green, when suddenly, Kearny's smaller Corps launched a series of offensives against them, after recovering from the initial shock of the attack, the rebels had a field day.


The rest for this area of TN is the same as before... will provide a bigger picture update next turn when everyone is nicely in there warm foxholes (its summer).

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Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:01 pm

good work :thumbsup:

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Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:44 am

[SIZE="4"]Early June '62[/size]

Ugh they say the best laid plans never work out, and indeed they are right.
Well on with the comedy or should that be tragedy.


I'm not really sure which disaster to start with, so we'll start with the much more damaging, the one that cost me 4nm points.
The underlining point here is in order to save my army I had to leave Louisville 2 turns earlier than I had hoped too. The last turn was okay I managed to get a division out under Lee, but unfortunately, there was still 2 brigades been constructed, both had 1 day left. Kearny came to the city and anihilated them even thou they were in retreat without a fight mode. Poor souls.


Onward to the next disaster, My wonderful plan to attack Grant just didn't work out, basically Polk didn't MTSG and I could not gather enough troops too inflict a victory over the enemy.


However at least Johnston had the brains to withdraw before things got really nasty, will assemble a larger force there asap, and remove Grant from my side of the bank, I consider 4-5 divisions enough. Will withdraw 2 divisions from Albert Johnston's AoTN, and bring them over too the AotM.

Also roving in my rear area at the moment is Curtis, with what appears too be a union division. Will mop that up in short order next turn. This turn im railing Forest to hold onto Nashville, and sending Van Dorns cavarly division against his weak supply line next turn as soon as he recovers his cohesion. Once he's isolated, I will attack to destroy him.


[SIZE="4"]Golden Virginia [/size]

Well they say war is 95% luck and 5% planning, well I'm hoping to achieve more than 95% luck. I have decided to embark upon a decidedly risky offensive in this theatre, the enemy is by Union standards isolated. 2000 power stands alone, the other 2000 I presume (horrible word in war isn't it) is back in Washington doing its dirty laundry etc. So the plan is this, instead of attack Hooker with Jacksons 2000 PW Corps, I am railing the round towards Longstreet and straight into the Manassas area, were the enemy has also 2000 PW lightly dug in. However there is the following 3 factors that make me confident of success here.

1)Its Jackson against Foster or Little Mac (presuming lil Mac try s to MTSG)
2)If MTSG kicks in Longstreet's Corps will MTSG (making it 4500 PW against 2500ish?)
3)He wont be expecting it, after all Jackson is shaping up to take out Hooker.

I know Lil Mac is sat in Alexandria with 1 division tops. Even if the union come out of Washington, I would still feel okay with the fight, after all if I can win here his entire summer of campaigning will have gained him next too nothing in the VA region.


In-case of a Union offensive assault in the direction of Washington from Hooker, which would be highly unlogical, since he thinks I've 7 divisions in the Capital against his 5 (I think) on the peninsular, I have decided to send a division from Lees army too take boost the PW of Johnston's Corps up to 1500 power. This will also allow me to continue the offensive operations in the western half of VA, should the situation permit.
Also this should at least send a shiver or 2 down Barksdale spine. I know he's 4000 PW in the area, if he loses 2000 of it.. well Washington sits like a rip cheery too be plucked from the tree, given that I could quickly assemble well over 5500 PW for an assault on the city.

Also I have sent Stuart round the rear of the Union Lines to commence rail cutting operations.

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Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:31 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late June[/size]

Well next time I have a good idea, slap me and tie me down till it passes. Aaargh!

Well on the left flank in Tennessee nothing has happened at all this turn so i'll briefly recap, Johnston is gathering strength for a push against Grant in the next two turns, possibly around 6 divisions will be used in the assault given the frankly horrible terrain. Curtis has retreated himself from the region near Nashville, rending offensive operations in that zone, irralevent.

[SIZE="4"]The not so golden Virgina[/size]

Jackson got a smacked bottom, for two reasons, firstly Longstreet dislikes Jackson and so didnt MTSG, secondly the other 2000 power wasnt doing it's washing in Washington, it was infact having a BBQ event in Alexandria, so poor old Jacksons 2000 power was alone against 4000 PW, luckily he was sensible enough to retreat without wasting his command away in a idiotic assault (as per my orders).


Hes now joining Johnston in preperation for a renewed assault against Hookers position. Nothing else to report, everyone still has the same amount of power as previously so left that of this update ;) .


Far West Theater

Well time for a renewed offensive in this theater, with a local objective, retake the depot at Fayetteville, then i'll stop and rejudge the situation. But im not happy with him having such a foward depot, so my troops will launch two seperate attacks again the two seperate divisions that Barskdale has seen fit to leave like ripe cherrys on the trees.


Lets hope for the best.

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Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:56 pm

Reconnaissance Mr T, reconnaissance. Dont go in merely thinking that you know what the enemy can bring to bear when you are making a serious certain. He can afford the losses you cannot. Get those cavalry forward. ;) You will still end up misjudging the odd battle or two but hopefully you won't be caught cold by Corps you were unaware of.

Keep it up though you are doing well :thumbsup:

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Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:32 pm

Indeed a totally relevant point regarding the scouting Soundoff that could of prevent the disaster at Manassas. As you will see this turn, it was taken on board. Why fight two enemys when one is more than enough.


Everyone is sitting tight, while Jackson with nearly half my Virginian strength will try and kick Hooker off the long strip line pertruding from Fort Monroe.
As you can see in the picture below i've a clear power advantage, the only problem is that hes dug in deep, infact so deep that if he digs deeper ill have to visit Australia to fight him. You will also see that ive actually ordered my troops passed them, incase they decide to retreat back towards Fort Monroe and to press home any early round retreats by the enemy. Secondly too avoid anymore MTSG disasters, i have used the Joint movement orders. If they dont fight together, I just have to presume every General in my army has a problem with Jackson.


[SIZE="4"]Far West[/size]

Over in the Far West, Hardee is sitting tight, the first cherrie on the tree got wind of the plan and retreated towards, Lyon in Fayetteville.
Because of the attritional cost of covering the ground between FT. Smith and his current location Hardee has recieved orders too sit tight, then possibley launch a retreat towards FT. Smith next turn.. 2 divisions each here will only ever result in a stalemate. A good Situation for me, and for him also I suspect.


[SIZE="4"]Tennessee [/size]

Over in TN nothing is happening... still waiting for Joe Johnston too assemble an attack force.
By Bowling Green, Kearny is moving fowards and am currently trying to scout out his strength, but looks like 3 divisions against 3 in the moment. I also plan to start construction a fort in Nashville before the Winter sets in, just too give me a solid position to fall back on in this region. After seeing there effectiveness in the Soundoff against Banks match up, I feel almost compelled to build one at this critical junction.


Also Barksdale rolled a -14 on the FI roll reducing FI too a lowly 55, will post a booklet update with the next post, just waiting for the current offensive casualties to come into effect.

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Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:45 am

[SIZE="4"]Late July 62[/size]

Well Gentlemen, the height of the summer is here, after a long and frankly bloody spring, the Union is beginning to crank up the pressure, am facing advancing yankees from 4 different directions. I feel the run up too the autumn will have my troops stretched thinner than the Bank of England's bank balance.


Like two north paws in the ring fighting it out, we both decided to swing our hopefully overwhelming hooks in the same move.
Lets begin with mine. Basically this was Jacksons attempt to throw the Union from the Fort Monroe finger. The problem is hes dug in deep in woody terrain, which if I understand it correctly, gives me a pathetic frontage along which too attack.


Never the less looking for a bright point in an otherwise grim result, hes in the field and cannot replace casualties. So hes 6000 troops down and with lowered cohesion, in most of his units due to the combat. More on that shortly.

Now to the successful defence of the left shoulder of Richmond by R.E.Lee and Longstreet, both co-operated beautifully, and defended frankly superberly against the enemy, giving me a large amount of hope for holding out for the remainder of the year.


Infact when you do the maths those two battles cost him more troops than me, a good result overall from the two battles but not quite the casualty ratio that I was hoping to achieve.

For the next turn I have order a continuation of the assault upon the position of Hooker, given that he has taken casulaties from the last one,
The 3 divisions under Ewell seem to have take all the casualties from the first assault of the Monroe Finger, so the other still have high cohesion and strength, so they are thrown in for a second round of fighting, hopefully this time I can drive him from his position with the forces of Jackson and Johnson.


Stuart is continuing his raid into the enemy country. Also at this point I most say why hasn't Barksdale recaptured Harper's Ferry, I am currently gaining 1 WS a turn + other resources from there for a total of 0 garrision.


Here I am launching a desperate attack on Grant with the Army of Mississippi, the troops started marching last turn with close too 2000 power but they seem to have been decimated by cohesion loss during the march, and are now down too 1300 power. Unfortunatly this is my last chance to assault the enemy before Grant will gain island no10 due to the lack of food in the fortress.


On the right you can see the grouping of troops under Kearny and Banks for what I would expect to be an assault on Bowling Green in the near future. Nervous times ahead for the Army of TN. Lets hope they can do there duty.

[SIZE="4"]Far West[/size]

Lyon has made an intresting move out to the left flank of Hardees taskforce, so to counterattack that, Ive ordered troops back towards his most logical target Ft. Smith, and given that hes highly unlikely to be able to attack Memphis this season, ive withdraw over half of the defensive troops from there, and sent them towards Little Rock, which can be the only other objective that Lyon would head towards given his weird location upon the map. As soon as it turns out that he is going to fort smith those troops will be sent back too Memphis asap.


As a second thought, if he does goo towards Little Rock, I am tempted to withdraw division from Johnsons Mississippi army, and using it to relieve Little Rock, then launch an attack upon Sumner to totally cut off the retreat of Lyon and start rolling up the Unions holdings in MO, forcing him too divert 2 more divisions to the theater.. but thats the what if scenario.

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Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:39 pm

[SIZE="4"]Early August 62[/size]

Well folks, the year is drawing too a close I suspect there is not much longer left in this campaigning season. 4 or 5 more turns possibly, enough time for another offensive from the Union. Too be honest I am not looking foward too the next year, This year Im at full divisions, all 30 divisions, and am comfortable with the defensive situation, but next year I feel it will be the beginning of the firefighting job, rather than just holding established positions.


Not really alot happened here since the last turn other than Jackson's second offensive was met with stiff resistance from the enemy. i Think that I shall launch one more offensive the turn after this one, and then abandoned the idea unless I have made some real progress.



Urgh, basically the current position has become undefendable, I have too retreat in order too maintain a sembalance of control over the territory. The 4 rings indicate were I shall position my corps in order too hold him in the top half of the land. Holmes as been order to abandon Island 10 with the troops (which should be possible given that i have 5% military control of the region. The only down side is.. he has to go by river past the enemy guns. Ouch.
Also you can see ive detached Forrest's command to head towards the Far West theater, but more on that shortly.


This was the battle of Island 10, cohesion loss basically removed any chance of been able to compete against Grant's entrenched force. Damn marshy land.


Now remeber Albert Johnson who was defending bowling green, well Its been offically renamed Bowling Yellow, given that the southern troops ran so fast from the battle there im suprised they remembered to bring there rifles with them.
Cowards. So i've preposed that we shoot 1 in 10 of them to remind them that its better to die facing your enemy. However Albert is not that keen on the idea, so im not hopeful.


[SIZE="4"]Far West[/size]

Okay, ive decided to attack directly onto Sumners force given that Hardee and Price are both active together and can make the march in 15 days, with nearly a 2-1 pw advantage that should be enough to at least force a siege.
Meanwhile Forrest is railing and sailing round from the TN theater, to kick Lyon out of Little Rock, arrival due in 30 days, were my troops who were railed over from Memphis last turn, are holding out strongly. Hopefully this will work out beautiful.


My pathetic embargo roll, is displayed below. As far as I am concerned that wipes out nearly any chance of FI.

The overview booklet, which tells a good tale apart from the FI score. Otherwise generally I am pleased.


Also this turn given that now the lack of troops kicks in until I conscript ive decided to make my first steps into industrialisation in the Confederacy with a low level in Georgia, too ensure I dont starve to death next year.


Also i called a one time tax and raised 1,164,000$ the turn previously which isnt too bad.

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Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:14 pm

[SIZE="4"]Late August 62[/size]

Well.. quiet turn in general one disapointment in the turn, with Forrest's brigade, not sure what to do there now other than try again, but more on that shortly.


Well Jacksons going again with his recovered divisions, hes now a 3-1 pw rating advantage, if he cant take it this time, Im abandoning the offensive here permently and leaving 2-3 divisions dug in to hold the location and dispurssing the rest into more important locations.


Meanwhile Stuart is continuing raiding and blowing the enemy rail lines, hopefully the enemy will divert some troops to try and counter attack the threat hes posing too the rear area.

Otherwise in Virginia we are still engaged in the staring contest over the Manassas regions boarder. Perfect for me. Not sure, about him, but hes only launched one real attack this year upon my VA front. So im not sure Richmond was an objective he was aiming for this year.


Over in TN, Forrest division got blocked crossing the river by the enemy fleet that somehow bypassed my fleet, then parked itself outside Memphis without been bombard. Annoying for 2 reasons:-

1) How did his fleet get past mine without a fight.
2) Why didnt Memphis bombard his fleet.

Two hard breaks that really I could of done without in this war.
Also I want to mop up those single Brigades pointed out with a yellow circle, not happy with him securing his forward supply line so cheaply.


In the middle of TN my withdrawl went as planned, am looking for the enemy to capture my abandoned positions, and bring a full 2 -3 corps to bear on this point of my line, its weak and wide. Annoyingly so.

Over in the East of TN, my line is baised upon 1 key defensive point, Nashville, I cannot lose that location, otherwise the defensive position will be totally hellish, I'll outflank myself on the left as well, which basically unravels my whole Western theater. That Fort can not begin construction soon enough here. Unfortunatly, I cannot begin construction for another 2 turns.. need those damn cannons to get here asap.


Van Dorn continues his efforts too deny Banks Mamonth army supply.

Far West[/size]

Lost the first battle here, but I believe im low on Cohesion, am waiting two turns to recover cohesion then I am going to retake the town, or retreat. Hopefully the former.


And the Battle report.


Also nothing has changed around Little Rock were Lyon is sat making a seige trying to recover his cohesion. Hopefully he wont assault before Forrest makes it there.

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:26 am

On the fleet front, I have noticed that fleets are not very good about stopping other fleets from bypassing them. I believe it is a WAD. As for Memphis, there are many reasons why a unit might not bombard a fleet, (for example, the whole 2 regions disaster, not enough range on the cannons, his fleet has evade combat orders, etc) This happens a lot in the game. Just wait until a fleet runs past the forts at the mouth of the Mississippi and land a division at New Orleans :( (I hate when that happens).
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:19 am

[SIZE="4"]Early September 62: [/size]

Brief overview is this, all large scale Offensive action is stopped now for the remainder of the year, objective is simply not to give away more ground that we have currently ceded during the course of the year.
Virginia [/size]

Well Jacksons last assault was repulsed with disgusting easy, so I've abandoned that idea for the remainder of the year as I said I would last post. Jacksons command is too be disbursed to various other commands in VA, Johnson is too become the left shoulder of the defensive line based around Culpepper. He will travel there with 2 divisions, a further 1 division shall be sent to Lee and Longstreet each, leaving Jackson with 5 divisions, 2 of which are shot too pieces and need refitting before been considered useful for future action.


Also from the overview picture you can see Barksdale has quite brilliantly surprised me with a manoeuvre involving militia, mainly the landing and capture of my towns in VA/NC, including one 10lb cannon in NC. Hats off sir hats off. The cavarly no capture trait is no handicap too the thinking player, it just limits the range of the capturing. Better start militia building in these “safe” rear areas asap, especially with '63 coming soon and the cavarly raiding will begin in ernest then.



Nothing has changed over here, the enemy has mopped up the remaining free city's that I had under my control, in the foothold above island no10 that I was forced to give ground in. The biggest pain in the ass here, is Barksdale's frankly masterful use of the river too deny Forest any passage too Little Rock. Once again he was blocked mid river, meaning now I've 30 days of hard overland travel to make in order to successfully reach Little Rock, however I feel that will fall too Lyon as given his cohesion recovery he is bound to assault this turn or next before Forest finally makes it round the river blockading offered by the Union navy.


[SIZE="4"]Far West[/size]

Other than the recovering of cohesion taking place by Task force Hardee I can see nothing else happening in these theatre of note. Other than Little Rock but that was covered by the previous theatre this time round.

Surprise for you dear readers, McCullochs former Texas Command has finally reached California after 4 months of marching, so he's nearly free of cohesion, will leave him 2-3 turns too recover cohesion and then he shall launch an assault upon McDowell, who seems to be commanding the army of California.


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